Sequels that Should & Shouldnt be made... List them here

by ghostbusters2131

17 years ago

Peter Venkmen
Eddie Murphy's been talking about doing “Beverly Hills Cops 4”. I wouldn't mind seeing another one, I'm just not sure how they can continue the story.
Never watched any.

by bigtwinkie1

17 years ago

Peter Venkmen
Eddie Murphy's been talking about doing “Beverly Hills Cops 4”. I wouldn't mind seeing another one, I'm just not sure how they can continue the story.

I'd like to see some redeeming films made by Eddie Murphy. I get he's been doing some family movies and what not but I'd like to see Eddie getting back to his old, vulgar, hillarious self.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

Big Twinkie
Peter Venkmen
Eddie Murphy's been talking about doing “Beverly Hills Cops 4”. I wouldn't mind seeing another one, I'm just not sure how they can continue the story.

I'd like to see some redeeming films made by Eddie Murphy. I get he's been doing some family movies and what not but I'd like to see Eddie getting back to his old, vulgar, hillarious self.

Hence the possibilty of Beverly Hills Cops 4. He'd be returning to his old roots, but these movies aren't suitable for kids, so I wounder what would happen if the theater gets pack with kids and 5 minutes in he says sh*t and b*tch lol. Not that kids don't know that language already.

A sequel that shouldn't be made? Robocop 4. UNLESS the go back to the roots of the first film, violent and dark.

by back

16 years, 11 months ago

okay, now i Must go rent ‘The Two Jakes’. anyone who has seen ‘Chinatown’ will know why i wanna see it so badly. lol
im gone.

by Zombie

16 years, 11 months ago

Van Helsing 2. Let's pray that never happens.

I am also sick of all these Saw movies.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Van Helsing 2. Let's pray that never happens.

I am also sick of all these Saw movies.

Well, they're trying to cash in on the popularity while it lasts. It's like any other horror franchise. Nightmare on Elm Street for example. They want to make as much money as possible before it dies. But I agree, I kind of got sick of it after 3.

I got another one. The Godfather Part 4! Probably never going to happen anyway, but there is really nothing left to be told about Micheal Corleone.

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

We kinda already had a VanHelsing sequel, VanHelsing: The London Asignment.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

We kinda already had a VanHelsing sequel, VanHelsing: The London Asignment.

Technically it's a prequel, but it's another movie none the less. :p

by eatingfood1

16 years, 11 months ago


Another Mortal Kombat movie. I would be like the temple of doom. sequle that was flat, but could be made up

GHOSTBUSTERS 3. It deserves to be made!

Superman Returns II. yes.

Bad Boys 3. the other 2 were awsome

Scream IV. The most Terrifing scream is the one you never expected!

SHOULD NOT BE MADE:No more Saw movies. they blew it with saw 4.

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

Another Mortal Kombat movie.

You're kidding right? Those movies never should've been made. They make Street Fighter look really good.