Seb here folks

by Seb

19 years, 10 months ago

Hey Ghostheads,

Long time no “see” ! I thought I'd pop on and clarify some things.

1. The S&H is expensive because I'm located in Quebec City Canada and shipping to USA is considered internationnal so the S&H price is higher than if I were to ship within Canada. I did not make the rules and I am certainly not making a dime out of S&H. I'll be glad to show Canada Post proof of the S&H costs.

GCC S&H is 5$ USA and 12$ internationnal.

Also the S&H is based on a plane shipping, not ground, faster but a bit more epxensive. When you pay 38$ usually you want your stuff fast.

2. The specially designed box is indeed very sturdy and protective. What's the point in buying a 38$ book if it arrives with crunched corners? However the S&H costs for the box is about 2$, so out of your 13$ of S&H 2$ is for the box. Not more.

3. Please keep in mind that any transporter charges a “fuel overcharge” since we live in a quasi-oil-shortage, fuel prices are insanely high for everyone. So the S&H is a bit higher than it was before oil prices started to climb.

4. Why cancel the Diamond pre-orders? The pre-orders were too low combined with a prohibitive discount price which Diamond requests from any publishers. So B2C ( business to customers ) was the only solution.

5. Why not make it soft cover? This is a high quality book, a collectible for the shelves, something rare, in fact it'll be even more rare than the GB #1 retailer incentive since I expect to print less than 1000. So I want this trade to shine and be quite unique.

6. I understand that many are frustrated at the S&H costs, I understand but there is no other option for me at this point, it's either that or no trade at all. I wish there was other solutions.

7. This book will not be in book stores, so ordering now is very important. Book stores only deal with big distributors, not small companies like mine, plus when you ship to book stores your books are returnable forever folks. That's right, they can return those unsold at anytime. Plus they also require big dsicounts, as much as 70% off cover price so very prohibitive since they order in low quantities anyways.

Once this is all done and over, I'll sit down and write the story behind publishing comics in these day an age. Most would be surprised that most of small publishers don't make any money. I'm not trying to whine or expect sympathy, I chose to do this because of my passion for GB and I wanted to do it the way I thought was the right one.

I invested all I had and more, the creative team realized my vision of GB in ways I never thought possible and I am very proud of what we've accomplished. Now I hope people order this book because it really defines the future of seeing more stories afterwards, or not.

In a perfect world I would get 1000 orders for the trade, and then for the quarterly I would get 3000 orders for 56 pages issues (no ads) at 7.95$ each +S&H (3$ approx) and we'd be set forever. Alas perfect worlds only exists in our dreams.

My goal is not to sell the most copies, not to become a big powerful publisher, but to do high quality GB comics done the way they should be done, and deliver them to GB fans. In many ways think of this B2C idea as a GB club GB Comics for GB fans.

In the end I'd like to not loose any money while working on my favorite franchise of all time and do something people will buy and cherish. GB is a winner franchise, but comics are in a big decline so I need all GB fans to gather and make this happen.

Finally, I am thankful for all the support from you the loyal fans, without you this would not have been possible.



P.S. I hope I did not come off as sounding like an asshole. If I did blame my french origins.

by Cosmic-Riptide

19 years, 10 months ago

Ordered my copy today.

Admittedly I was irked. I don't have a credit card nor do I have a paypal account, so I had to have someone order the book for me.

I understand and appreciate the situation though, and I'm confident that I'll be 100% satisfied with my copy once it arrives. (*peter)


19 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, I hate all the bullshit associated with shipping. Can't wait for matter transporters so this way we could E-Mail shit around the world. :p

Well, no worries…I ordered my two copies.

by CaptainNate

19 years, 10 months ago


Thanks for the product you have provided us. The comic is great and I will continue to support it if it continues to come out. Just because I'm sometimes critical of certain things doesn't mean I don't appreciate the work you and the team have put into it.

P.S. I hope I did not come off as sounding like an asshole. If I did blame my french origins.

So do I. (*peter)

by Kingpin

19 years, 10 months ago

As soon as Iain gets back from the Lake District, I'll try arrange with him to get our copies ordered…

Failing that, I can try order from my regular comic dealer

And thanks for coming back here to post the details…I think there's some info there that was needed, but we didn't know the specific details of.

by Dougy

19 years, 10 months ago

Seb, mate, you've done a tops job with LEGION. I can't wait for the ongoing, but there is a very good chance that I won't be able to get your tradie now that we need to order it though 88 directly.

Here's why ( and I have looked into this); I live in Australia so the tradie (going off the price listed in PREVIEWS) will cost around $80-$90AU

The shipping, as you've listed there, will coast $24AU

Then there's the killer, the cost of convertion $AU into $US. Not long ago it cost me $10AU to convert the US equivialnt of $8AU. It coasts more the higher amount. Say another $20U So, in totaly, to get a HC of Legion it'd cost me around $124-$134AU, and that's only if the Aussie dollar stands as it does now. If it falls it'll be more. Being a student thats a bit of a whack, especially for one book.

So I beg you, if you continue with your idea to make the on-going a tradie series, please make it avalable through Previews or book stores, eg, avalable in a way other than directly through 88MPH.
