Sequels that Should & Shouldnt be made... List them here

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago


Why did you put Terminator in sequels that should be made and sequels that shouldn't be and shouldn't of have been? That does make sense. On top of that, there are 2 terminator sequels, so are you saying Terminator 2 was just as bad as 3?

Back to the Future IV. why not?

The trilogy ended on a positive note with the third film was was highly enjoyable. It doesn't need any more continuation on the big screen.

Exactly what I said pretty much. You don't continue what doesn't need continuing.

MORE SEQULES that should be made:

Day of the Dead. They remade Dawn of the Dead. but NO Bub.

It was the weakest out of the original trilogy… and there doesn't appear to be much originality any more in the “army base”/“zombie” medium.

Well, not really. Romero started the whole Zombies can learn thing, as what Bub showed. Frankly, I like Day of the Dead better than Night of the Living Dead. No offense, I just guess it's because everyone dies, even Ben.

by inebriantia

16 years, 11 months ago

Ahh sorry I had some typos in there I forgot to fix or take out. I just fixed them.

Stand By Me was something I was thinking about, but ultimatly said no to and forgot to take out. The sequel I was thinking about just coulda been a different adventure in thier lives somewhere, or I was thinking maybe it could be told more from the older group of kids pov rather than the younger group, but I changed my mind and just forgot to exit it out.

As far as The Day After Tommorow, its thrown in there b/c to me 9 outta 10 movies don't end right for me. I don't feel satisfied with the result they leave me with. This movie was the same, ok yeah they survived the big storm..what now? What did the human population do after that? Did the ice melt and waters recide? Did we build new cities? I just want to know how humans lived after that disaster

Terminator meant to say Terminator 3 under sequels that shouldn't have been made. There needs to be closure to that story, I just didn't like that movie.

I'm just the kinda person that always wants complete answers and resolution. Like on talk shows or whatever and they have someone on there who goes through some life changing thing. I want them to come back on 5 years later and see where thier life is. I'm just not happy with immediate results, I wanna see the future as well. So that's why I want so many sequels. It's not really so much about the story, as just finding out how thier lives continue on.

Like in the movie Awake, you see them all get arrested at the end, blah blah, so you know thier gonna get in trouble. I wanna see them in jail, dealing with thier decisions, go to trial, see what thier punishment is, watch them deal with jail, see them released if they are, and how thier lives are.

I hear director's say in commentaries all the time about how the cut movies sometimes just to make the movie shorter and I hate that. I would much rather watch a 4 hour movie and have all my questions answered than be left wandering. I get into movies, I'm disabled so I spend most of my time watching tv, movies, and playing games. When I watch movies, I gotta have my surround sound on, subtitles on, and I don't let ppl talk, I can't even watch movies at my fiance's really anymore b/c there's too many kids and they talk to much and I just end up yelling at them, lol. I just can't stand too miss anything being said, I love to catch every detail. I know most people don't have the time I do, nor do they mind not having every little thing answered. That's just me.

Also I wouldn't mind seeing a Land of the Dead 2. There is still a lot of stuff not covered. What did the group of survivors do, move cities, what? What about the smart zombies, did they continue to get smart and be almost just like humans again and build thier own city? What happened to Riley, did they make it up North, did the zombies make it up there? When they got there what did they do, make a settlement, die, what? One big thing that always bugged and made me mad was that they never explained what started the zombies.

Just like in War of the Worlds, Independence Day. I always wanted to know where the aliens came from, thier history, why Earth, what other planets had they been to, why war and not peace. Kinda like what I've heard about Cloverfield, everyone I know that saw it, said it sucked, and thier friends though it sucked. Not only b/c of the camera shaking to the point to where my friend's little 15 yr old sister threw up from motion sickness, lol but that they never found anything out about the monster. Where it was from, what is was, etc. I didn't see it yet, wanted to wait untill DVD to pay attention. I don't like going to theaters anymore, b/c there is too much noise, but I just hope it isn't as bad as my friends said it was.

by OniellFord

16 years, 11 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Oniell Ford
2. Cloverfield 2 and more sequals, since the Cloverfield monster is offically AMERICA'S MONSTER and not that puny King Kong! *rolls eyes*

I'm pretty sure King Kong is AMERICA'S MONSTER too, no matter how you think it, nothing is going to change that fact.

King Kong is pointless, has no powers, no explaination to why he is like that! Cloverfield has ALOT more to it than King Kong does! King Kong is just a giant Monkey looking for bananas. Besides, King Kong is/are a done-to-death story(ies)

Just like J.J. Abrams said, King Kong is too adorable to be our monster.

Does/Is King Kong getting sequals, prequals, etc.? NO
Does/Is Cloverfield getting sequals, prequals, etc.? HELL YES!

