Screw the reviewers!!!

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Unless the game is straight out god awful they usually try to say some good stuff along with the bad stuff in there reviews…even if it does get a bad review. But honestly a 7.6 isn't necessarily a low score really…I do not understand why people think that it is

I think it was the reviewer who wrote the review trying to toss a positive light on the review…and I honestly think he loved it but like I said before in another thread found some flaws he or she just couldn't overlook

by 9sam11

15 years, 7 months ago

About an 8 is correct imo. This is probly the best movie game ever. Not the best game ever or of the year, not even close. As a GB fan i loved it, but some of it was to easy, it was REALLY short, the career mode has little to no replay value for anyone who is not a HARDCORE fan, and the mulitplayer is fun but can be lackluster at times unless your playing with friends.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 7 months ago

Unless the game is straight out god awful they usually try to say some good stuff along with the bad stuff in there reviews…even if it does get a bad review. But honestly a 7.6 isn't necessarily a low score really…I do not understand why people think that it is

I think it was the reviewer who wrote the review trying to toss a positive light on the review…and I honestly think he loved it but like I said before in another thread found some flaws he or she just couldn't overlook

lol I am pretty sure alot of people look over the bugs in GTA4. EVERY SINGLE ONE. That's why GTA4 has a 10.

Then comparing that to MGS4.. will be.. well it's MGS.. it's just good. I personally loved the story.

Then GB is like MGS.. should be at least a 9.

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

About an 8 is correct imo. This is probly the best movie game ever. Not the best game ever or of the year, not even close. As a GB fan i loved it, but some of it was to easy, it was REALLY short, the career mode has little to no replay value for anyone who is not a HARDCORE fan, and the mulitplayer is fun but can be lackluster at times unless your playing with friends.

Same could be said about Halo and alot of other top games

by 9sam11

15 years, 7 months ago

I think halo, being an original game, should get a slightly higher rank then GB. Also, im no real fan of halo, but the multiplayer in that game is superior to GB.

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

I'd prefer ghostbusters to Halo's multiplayer.

Being an original game? what do you mean? Like not based off anything?

If thats what you mean then Halo 2 and 3 are on a lower rank than halo 1?

by lionheart1

15 years, 7 months ago

If length of a game has something to do with quality of score, then a lot of reviewers need to rethink what they were saying about Portal a while back.

Personally, I find replay value in the career just to experience the game again. I dunno, it's like how I watch the GB movies again and again. It's a fantastic story with characters I love, so I'll probably play it over and over again just for that. The fact that it's hella fun certainly helps though.

by TheRazorsEdge

15 years, 7 months ago

I agree that playing the game more than once is equivalent to watching the movies more than once. The replay value is the plot and dialogue itself.

by Mr-Stay-Puft

15 years, 7 months ago

About an 8 is correct imo. This is probly the best movie game ever. Not the best game ever or of the year, not even close. As a GB fan i loved it, but some of it was to easy, it was REALLY short, the career mode has little to no replay value for anyone who is not a HARDCORE fan, and the mulitplayer is fun but can be lackluster at times unless your playing with friends.

Never said it was the best game of the year but it is the best movie based game ever.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 7 months ago

This game…including it's flaws…is perfect. The story is great, the controls are great, the voice work is great, everything is great and beyond anything I would ave imagined.

It has scary parts that actually had me jump in my seat, it had great flow, and the effects of everything were spot on.

Some say the story was too short…yeah this coming from the same people that just blow through the games without actually enjoying it. The game took me a good 10 hours to beat and I wasn't even trying to find all the hidden stuff. That is a good length in my book.

Game doesn't need to be 15 hours long otherwise it get's boring unless it is an RPG, but then again this is not. It was long enough to enjoy, yet it didn't over stay it's welcome. I believe this was said about Portal too.

This game gets a 10 out of 10 in my book regardless of what anyone says. Terminal Reality let me live my childhood dream without ruining it which is awesome to the max.

The only thing I could ask for now, is a DLC that allows us to fight the battle of Gozer from the first movie. That would be cool as hell.