Second Life Ghostbusters

by spengs1

17 years, 10 months ago

A “franchise” is a chapter of our international Ghostbusters club. Based in part from a draft of Ghostbusters where at the end of the movie, the Ghostbusters would have had a corporate office building with the facilities to handle the business of ghostbusting for franchises located in other locations. The script even mentioned a fleet of Ecto 1s. (*_*)

Sometimes I compare GBI and its franchises if it were real to a fast food chain. For more information about GBI, check out the About area.

As far as what you and your friends are doing, its similar to what other franchises are doing. Except in a more virtual way. I was wondering if yours or any 3D Gaming group wanted to be a franchise, would they qualify. I think so, I'd have to talk to the board.

by SLGhostbusters

17 years, 10 months ago

I see, i think. so what benefits would we get by becomming a GBI franchise?

by misfit1

17 years, 10 months ago

Crossing the Streams
so i downloaded SL and i have to say

i was VERY disapointed with the game


I really wouldnt say it was a game, I'd liken it to a chatroom with graphics more then a game.

by spengs1

17 years, 10 months ago

I see, i think. so what benefits would we get by becomming a GBI franchise?

See the F.A.Q area of the site. If you're interested in joining, please see the Join area.

Stupid red tape. :-)

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

Crossing the Streams
so i downloaded SL and i have to say

i was VERY disapointed with the game


at least you did not bid for it

ha ha


by SLGhostbusters

17 years, 10 months ago

Ok, last post for a bit, getting a bit spammy!

Here's Joe and his work in progress:

Also some of us met up yesterday for a trial bust, lots of fun :0)

Suck in the guts boys, they're taking a photo!

by flynn1

17 years, 10 months ago

That's me in the Pic with the ECTO-1. I'm Joe Renneville in Second Life and the ECTO is one I'm working on.

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

Ok, last post for a bit, getting a bit spammy!

Here's Joe and his work in progress:

Also some of us met up yesterday for a trial bust, lots of fun :0)

Suck in the guts boys, they're taking a photo!

Your Ghostbusting experience is never complete until you've met an anthropomorphic Hedgehog… or is that a wolf? :p

by misfit1

17 years, 10 months ago

Ok, ok, i'm in, I've got far too much on my plate already. But few things first.

How do I get that proton pack? I understand you can make your own clothes (and I will) but i'm interested in getting that pack!

by SLGhostbusters

17 years, 10 months ago

i'm interested in getting that pack!

Hi Misfit, the proton pack that you see in the first pictures is available from the shop “Fell Off a Firefly”. You can search in-game on the name, or on “Ghostbusters” to find it.

It comes as standard with the jumpsuit, badges, boots, walkie talkie, belt, and a positron collider that does nothing. If you want the working PC it's available seperately, and that comes with the sound effects and animation. The proton pack is also animated with the blue power light and the red nuclear accelertor lights. The lot will cost you 500 L$ which equates to $1.75.

I'm working on a complete busting set for the RPG that will have a PKE meter for detecting the presence of ghosts, a positron collider that will hold a ghost and stop it moving, and a trap that will capture the ghost, hopefully ;0)