selling ALL GB episodes(my original episode set)

by SlayerGhost

21 years, 6 months ago

HEY THIS POST IS WRONG NOW I HAVE TWO MAYBE THREE BUYERS FOR THIS SET THAT I HAVE READY TO BE SHIPPED!!!!(but someone or two may back out of the deal so e-mail me if you are still interested.)
set is 120.00 with shipping and handling
SPOOFUSS if you are out there hurry up and e-mail me!!!!


by Stoofuss

21 years, 6 months ago

Hey- I've been trying to contact you forever– and my name is STOOFUSS- did you block me on AIM or Email? Because you've pretty much dissapeared as far as my comp goes, and you never told me you got your Master set.

by SlayerGhost

21 years, 6 months ago

Yep the new master set came in the mail like 3 days ago sorry i havent been home to talk to ya!!! I went on vacation. I got the impression that you were no longer interested because your mom told you no to the whole thing or something but yes if you are still interested shoot me another e-mail and i will get this baby sold to you!!!

by SlimedHeroWinston

21 years, 6 months ago

That's really a great deal. I'd definetly get that if I didn't have so many episodes. Do you sell seperate ones?

by raystantz2

21 years, 5 months ago

Do you sell seperate ones?