Sam G: Ghostbusters Fan Film: EDIT; We'r makin proton guns!!

by SamG

18 years ago

Right, im goin to link you guys stright through to our forums as the site is playing up, and depending on your browser and service provider it might not show, theres nothing on it yet anyway.

by SamG

18 years ago

Sorry for double posting, but i only got these a minute or so after i posted the link.
Here are the images of the proton guns so far (these are older images so theres a bit more on them right now)

I will admit that these images are prehaps a little big…

by Guido75

18 years ago

i wish i had the mad skills to bust one of those babies out (*peter)

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Coming along nicely!

by SamG

18 years ago

Coming along nicely!
i wish i had the mad skills to bust one of those babies out (*peter)

So you like em then!

Guido75 what do you mean by “the mad skills to bust one of those babies out ” ?

by Guido75

17 years, 12 months ago

lol the knowledge base, craftsmenship, and just being gifted to build things from scratch…..and babies refers to a particle thrower your building

by SamG

17 years, 12 months ago

lol the knowledge base, craftsmenship, and just being gifted to build things from scratch…..and babies refers to a particle thrower your building

Yea, i got the “babies” bit.
Have u never made props or anything similar?

by Guido75

17 years, 12 months ago

never… not even close to having any knowledge or skill, i dont even know where to start lol on building anything

by SamG

17 years, 11 months ago

Right, we have a video up on youtube, its sort of like us playing with our software to see what we can do with it.

Do not laugh at it or i will hunt you down and kill you slowly.

Also, thats not me in it, its Ben.

Hope you approve!

by TyFire

17 years, 11 months ago

Actually, I love the SFX, but I think you should really try to work in the proton flare in there. Also there has been a small discovery on the web about new proton stream sound FX. It could give you a nice, uniqueness to your film. It's the original sound spliced with some sound from RGB, it's kind of retro. I could post the link if your interested. Also I love those Proton guns, there turning out so awesome! When are ya going to start on the other props? Hope to see more news about you film!