Saving & Loading the GB game, PS3 Vs's PS2

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 7 months ago

I had recently invested in a PS3 finally! had been saving for it for a while

My nascar game loads and auto saves, along with MLB09 without a problem BUT, the Ghostbusters game is supposed to have an autosave feature too, but when I got past the Sedgewick hotel I chose quit from the menu screen and put the disk back in later and it started me all over from the darn begining!

I cant figure out how to load were I previously was, and it should do it automaticly seeing how it uses the auto save feature, Anyone else had this problem?? What should i do?……………….

2nd, I have played the GB game on PS2 and now after playing it on PS3 its TOTALLY different, the PS2 version seams to be more like a cartoon, and the little movies between fight scenes are TONS better then they are on PS2 and they actually say and do things different, than they do on the PS2 version

I mean this is allmost like a totally different game from the PS2 console to the PS3 version, it actually plays just as if it was the movie it self, and when I was comparing the box art and screan shots in the store, the Xbox360 and PS3 seamed to have and look the exact same graphic wise, but the Wii and PS2 seam to have the cartoonish look

by rockstar232007

15 years, 7 months ago

It does have an “Auto-Save” feature, but unfortunately, it doesn't tell you exactly where it is auto-saving. And as far as picking up where you left off? If you quit the game in the middle of the level, you re-load your last check point (unless you do it in-game), so if you quit the game and, start it again later, you have to basically start the whole level over from the begining.

Xbox360 and PS3 seamed to have and look the exact same graphic wise, but the Wii and PS2 seam to have the cartoonish look
That's because A.) a different developer who handled the Wii/PS2 version, and B.) because of the hardware capabilities of those two systems.

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 7 months ago

Yeh thats true

I discovered that when first activating the PS3 console, if you do not enter a user name, and just go by “User1” the preset, (It WILL NOT SAVE YOUR PROGRESS), just a note for you guys who is getting a PS3 for the first time, make sure you put your name or something there instead of factory presets “User1” if not the system wont save were your at!

Ok, next question I'm sure alot of people would like to know, Can you unlock the GB2 suit on the PS3 version of Ghostbusters?? I redemed the Gold Proton pack allready

Allright now, Who is online with theyre PS3 and feel like teaming up for some ghostbustin action! My user name on the PSnetwork is the same as here, “ReplicaterZ” !!

Any one here have “Nascar 09” ??? Online for the PS3 I sure wish AJ Quick did, then we could put or driving skills to test, ha ha ha, I have a feeling it would end up under caution due to a crash LMAO!!

If any one here see's AJ Quick Online tell him I challenge him to a Nascar09 race on PS3 if he has one!! I'm ready!! Anybody, I'll race any one! Who ever here does nascar09 on the PS3 network let me know!

by Kingpin

15 years, 7 months ago

If any one here see's AJ Quick Online tell him I challenge him to a Nascar09 race on PS3 if he has one!! I'm ready!! Anybody, I'll race any one! Who ever here does nascar09 on the PS3 network let me know!

Let it go.
I'm sure if he knew you were challenging him, he'd outright ignore you.

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 7 months ago

Let it go.
I'm sure if he knew you were challenging him, he'd outright ignore you.

Yeh probably because he knows I would crash'm, & then I would probably crash you too! LOL

Nothing to let go, I'm just tryin to have some fun!

I said I'll take any one on here who gets online with nascar 09 thats what I said, How about you Kingpin? You up for a race?

I know if people here have Ghostbusters online then there has bound to be some ghosthead on here with Nascar besides myself(*egon)

There is a blank Template you can download to do custom paint scemes and I took the art from the cover of the GB game and i am working on a Ghostbusters Paint sceme, cant waite to get it done, pics coming soon! Keep an eye out!