SciFi channel State of Affairs.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 1 month ago

A friend of mine while he was killing some time at my place of employ came across the SciFi channel forums. A particular post by a poster named Clockwork IX caught my attention. :
I have a theory as to the current state of television programming. Safety awareness is to blame. Safety has prolonged the lives of stupid people all over the world and as a result has undermined the process of natural selection. Prior to the advent of safety, these stupid people would generously remove themselves from the gene pool by performing stupid acts which today are prevented by safety. With natural selection out the window, stupid people have been allowed to reproduce indiscriminately and increase their numbers. Meanwhile, intelligent people have been putting off reproduction due to career goals and aspirations. With an abundance of stupid people in the world today they have had to simplify television programming, thus the creation of reality TV shows and ECW. Reality TV shows primarily cast stupid people, thus other stupid people are able to relate. MTV is a perfect example. MTV use to be a network for music as it's name implies. Today MTV is a reality programming nexus. Sci-fi channel was one of our last refuges and now it is under attack as well. ECW is only the beginning. Now we have shows like Cha$e, Estate of Panic, and Scare Tactics. The downward spiral has begun. It WILL get worse!
The end is nigh!
I actually believe that myself and find it refreshing that someone else does as well….it’s just a sad state of affairs with SciFi channel it would seem. Anyone else noticing this?

by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

I don't have SciFi, but I've seen the trend everywhere. It's Idiocracy in action.

by Dr.D

16 years, 1 month ago

The problem with Sci Fi is that the owners of the channel don't like science fiction. Sci Fi Channel died a long time ago. Now it's all stupid reality show (except for Ghost Hunters which I love) and all the good Sci Fi show are being cancelled off like Stargate and Battlestar Galactica.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 1 month ago

A few pages later after that post on that same board on SciFi channel someone also pointed out Idiocracy.
The whole thing strung a cord with me. SciFi at one time was a great channel but is losing, rather quickly at this point, what made it appealing and as of late it just seems like it is hemorrhaging the few good shows that still exist. I fear what the end result will be.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 1 month ago

I stopped giving a rats ass about Sci Fi after the cancellation of MST3K. Who really wants to watch “Army Of Darkness” and hear Ash say, "you're leading two things right now: Jack and nothing, and Jack just left town."

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 1 month ago

I stopped giving a rats ass about Sci Fi after the cancellation of MST3K. Who really wants to watch “Army Of Darkness” and hear Ash say, "you're leading two things right now: Jack and nothing, and Jack just left town."

Me actually. Bruce Campbell is the man.

by rockstar232007

16 years, 1 month ago

I stopped giving a rats ass about Sci Fi after the cancellation of MST3K. Who really wants to watch “Army Of Darkness” and hear Ash say, "you're leading two things right now: Jack and nothing, and Jack just left town."
Same here!(*peter)

by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

I fear what the end result will be.

Probably something similar to what MTV is now.

by Dr.D

16 years, 1 month ago

The end result will be the end of TV as the main source for entertainment. Maybe The Next Generation will come early and someone will invent a Holodeck. :p

by OniellFord

16 years, 1 month ago

Holy Crap. I had no idea that the owners of Sci-Fi did'nt care for Science Fiction. That's just plain stupid.

I have to agree, though. I used to watch the Sci-Fi channel alot due to Star Trek and Stargate, but now that they are gone, what is the point in watching the channel?

Oh well. Alot of the stuff I like is falling apart these days. First Doctor Who, then Stargate (with Stargate Universe), then Star Trek XI, then TRON and now the Sci-Fi channel. God, I feel very depressed. I just hope Ghostbusters does'nt follow a similar fate…