Sanctum of Slime DLC

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 10 months ago

Proton Charging is reporting the Atari is planning a release of a new challenge pack for Santum of Slime. It also has the trailer for the new release. There are 2 new modes: Lone Hero (where you can play single player without the IA characters) and Arcade Mode (which according to will give you only 3 lives). I might get it, but it will certainly depend on how much they are asking for it. The game itself was so bad I never finished it and haveb't touched it in months. (In fact I went back and started playing the first one again instead.)

EDIT: Sorry - I completely missed the thread where we had already started a discussion on possible new DLC. To any Mod - please feel free to add this into that one. Sorry again. – Who ya’ gonna call?!

by odyn1232

13 years, 10 months ago

Proton Charging is reporting the Atari is planning a release of a new challenge pack for Santum of Slime. It also has the trailer for the new release. There are 2 new modes: Lone Hero (where you can play single player without the IA characters) and Arcade Mode (which according to will give you only 3 lives). I might get it, but it will certainly depend on how much they are asking for it. The game itself was so bad I never finished it and haveb't touched it in months. (In fact I went back and started playing the first one again instead.)

EDIT: Sorry - I completely missed the thread where we had already started a discussion on possible new DLC. To any Mod - please feel free to add this into that one. Sorry again.

Not the game, just you. Beat the game in 3 days and have only 2 stay puft dolls left tat Im saving for replay till I can get the new stuff. I say it again, it's only a twin stick shootersmile – Who ya’ gonna call?!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 10 months ago

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. So saying that, I am happy that you enjoy the game. (Not being sarcastic). But also, I know plently of other people out there, including members of GBfans, who are having so much trouble with the game that it's not worth it to them either to try and finish it.

To be honest, I'm not quite sure what you mean by “It's only a twin stick shooter.” That doesn't make the game easy. In fact, I personally hate that type of control set-up so it detracts even more from my experience. (Again this is just person preference/opinion.) Also, it being a “twin stick shooter” or “arcade” game doesn't mean that Atari should get a pass if the game sucks.

Again - I'm happy for your that you like the game, and hopefully the DLC will prove worth the cost to you. It's a nice thought that with all of the different GB merchandise that we've been getting lately, companies are feeling comfortable with branching out to reach different tastes for different fans.

by odyn1232

13 years, 9 months ago

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. So saying that, I am happy that you enjoy the game. (Not being sarcastic). But also, I know plently of other people out there, including members of GBfans, who are having so much trouble with the game that it's not worth it to them either to try and finish it.

To be honest, I'm not quite sure what you mean by “It's only a twin stick shooter.” That doesn't make the game easy. In fact, I personally hate that type of control set-up so it detracts even more from my experience. (Again this is just person preference/opinion.) Also, it being a “twin stick shooter” or “arcade” game doesn't mean that Atari should get a pass if the game sucks.

Again - I'm happy for your that you like the game, and hopefully the DLC will prove worth the cost to you. It's a nice thought that with all of the different GB merchandise that we've been getting lately, companies are feeling comfortable with branching out to reach different tastes for different fans.

I was not saying he doesn't, I'm just trying to figure out whats with all the hate on this game. Lots of people are having a hard time with it, granted. But this is something to bring to the attention of the producers so that a patch can be released to drop the difficulty a bit. If the game sucks, thats one thing. But to say that it “sucks” because the player is not good at it simply hands the developers a pile of excuses not to make more titles out of Ghostbusters, with the justification handed to them with posts that are quite disrespectful towards them, even after a second Ghostbusters title. I'm quiet happy with the franchise coming back, but to much negativity could cause another downfall, and I don't want to wait another ten years to see games again. sad

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 9 months ago

Honestly, I may not have been completely clear in my complaints towards the game. I don't think the game “sucks” simply because I'm not good at it or I don't like twin-stick shooters. I think SoS is loaded with problems that have nothing to do with the difficulty level.
The gameplay itself is extremely repetitive and is really nothing more than any other generic shoot-em-up with a GB logo attached. I understand that they wanted to have quick-moving gameplay, but to completely remove the trapping element of a “bust” is crazy. That's what “ghostbusting” is. That said, I understand as well that you can't have the player trap every enemy out there - but I think that's where TVG found a great balance. The only use of traps in the game is with level end bosses - and it's been reduced to nothing more than random button-mashing. The regular “ghosts” through out the level are mostly the same things over and over again after the first couple of levels - they just change the colors so the player has to use a different weapon and come in larger and larger waves. And on the subject of the “different weapons” where in the world did these come from? And what's even the purpose (aside from the color-corrdination for maximum damage in game)? With all that was reused from the first game - they should have kept those upgrades to the packs. Half of the levels themselves are nothing more than reused levels from the first game.
The story had potential - but it dies out quickly because of the tacked on “new team.” They didn't use the likeness of the orginial 4, and the game doesn't use voice overs anyway. There was no reason at all to bring in a new team. They should have just let people play as the original 4 and let the story revolve around them. The comic-book style cut scenes are horribly animated and the text is entirely too small to read.

I really wish we could contact the producers, but Atari does not care to have any real contact with the consumers regarding either of the Ghostbusters games. I've been a member on the Atari forum since before the first game was released. It's like pulling teeth just to get any type of response, and even then it's a generic response that doesn't mean anything and obviously nothing comes of it. I have been completely unimpressed with Atari and their handling of the GB property. And I place some of that blame with Sony. From what we heard, back when Activision bought Sierra and decided to drop the GB game, Sony had multiple publishers looking to pick up the property. (Admittedly I don't know any of the details). But if they truely did have multiple options, why in the world did they give it to the company that is already almost dead and which could provide absolutely no support for its project? This was shown almost immediately when Atari didn't have the resources to simultaniously publish the game in the US and the UK and Sony had to come in to make sure it at least came out on the PS3 in the UK at the same time it was released on all platforms in the US. Further, there was originally a big marketing blitz that was planned leading up to the release of the first game. For unknown reasons, I suspect because Atari is in financial troubles, Atari dropped all of that. Sony made a poor choice and I think we are all paying because of it.

And I agree that you make a good point regarding future games - SoS was very poorly received. The critics completely slammed it. (Even the previews of just level 1 were saying they were board with the gameplay before the first level was even over. - I think that was on IGN.) Because of that, and it continually being trashed on the game's facebook page anytime something is posted, it wouldn't surprise me if they decide that it's not worth it to make another GB game. Personally, I think that's really sad - but they will blame the consumers when they should be blaming themselves. I think SoS was a horrible follow up to the first game, but I think a lot of the hatred for it comes from the fact that Atari decided to put money into making SoS instead of providing support or new DLC for the first game. (I for one would MUCH have rather they released new multiplayer maps, or a the parade level for the first game than make SoS.) Also, I'm not a PC gamer, but there has been an extreme amount of hatred for Atari from them (go read the Atari forums to check it out) because neither of the GB games released on the PC had on-line multiplayer capabilties.

While my post is very critical of SoS and some of the decisions regarding the game - if Atari/Sony/anyone-with-some-power is reading this post - there is some positive to be taken: the first game was absolutely fantastic. People have been asking for DLC and a sequel to that. If money would be put towards these items - instead of a cheap cash-in attempt like SoS - it will be much more well received.

That's my 2 cents - which after taxes is valued at only a cent, and it probably isn't even worth that much.