Saw this on ebay, can anyone tell me what it is?

by tmx57

22 years, 1 month ago

Go to this link, and see if anyone can tell what the meter type thing on the left side of the poster is…


by wampaems

22 years ago

I was wondering the same thing…

by slimer3161

22 years ago

I think it's part of a projection game.

by winston18

22 years ago

That is part of the Dodge in the Dark game that came out. I only saw a picture of it so I don't know what it does but thats what it is. smile

by sg1star

22 years ago

ohh i know seing as i have the same thing on my forsalge page mib for 40.00 but that is the main part of the game, theres theres a disc that goes on that and the light projects whats on the disc and u ahve to doge walls and ghost, (ur sopposed to be driving ecto1)

by tmx57

22 years ago

Cool, Thanks everybody.