Sebastien here ! Hello Ghostheads !

by Sebastien

21 years, 3 months ago

Hello Everyone !

I'm Sebastien Clavet, the Art Director of 88MPH Studios, I'm joining you to interact with the fandom and have some fun.

I will pop-in when time permits, as I am very busy I can't reply to all single individual emails, I apologize in advance.

You have better chance to have your questions answered if they are posted here. I can't answer all questions of course but I'll reply to those I can.

For legal reasons I can not accept plotlines, or story ideas, so if any are posted here they are deemed non-solicitated material and considered public. So please do not send any either here or through the website as officially I will not read them. I stress the importance of this, thank you for your cooperation.

Eventually a official FAQ will be posted, in the meantime try to keep it civil and we'll all benefit from having fun discussions.

I want to address that all that might have been said before, by anybody, and labelled as “official” is NOT official. The official information is on 88MPH Studios website, and the eventual FAQ.

Whether you like or not our tangent on GB, please understand that this is the beggining and like wine we'll only get better with time.

I hope that ALL Ghostheads will join in this new Ghostbusters era so we can all make GB come back and stay for a long time.

Let the fun begin !


by texasgb1

21 years, 3 months ago

Welcome back my friend! I am looking forward to great things from 88mhp!!


by cj1

21 years, 3 months ago

Hey, glad we can an insider here, as I have plenty of questions your office could answer. The one Im thinking is is there anyway shape or form that you guys have the rights to the original RGB series from 1988-1992? If you do, you can probably re-release those in a handsome hardcover edition like DC does. Again, welcome back!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago

Hello, Mr. Clavet. We've been waiting for you…

I'm Dr. Riddle. I moderate this forum. I delete all locked posts to keep navigation easier in here. I'm also the Author and Idea guy responsible for the following threads in this forum:

The Yet-To-Be-Announced 8th Product…

Art Books, Posters, Lithographs and Wall Scrolls…

A possible action figure/toy line based on the new comic?

A new cartoon series strictly based on the new comic…

Deleted scenes in a movie adaptation?

If you ever need anything done, don't hesitate to contact me.

BTW my question: Will the same background stories/histories/families from RGB be used for the Ghostbusters in this revival?

by Sebastien

21 years, 3 months ago

CJ : RGB series ? You mean the cartoon or the NOW comics ?

Dr. Riddle : Thanks , and nice to meet you ! This GB incarnation is inspired and based on the original movie, in that sense we are using very few elements from RGB. Although don't get me wrong, I love RGB.


by Scoleri_Brother

21 years, 3 months ago

Hi Sebastien, I'll definitely be picking up a couple copies of each issue. I have a few short questions for you

#1 - will there be a zero issue?
#2 - will there be variant covers?
#3 - how does the license work? do you make X amount of issues or do you keep going until you feel ready to stop?

thank you very much, I can't wait for the new comics!


by lordvego1

21 years, 3 months ago

Hello Sebastien, nice to see you back! I am looking forward to the new comic and the new world of GB (although it might not match how the backgrounds of the characters might have already been written). So long, I wish good things for this project, and to see it in my home!

by Sebastien

21 years, 3 months ago

Brink : Thanks I apprecaite !

1. There was a #0 planned, but we could'nt make it in time. Issue 0 was The Zeddemore Factor. However you will see that story, we have'nt scrapped it and its a fun little story too.

2. Yes, but not a whole slew of them. The comic market is very tough and the variant covers do increase visibility of the title.

3. We can do as many as we want, as long as they are approved and they sell well. So I guess its really up to the readers that will determine how many we do. So get the word out there



by Sebastien

21 years, 3 months ago

LordVego : Hello there !

As far as backgrounds of the characters goes, we go based and inspired by the original movie. We are not going to turn their backgrounds upside down, but “extrapolate” inspired by the 1st movie. So they guys are still the guys



by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 3 months ago

At your booth at SDCC, I saw some things that looked like pinups or something like that, will we see those in print and what exactly are they???

Also, any idea when we'll see the Zeddemore Factor on the comic racks???