Sequels that Should & Shouldnt be made... List them here

by back

17 years, 1 month ago

All right, weve all gone to the theaters, rented from blockbuster or ‘Downloaded’ (isnt that illegal? lol) movies and after watching them you just think…
“this Deserves a sequel!”
and its true, some movies are just that damn good! Deserving a Sequel for one reason or another, list the ones that deserve one here!

-National Treasure
okay, we all know that the 2nd National Treasure wasnt as good as the first, but ‘Indiana Jones: temple of doom’ wasnt as good as ‘Raiders’. so they made up for it with ‘The last Crusade’. i think a 3rd cage treasure hunt is in order.

-China town
Okay, granted that this flick is 20 years old, but it left you asking questions, begging for more. re-make it, make a sequel or make a very late 2nd installment would ya?

Alrighty, ive heard giggles about scripts flying around and such, but as ‘Clerks II’ came out Waaay later than most sequels are expected, the Goonies should come back once again, gotta love those treasure hunts.
2 movies? cool! a 3rd?! no freaking way! lol …as much as i love those guys suiting up and all, even with the new game comming out and all a 3rd isnt a good idea. it just Isnt. id like to say its self-explanitory, but opinions always differ, so you guys can think about that one. lol

As much as i Love ‘Sly’ i cant stand the idea of that red ‘hair tie’ whipping its way around the jungle, Again! 3 of them 20 years ago was really cool, but 20 years does alot. dispite it being Fictional, sometimes ya just cant lie about age. as Danny Glover would say (as ‘Sly’ Should say)…
“im too old for this sh*t.”

-Any Disney Cartoon!
i know that its all about the money, but making a sequel to Any cartoon these days is like making a sequel to ‘Hot Rod’. please dont waste our time anymore in false hopes of something good comming out of a ‘Direct to DVD’ movie (even Worse if it hits theaters).

im gone.

by sinister1

17 years, 1 month ago

Wow. back is back.


Shrek 3 should NEVER have been made, the second however was a vast improvement on the first with a story which NEEDED to be told. Sequels should only ever be made if their is a story begging to be told, not if you have to invent one. Shrek 2 explored the idea of what “happily ever after” really means. And had a great original plot. Shrek 3 rehashed the horrific alternate interpretation of King arthur, and lacked any interesting comedic moments.

Men In Black 2? What was the point, it could have worked out ok, except as soon as Agent K was back with J, any character development that J had enjoyed at the start of the movie was lost and we reverted back to the formulaic relationship that they had in the first movie. Dismal.

Jurassic Park 3? I ask you, what did it really bring to the overall JUrassic Park story except for another great big dinosaur? Nothing.

The Santa Clause 3. Again, same damn situation with Shrek 3. Although this time the premise was great, it was the execution that failed with far too much set up and not enough focus on the main plot - “The Fight Before Christmas”.

The X-Files 2 however is definitely one that I want to see. Interestingly enough films based on TV series (like Star Trek) are generally capable of actually having multiple big screen installments. There is more story to tell after the finale of The X-Files and a secondary movie is a great way to reintroduce fans and lead to a third movie that deals with the mytharc of the show. X-Files 2 has a prelimary two thumbs up from me.

Indiana Jones 4 however confuses me entirely. Ford is incredibly old for the role now, what do they expect to gain from this?

Stargate 2 - Admittadly, Stargate was carried on through the TV series SG1, and it is currently getting two direct to DVD movies. This however is disapointing. Given the strength of the series, providing the movie isn't inaccesable to newbies (like the first of the two dvd films coming out), I think it would be better to go for a big screen sequel. Certainly Stargate: Continuum has enough BIG events, such as a nuclear submarine surfacing through ice, and real life footage of F-15's “engaging” Goa'uld gliders. So why not?

Back to the future 4? Absolutely not. The story is finished, unless you want to create a COMPLETELY different story, possibly involving damage caused to the fabric of space time on a quantum level instead of pursuing the McFly angle.

Serenity 2 - C'mon… yes.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

As much as i Love ‘Sly’ i cant stand the idea of that red ‘hair tie’ whipping its way around the jungle, Again! 3 of them 20 years ago was really cool, but 20 years does alot. dispite it being Fictional, sometimes ya just cant lie about age.

Oh God, not another he's too old bit. Who said he was lying about his age? He never once said his character was pretending to be 30 or something. And actually, he didn't do anything “over the top” like all the other Rambos. I really wish people would just leave Sly alone. (*egon)

by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 1 month ago

I'm really excited about “X-Files 2” as well.

