Some sequels/movies I would like to see made & whether or not they should be. I explained some of my personal prefrences and then just listed my other thoughts like a report or something. I could describe why I feel this way about each movie, but that would be one big article, & I think some of you don't enjoy my opinions b/c sometimes my posts are way too long, lol.
Sequels/Movies That Should Be Made - Blue
Sequels/Movies That Shouldn't Have Been Or Be Made - Red
Sequels/Movies I Want To Be Made, But Shouldn't Or Won't - Green
Bad Boys 3 - Ghostbusters 3 - Independance Day 2 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Serenity 2 - Star Wars - American History X - Terminator - Bourne Series - The Big Lebowski - Interview With A Vampire - Mr. Brooks - Pirates Of The Caribbean - Mission Impossible - The Day After Tommorow - Transformers - Blue Harvest: Family Guy (Star Wars Spoofs) - Rush Hour - Chuck and Larry - Fantastic Four - The Punisher - Talladega Nights - The Truman Show - Wayne's World - The Break Up - Blades of Glory - Ghost Rider - Wild Wild West - The Addams Family - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - Gone In 60 Seconds - Contact-XMen 4 - Spider-Man 4 - Van Helsing - The Matrix - Terminator - Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Underworld - The Mask - Top Gun - Hitch - I,Robot - The Italian Job - The Transporter -
Men In Black 2 - Jurassic Park 2 & 3 - Shrek 3 - Final Destination - Saw - Aliens (Resurrection) - Terminator 3 - Sin City - Jaws - Knocked Up - Rush Hour 3 - Austin Powers in GoldMember - The Mask Sequels - Home Alone - The Water Boy - Big Daddy - Scary Movie 3 and 4 - The Santa Clause 3 - The Fast and the Furious - xXx: State of the Union - Dumb and Dumberer - Miss Congeniality - Scream - Daredevil-
Fight Club - The Lost Boys - Harold and Kumar - Liar Liar - Rain Man - Gremlins - Die Hard - Anger Management - Peter Pan/Hook - Night at the Roxbury -
Bad Boys 3 - It's gotta be made soon though, b/c Will Smith is really starting to look old. I mean he's quite ripped in IaL, but w/ every new movie he looks 10 yrs older.
Ghostbusters 3 - Of course I'm gonna say this one!
Scarface 2 - As much as I would've loved a sequel, which should've been done like the video game, it shouldn't be made. It would only work with Al, & he's too old. Which is why I'm glad Sierra came to be. They allow the movie sequels that can't be done now, to be made, and playable.
Independance Day 2 - I felt things were left up in the air. Were there more aliens, how did the world recover, did they use the alien tech. & become more advance & possibly discover more alien planets. Don't know if the cast needs to be the same, but maybe small roles or cameos to progress things & not feel like a spin-off.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Live-Action would definatly be nice, but I just don't think they could take the movie the direction it should be taken in. Splinter would be an old wuss again, certain monsters couldn't be done, but man I'd love to see a real Super Shredder again!
National Lampoon Series - I'm so tired of goin to the video store & every 2 weeks some new Nat. Lam. DVD is out with some new college kid having to go to extreme lengths to party & get laid, the same stupid story re-hashed.
The Truman Show - I would love to see a sequel to this movie. It left me with so many questions on how his future was gonna go, I'd just like to find out how things wrapped up.
Interview with a Vampire - Great novel, great cast, great movie! The best Anne Rice novel to movie conversion of all, other than casting issues I don't see why a sequel wasn't made to tie up the story.
Home Alone - It's a shame these movies keep getting popped out, it shoulda ended w/ 1 & 2 & good memories
The Matrix - I wasn't ready to see the series end, even though it kinda tied things up, I wanna see how the future unfolds with the so-called peace, & what really happened to Neo b/c it seems like no one actually knows for sure, just what they think.
American Pie Series - 1 & 2 were funny & good,b/c it was fresh & should only be dealt in small doses, but it should've ended there. B/c of those 2 movies, several spin-offs were created & infuenced the “horny teen fad”.
The Mask Sequels - Jim Carrey's gem, has been almost forgotten & not heard of except by those of us that enjoyed it when it was first released. Now ppl just think of Son of Mask, & the stupid spin-offs. The Mask was ruined by sequels & the punishment should end.
Fight Club - As much as I love this movie a sequel can't be made it would ruin it. Actually if I remember right the writer said he doesn't wanna make a sequel b/c he even thinks it would ruin things.
Well there's some opinions of mine on sequels & stuff. I know it still ended up long so I added some colors to make it easier on the eyes & more organized.