Sequels that Should & Shouldnt be made... List them here

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Another Mortal Kombat movie.

You're kidding right? Those movies never should've been made. They make Street Fighter look really good.

Another Mortal Combat? God no, I would rather see Street Fighter 2.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 11 months ago

ANother good sequle idea would be Scareface 2. It could be like the game, or like the graphic novel ‘Scared for Life’ it will probebly never be made, but it would be fun to see Tony Montana, and the ‘little friend’ again, no? (*egon)

by matthew1

16 years, 11 months ago

Is this thread about sequels they should never had made or sequels which they shouldn't never try to make in the future?

Here's my list of sequels which I agree should have been made but disappointed me and which should have been alot better.

Ghostbusters II
Die Hard 4.0
predator 2
terminator 3
men in black 2
matrix 2 and 3

Here's my list of sequels which should never have been made because they wern't necessary.

Police Academy 6 and 7
Lost Boys 2
Rocky 5
Bride of chucky and seed of chucky
every knightmare on elm street since the fourth one
too many horror sequels to mention…
karate kid 2, 3 and next karate kid
teen wolf too
rush hour 2 and 3
next friday and friday after next
rambo 2 and 3
robocop 2 and 3
short circuit 2
critters 2, 3 and 4
tremors 2, 3 and 4
caddyshack 2
inspector gadget 2
aliens 3

films which should never have sequels or further sequels

shawshank redemption
groundhog day
just about every other movie out there

sequels which i'd like to see but only if done very well

independence day 2
ghostbusters 3
die hard 5

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Rocky 5

While I kind of agree with that, Rocky 4 left things open. But I'm glad Stallone made Rocky Balboa because it ended the series better than Rocky 5.

by missygirl8520001

16 years, 11 months ago

What was wrong with Rocky 5?

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

It was boring and not as good as the other Rocky movies. It's regarded as the weakest and worst of the franchise, even by Sylvester Stallone himself. Which is why he made Rocky Balboa.

by OniellFord

16 years, 11 months ago

List of sequals I want to see

1. Another Godzilla film where he IS NOT as weak as we was in the Kiryu series and has absolutly NO HUMAN FIGHT SCENES like in Godzilla: Final Wars.

2. Cloverfield 2 and more sequals, since the Cloverfield monster is offically AMERICA'S MONSTER and not that puny King Kong! *rolls eyes*

3. Star Trek. There already seems to be more movies that take place in the TOS era.

4. Doctor Who. It needs a movie. If the rumours are true, then I hope it will be explosive with The Doctor facing Davros, The Daleks, The (real, Mondas) Cybermen and The Master all at once. Maybe with nearly all of his companions from the old and new series except that awful Martha Jones. (*rant)

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

Doctor Who did have a movie, back in 1997. And I like Martha Jones. She's been a lot better than Rose Tyler.

by OniellFord

16 years, 11 months ago

Doctor Who did have a movie, back in 1997. And I like Martha Jones. She's been a lot better than Rose Tyler.

I know it did have a movie, but they need another one that is about The 10th Doctor or perhaps #-10 Doctors?

Although I really dont want to argue with you on this but, so far the portrayl of the companions have been awful.

For God's sake, people! This is DOCTOR WHO not ROSE TYLER or MARTHA JONES (*rant) (o_O) :@

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 11 months ago
