Sequels that Should & Shouldnt be made... List them here

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

And as far as I'm aware, the Cloverfield monster had absolutely no ‘powers’ to speak of, so really it's even more like King Kong. Both of them were just giant creatures that went on a rampage in New York, one just happened to be bigger and did more property damage.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 11 months ago

MORE SEQULES that should be made:

Day of the Dead. They remade Dawn of the Dead. but NO Bub.

It was the weakest out of the original trilogy… and there doesn't appear to be much originality any more in the “army base”/“zombie” medium.

WHAT???! We are talking about “Day of the Dead” (1985) here right? That was the strongest of the original trilogy, at least in my opinion. And George Romero's opinion as well, according to either the “Dawn” or “Day” DVD commentary (I forgot which). I mean, it was really the most mature, thematically, and it easily has the best make-up effects….

Anyway, I disagree about a remake of “Day of the Dead”. It's retarded to remake films that were made only 20 years ago. Especially when they're as masterful as “Day”. Unless a film was made more than 40-50 yrs ago, AND it really sucked (ex: House on Haunted Hill), remakes should not be allowed I believe. Besides, remakes are generally counter-progressive.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

It's retarded to remake films that were made only 20 years ago.

23 years ago.

Anyway, I disagree about a remake of “Day of the Dead”.

Too late for that…

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Too late for that…

Oh for crying out loud… I don't see how they can inject much ‘fresh’ material into a story about people hiding in a military bunker from a zombie apocalypse.

And that very reason is one of the things I strongly dislike about Day of the Dead, it offers up a pretty boring narrative where most of it's set underground… I know there were a few scenes set in the devestated urban centres, but they weren't that many and those sorts of scenes are what people have come to expect from the zombie genre.

Makeup may have been great in Day of the Dead, but it doesn't mean the story was all that great… and I'll argue that Dawn of the Dead was the best film of the original trilogy. It was serious enough, and actually didn't have the stereotypical “out for themselves” soldiers which was why I disliked a lot of Day of the Dead. I also feel ‘Dawn’ had the much stronger social commentary which has become associated with Romero's work compared to ‘Day’.

House on Haunted Hill was a good remake of that odd black and white film with Vincent Price.

I'm extremely wary about this A-Team remake film that's coming out, especially after what we've seen done in the names of Charlie's Angels, Starsky & Hutch and Dukes of Hazzard.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

I'm extremely wary about this A-Team remake film that's coming out, especially after what we've seen done in the names of Charlie's Angels, Starsky & Hutch and Dukes of Hazzard.

I have doubts that the directors of the film are going to be saying “I love it when a plan comes together” with this.

I am anxious to see the A-Team again, but I can't imagine who they would cast in the roles. Especially for Mr. T, and Dwight Schultz (Murdock). Although I've always though Jim Carrey could pull it off, but he's 46, and they're probably gonna change the “war vertran” theme alittle so the cast can be younger.

I don't want no guy in his 20s playing B.A.! And the guy playing Hannibal should be at least 50. God, I hope they don't ruin it.

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

It'd probably be a bunch of Gulf War vets who get accused of crimes they didn't commit. Rumor has it Woody Harrelson might be the new Murdock.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

It'd probably be a bunch of Gulf War vets who get accused of crimes they didn't commit.

Pretty much the same plot hopefully. They haven't really mentioned much about the project, other than a few internet rumors.

by Zombie

16 years, 11 months ago

I hope Evil Dead never gets remade, there was some rumours about it a while back but luckily it appears it never happened. I would hate to see some stupid CGI instead of Sam Raimi's claymation effects.

by pf4eva1

16 years, 11 months ago

Sequels that should be made:

Halloween II
A sequel to Rob Zombie's Halloween remake (2007), but also a semi-remake of the original Halloween II (1981). Do something different from the typical sequel-to-a-remake or remake-of-a-sequel, by showing some flashbacks with young Michael (Daeg Faerch) and exploring things that have yet to be explored. Maybe a remake of Halloween II wouldn't have as much pressure as a remake of the original Halloween.

Fracture II
The ending to Fracture could easily set up a sequel. Ryan Gosling was relentless in his pursuit of prosecuting Anthony Hopkins, and I'd like to see how they could continue the story from the shocking surprise ending.

