Saving Problems with Ghostbustes on PS3

by markoshaughnessy

15 years, 4 months ago

Having a lot of saving problems with the PS3 version of Ghostbusters. I play the game for a while, quit the game or turn off the console and everytime I go back into the game its not giving me the option to Resume Career. It keeps saying New Career everytime I go into Career in the game menun. Can anyone help me out with this problem?

by jpwhittlebred

15 years, 4 months ago

YES! I have that SAME problem! Is there any way to fix this? Do other PS3 owners have this problem? The only thing I can suggest, which has worked for me the past three times this has happened, is when that occurs, restart the game. The career will reload, but you will still lose all your saved movies (they will all remain locked). It is SO annoying, especially since the first movie CAN'T be unlocked without restarting the career anyway. I was hoping that this would be fixed in a patch.

by robbritton

15 years, 4 months ago

With mine, as long as you don't switch off while the little yellow light on the front is flashing everything should stay. man, did i find out that the hard way!

by markoshaughnessy

15 years, 4 months ago

I can se the save file on the HDD in Saved Data Untility, but everytime I load up the game go into Career, it doesn't recognise the save file that's on the hard drive. Is there anyway of getting the game to recognise the save file without having to start the whole game again?

by Buckynohair

15 years, 4 months ago

It's only happened to me once. But I just went into multiplayer and exited into single player again and it seemed to work it out.

by markoshaughnessy

15 years, 4 months ago

I have no Ehternet cable to plug into it to get the Multiplayer menu if that's what you mean. I don't have Internet access regardless neither to download the patch, is there anywhere on the Internet to download the patch?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 4 months ago

I have no Ehternet cable to plug into it to get the Multiplayer menu if that's what you mean. I don't have Internet access regardless neither to download the patch, is there anywhere on the Internet to download the patch?

Aren't you using the internet to type on this message board? Unless you're at a friends house, you should be able to sign in to your internet using your PS3, an ethernet cable is quite cheap if you shop around.

by markoshaughnessy

15 years, 4 months ago

I'm using a USB modem in my laptop at my house which doesn't work with the PS3. I recently changed my Ps3 to a Slim which didn't come with a ethernet cable, but I think I have the cable from my old one, do I need it to get in the Multplayer menu?

by slimerjr1

15 years, 4 months ago

that happens a lot i hate that saving problem.

by markoshaughnessy

15 years, 4 months ago

Still having the old saving problems with the PS3 version of Ghostbusters, anyone got any suggestions or ideas as to how to overcome this and get the save file working with it?