See this art by me, Michael C Gross, GHOSTBUSTERS producer

by Washu

18 years, 7 months ago

Wow! That art is awsome.

by JerseyDevil

18 years, 7 months ago

I liked the paintings; they're quite organic.

And the mag covers: the infamously classic (back cover?) Volkswagon ad that pushed buttons. Did this issue bring about a lawsuit from the Kennedy clan? {I thought parody was legally immune}

And the Travel/Airplane issue: how many people fail to notice the view outside the plane is upside down?

They're all brilliant representations of the time & effort of both artist & writer.

by mikeines

18 years, 7 months ago

I liked the paintings; they're quite organic.

And the mag covers: the infamously classic (back cover?) Volkswagon ad that pushed buttons. Did this issue bring about a lawsuit from the Kennedy clan? {I thought parody was legally immune}

And the Travel/Airplane issue: how many people fail to notice the view outside the plane is upside down?

They're all brilliant representations of the time & effort of both artist & writer.

From MichaelCGross
Thanks for the kind words.
Volkswagon sued (and won) not kennedy. We ran the VW logo unaltered, so it could be precieved as real (or so said the lawyers from VW) If we had altered it, it would be porody and ok. The travel isssue..yes subtle. We took pride in being smart..and a joke that takes a second look is always a better joke. Yes, those were the days…
now I run an adult site (MUST BE OVER 18 to view)

life goes on

by matthew1

18 years, 7 months ago

Welcome back to the forums Michael. It's great to have someone connected with the both the Ghostbusters movies and cartoons visit the site and talk to the fans.

Good art work. When did you design that terror dog pic? What are the other pictures from?

I heard about that Ghostbusters day in Italy. What is it it a convention? Please tell us how it was when ya get back.

by sinister1

18 years, 7 months ago


I'm afraid that this is a family board, and links of an adult nature are NOT permitted under any circumstances. As such your post has been edited to remove the adult link. We hope that you understand and continue posting here.

Many Thanks

by mikeines

18 years, 7 months ago


I'm afraid that this is a fmaily board, and links of an adult nature are NOT permitted under any circumstances. As such your post has been edited to remove the adult link. We hope that you understand and continue posting here.

Many Thanks

ooops..forgot..of course I understand..I live two (or three) lives..gotta keep em seperate.

by gjustis1

18 years, 7 months ago

A trip to Italy?

I call BS.

Check the IP.

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

His IP checks with no existing user and he hasn't posted any link outside of that single site which could be a potential scam.

I was similarly disbelieving… but if I must.

Mr. Gross, you were here once before… simply to enlighten us and help solve the issue of your identity, what was the reason for your being here last time?

by river_of_slime

18 years, 7 months ago

First off I want to welcome Mr. Gross to the boards **Hands Mr. Gross two smokey traps** Welcome aboard (*ray) Second I want to say thats some pretty cool art work, i wish i can draw :-( . Enjoy your stay here Mr. Gross, it be cool to hear some stories about Gbs from somebody in the inside :-)

**shameless plug** Check out my website please (*ray)