King Kong has 1 (new) movie with 0 sequals. Whenever I think about King Kong, I am ashamed to even LIVE in America! Cloverfield is getting a sequal, already has a prequal (Cloverfield/Kishin) and has an ARG (Alternate Reality Game) which was all over the internet.

Cloverfield is getting a decent video game being made, while King Kong has an awfully stupid game made that just tells the same story but in the form of a crappy video game.

So yes, the fact has been changed. Get over it.

I am waiting for the sequal of Ghost Rider to be made. I think Fantastic Four 3 should be made, hopefully with some more villans and hopefully have some more of Galactus in his real look and not as a giant cloud *rolls eyes*

All of Marvel Comics' characters should get their own film.

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

Oniell Ford
All of Marvel Comics' characters should get their own film.

I'll repeat this should we ever see films for the following characters:

“Gibbon and Kangaroo”
“Captain Marvel”
“Giant Man and Wasp”
“The Amazing Bag-Man”

Do you have any idea how rediculous that idea you're suggesting is? A lot of the Marvel characters who are worthy of having a movie have already had one done. There's few left I figure after Iron-Man and the likely Captain America flick.

by DocFritz

16 years, 11 months ago

Oniell Ford
All of Marvel Comics' characters should get their own film.

I'll repeat this should we ever see films for the following characters:

“Gibbon and Kangaroo”
“Captain Marvel”
“Giant Man and Wasp”
“The Amazing Bag-Man”

You forgot Brother Voodoo, who was such an obscure punchline he…well, became a punchline in Fred Hembeck's comic strips for Marvel back in the 1980's. :-)

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Oniell Ford
King Kong is pointless, has no powers, no explaination to why he is like that! Cloverfield has ALOT more to it than King Kong does! King Kong is just a giant Monkey looking for bananas. Besides, King Kong is/are a done-to-death story(ies)

I repeat, that does NOT take away the fact that it is an American Monster! You're saying it as it wasn't an American creation, basically saying it's Godzilla, which is Japan. But it is not, no matter HOW you think it, it will be an American creation forever.

You seem to forget, it's movies like King Kong that inspires creations like Cloverfield.

“The Amazing Bag-Man”

Man, I almost forgot about that. There is no way they could make a serious film out of this, that people wouldn't laugh at. I mean, the paper bag as a mask alone takes away the seriousness.

by OniellFord

16 years, 11 months ago

I'll repeat this should we ever see films for the following characters:

“Gibbon and Kangaroo”
“Captain Marvel”
“Giant Man and Wasp”
“The Amazing Bag-Man”

Do you have any idea how rediculous that idea you're suggesting is? A lot of the Marvel characters who are worthy of having a movie have already had one done. There's few left I figure after Iron-Man and the likely Captain America flick.

I know, I know. Ultron doesnt count because he is a villan. The Amazing Bag-Man I agree should not have a movie. Wasp should NOT have a film. Too bad, Ant-Man is having his own film.

List of Marvel Comics films

NOW my suggestion isnt so ridiculous. Maybe people should check their sources before posting their opinion? :-@ (o_O) (*egon)

And sorry Peter, I didnt understand you much. *embarassed* You are right, since King Kong is such a ridiculous monster Cloverfield was made.

P.S. I am a HUGE fan of Godzilla, ever since I was 3, I think.

by pantshater24

16 years, 11 months ago

i don't think a remake of Howard the Duck would be so bad either

and BTW there already is a Lost Boys 2, just a direct to DVD release.

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

Oniell Ford
NOW my suggestion isnt so ridiculous. Maybe people should check their sources before posting their opinion?

I was well aware of the fact he was getting a movie, it doesn't make him getting a movie any less rediculous. Neither does it make your own idea that “All of Marvel Comics' characters should get their own film” any less rediculous because a large number of them are so not deserving of their own movie. There are so many B-Z list characters in the Marvel universe who will never get a movie because there's no mass interest in it. “Typeface” from Civil War, the New Warriors, The Runaways, heck even the Young Avengers, whose comic adventures I've enjoyed simply don't deserve to have their own movies. Maybe if the Young Avengers had been around for a few decades of our time, then maybe… but most of the characters you suggest should have a film made about them won't ever be given one because said characters aren't appealing, they're mostly there to act as part of a larger crowd.

You are right, since King Kong is such a ridiculous monster Cloverfield was made.

I'm not even sure that's proper grammar. (*peter)

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Oniell Ford
And sorry Peter, I didnt understand you much.

And you still don't understand, because without movies like King Kong we wouldn't have Cloverfield.

King Kong being a ridiculous has nothing to do with the fact, that without the monster being made, there probably WOULDN'T be Cloverfield. Why exactly is it so bad that he doesn't have powers? So what, who cares, as long as it's big, and meneacing it's a monster.

Powers mean jack squat, and frankly it's kind of stupid when they do have powers. I'm not saying King Kong is great an all, but seriouly, you're being really narrow minded about this.