“Highlander” also needs another GOOD sequal. Oh wait, there hasn't been a good sequal, they all suck! Well it needs, "a" good sequal. Preferably continuing the tv series storyline…

Pretty much any and all super-hero films should NOT have any more sequals. Seriously. Fantastic Four is retarded, the X-Men sequals suck, Spider-Man has run its course, and now that Heath Ledger is gone they should probably leave Batman alone; maybe one more Batman film without Joker. But no more. These things are best left to comics.

No more “Final Destination” films! The first was excellent, the second, while flawed, I enjoyed, and the third just flat out sucked. Hopefully this series actually is FINAL now. Dead.

No more SAW films either!!! Admittedly I haven't seen part 3 or 4 (can't keep up with these suckers!) but honestly, how much is enough??? I liked part 1 alright, but part 2 sucked, and 3 & 4 look dumb.

I think that ALL film series should ideally be allowed a certain amount of sequals (2-3 sequals at most) and if they screw those up, well then too damn bad!

by doe_ray_egon1

17 years, 1 month ago

ok hate to break the happy bubble here, but saw films will be made sadly once a year i think untill number 7 rumors say.

by Mjollnir

17 years, 1 month ago

Stargate 2 - Admittadly, Stargate was carried on through the TV series SG1, and it is currently getting two direct to DVD movies. This however is disapointing. Given the strength of the series, providing the movie isn't inaccesable to newbies (like the first of the two dvd films coming out), I think it would be better to go for a big screen sequel. Certainly Stargate: Continuum has enough BIG events, such as a nuclear submarine surfacing through ice, and real life footage of F-15's “engaging” Goa'uld gliders. So why not?

Serenity 2 - C'mon… yes.
Stargate 2- I heard a couple of years ago that Roland Emmerich(Universal Soldier, Independence Day) wanted to do two sequels for the movie because he wanted it to, originally, be a trilogy and completely ignore anything that SG-1 and Atlantis have done. Altho I've heard nothing other than that. I still think that he should try and pursue this. After the strike of course.

Serenity 2- Isn't it obvious that its open to a sequel?

Ghostbusters 3- Despite what people say, I still wanna see the boys in grey hit the big screen again. CGI or not.

TMNT 2- They did a great job with #1. I look forward to what they come out with next, depending on what the story line is.

Transformers 2- Same as above.

Indiana Jones 4- Dam right!

X-Men 4- Just to make up for the disappointment that was X3.

No Sequels-
Anything released by Disney via Direct to DVD thats a sequel- Stop ruining our childhoods!!

Legally Blonde 2- Should never have been made.

X-Men 3- If the director for the previous two movies ditches the project goes and directs another one, PUT THE PROJECT ON HOLD. Also reevaluate your marketing campaign as Angel only had 3 lines and played NO important role on the overall plot.

Super Troopers 2- If they even THINK about making a sequel to that movie I'll probably stab myself in the foot with a steak knife.

Final Destination- Basically what Ghoulishfright. I'm sick of seeing those things on TV.

Any Shrek movies- They're stupid and retarded. I love Mike Myers' movies but this was just a fad that got out of control.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 1 month ago

-China town
Okay, granted that this flick is 20 years old, but it left you asking questions, begging for more. re-make it, make a sequel or make a very late 2nd installment would ya?

by bigtwinkie1

17 years ago

Let us not forget the remakes. I LOVE me some remakes:

Escape from New York: The biggest reason I want to see this is because Kurt Russell will NOT be Snake Plisken. And when asked if he will be reprising the role, he said “f&$% no.”

Evil Dead: This was such a cult hit I don't know how it hasn't already been made.

Clue: Forget movies about theme park rides, we need more movies about board games.

Mark of the Devil: If you don't know what this movie is, look it up on It's straight up WEIRD.

Tommy Boy: What? They already remade it? It's called Black Sheep?

OK I think I'm done being all smarmy and such. But seriously, the first 3.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years ago

Big Twinkie
Clue: Forget movies about theme park rides, we need more movies about board games.

Honestly, I enjoyed that for two reasons:
- One of my favorite lead singers, Lee Ving of FEAR, plays Mr. Body
- Mutiple ways to end a movie… every week? That's just brilliant marketing.

by Kingpin

17 years ago

Big Twinkie
Clue: Forget movies about theme park rides, we need more movies about board games.

Honestly, I enjoyed that for two reasons:
- One of my favorite lead singers, Lee Ving of FEAR, plays Mr. Body
- Mutiple ways to end a movie… every week? That's just brilliant marketing.

It was such a fantastic movie… I wouldn't want iClue to be remade as no modern attempt at it would be as good. The remake would suffer from the absense of the great comedic chemistry the cast had and Tim Curry's energy.

Why is Kurt Russell's not being in a remake of Escape from New York a selling point? Of course I'm interested in seeing it, and seeing them taking real New York locations and skyscrapers as opposed to finding lookalike locations… there was so much potential for the original film that was missed, possibly due to budget constraints.