Sequels that Should & Shouldnt be made... List them here

by OniellFord

16 years, 10 months ago

Yes, there is definatly going to be another Daredevil movie. It's going to be about the “Born Again” storyline and will definatly have a diffrent actor as Daredevil/Matt Murdock, since Ben Affleck stated repeatedly that he didnt want to return. By the way, The Owl and Mr. Fear are strong possibilities to be the villan in the sequal.

I hope they DO NOT have Elektra in it. She was a low point in the first film. :@

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 9 months ago

dare devil was not as bad as everyone says. really it could have been much worse, it was just a little slow and had such high hopes. and for movies that need to be made Army of Darkness 2 because i shop smart. Extreme Ghostbuster the movie animation or live action i'll take. GB# is a no go because if they get any fatter, they might get laughed at, and i mean that in a nice way, they would be hard to take serious, how a GB remake. but totally different not to ruin it but to try a new direction at least to get the name out there again to new fans. oh and ghostrider was OK but it wasn't needed not that it was bad just not that good.