Sebastien here ! Hello Ghostheads !

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 1 month ago

Will the 1st issue be double sized or anything like that???

About how many pages of actual comic will be in each issue???

by toygeek1

21 years, 1 month ago

Pagecounts are usually given in the Previews ads, if someone who has the issue wants to check, but you average comic will run around 22 pages…sometimes up to 25.

by Sebastien

21 years, 1 month ago

22 pages


by robertknippels1

21 years, 1 month ago

Hello Sebastien,

In the first place I want to thank you and your compagnie for bringing us these ghostbusters comics. I really looking foreward to it…and I think that the art is really GREAT. This can not fail.

My question is if the populairity of the comic is good ( and I know it will be good ) is there anny change that other countries also can order those comics?


Robert Knippels ( a fan from the Netherlands ).


by Sebastien

21 years, 1 month ago

Q : My question is if the populairity of the comic is good ( and I know it will be good ) is there anny change that other countries also can order those comics?

R : This could be explored if the comic is doing well. Also there needs to be a demand for the comic from other countries.


by Ghost_buster20

21 years, 1 month ago

If the Comic is like 22 pages are we gonna only have like alittle more then half of the comic the story an the rest of it facts, images, preview of the next comic inline an summary?, like the Spawn comics cuz its kinda annoyin how the back of the book is full of crap that can be found on the main website or just stuff some ppl arnt really intrested in. waste of pages if you ask me, but thats only my opion again

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 1 month ago

When will we non-Previewsbuying Ghostheads going to be able to take a gander at the Slimer variant cover and retailer incentive cover for #1???

Will there be more wallpapers on the official site??? If so, when???

THANKS! (*peter)

by BlueWaveGB

21 years, 1 month ago

Whats up Sebastien, just read this post recently but all sounds very cool and looks good from the stuff Ive seen so far.
Are you going to for sure make the whole 4 issue mini series right?
I mean, if the first issue doesnt sell well (which I dont think will happen) but if it starts off slow, your still printing all 4 right?

Why didnt you keep GB in the 80s? I think its gonna be cool, but Im still interested as to why you made that decision.

by Scoleri_Brother

21 years, 1 month ago

question for ya Sebastien,

could you please post the two over comic book covers?

I can't wait to see the :-@ cover!

-danke, BrinK

by back

21 years, 1 month ago

Will the comic have poster pull=outs as in several other comics?
im gone.