The Simpsons Sequel
Maybe this time, do a live-action Simpsons movie. Jeff Foxworthy as Ned Flanders! :-) John Goodman as Barney Gumble! Frank Caliendo as Mayor Quimby! Kevin James as Homer! :-) Jeff Golbum and Victor Williams as Lenny and Carl! Robert Loggia or Richard Lynch or Malcolm McDowell as Mr. Burns. :-) Michael Keaton as Waylon Smithers. Ben Kingsley as Apu. Daeg Faerch as Bart. Cast your own Moe. :-) Timothy Bottoms or Harrison Ford as Principal Skinner. :-) They could wear yellow makeup like Rebbecca Romijn wore the blue makeup in those X-Men movies. :-) :-) Or just make it animated again.

Transformers 2
Need I explain?

Song of the South II
Since Disney won't release the original for me to ever experience beyond that SNL skit, they should do a sequel or remake or something. With Ving Rhames skipping along sing “Zip A Dee Doo Dah! Zip A Dee Ay!” :-) Maybe throw in Danny Glover for good measure.

Sequels to avoid:

Alvin and the Chipmunks 2
Turning the Chipmunks into actual chipmunks is as bad as turning Mickey into an actual mouse! (Don't tell Disney, don't give them any more bad ideas! :p (*egon) ) At least Jason Lee looks the part of Dave. I have no desire to see the movie or any sequels to it.

Scooby-Doo 1, 2, and 3
I've long grown out of Scooby-Doo after getting sick of endless reruns on Cartoon Network. It was fun and funny until it ran its course. Vincent Price (a.k.a. Vincent Van Ghoul) must be spinning in his grave. Please no 3.

Bratz 2
No comment.

Remakes that should be made:

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
No, I've never seen the movies, but I've seen the Fox Kids cartoon from back in the day. I think it would be funny to see the Ask a Ninja guys do AOTKT as a pseudo-serious action-adventure monster-disaster movie. Take cues from Cloverfield (Which I haven't seen yet), the 2005 King Kong remake (which was outstanding), Godzilla 1998 (though it was boring), and the Batman films in taking something once cheesy and making it more serious. I think deadpan humor might be incredibly funny for such a ridiculous premise. Maybe cast Leslie Nielsen or Peter Graves who can keep a straight face amid absurdity. Maybe cast dramatic actors who can take the project “seriously.”

The A*Team
I like the idea of doing an A*Team movie.
B.A. Barracus…Ving Rhames
Murdock…Bill Pullman
Faceman…Steve Buscemi? Kurt Russell?
Hannibal…Who else? Anthony Hopkins. :-)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
I am actually writing this. It's a serious, dark re-imagining of the first incarnation of the long-running franchise. Anthony Hopkins as Zordon. Christopher Lee or Gary Oldman as Lord Zedd. Anjelica Huston as Rita. Malcolm McDowell as the main “Monster” in the film. Daeg Faerch as Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger. James Gandolfini as Ernie. Kathy Bates as Ms. Appleby. I am shooting for a PG-13 for the movie, and then an Unrated version for DVD to accompany the theatrical version.

Super Mario Bros.
Yes, the 1993 movie was lame. But at least Bob Hoskins played a good(ish) Mario. Maybe do something entirely different. PG-13. Please don't get Uwe Boll to direct. Get someone like Tim Burton.
Mario…Bob Hoskins or Kevin James or Michael Keaton? :-)
Luigi…Tom Hanks or Johnny Depp
Princess…Kiera Knightley
…Henry Winkler
…Richard Lynch
…Malcolm McDowell
…Dennis Hopper
…Tony Todd
…Sid Haig
…Christopher Lee
…Michael Gough (a.k.a. Alfred)

by eatingfood1

16 years, 11 months ago

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
I am actually writing this. It's a serious, dark re-imagining of the first incarnation of the long-running franchise. Anthony Hopkins as Zordon. Christopher Lee or Gary Oldman as Lord Zedd. Anjelica Huston as Rita. Malcolm McDowell as the main “Monster” in the film. Daeg Faerch as Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger. James Gandolfini as Ernie. Kathy Bates as Ms. Appleby. I am shooting for a PG-13 for the movie, and then an Unrated version for DVD to accompany the theatrical version.
that sounds intresting.