Sequels that Should & Shouldnt be made... List them here

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
I am actually writing this. It's a serious, dark re-imagining of the first incarnation of the long-running franchise. Anthony Hopkins as Zordon. Christopher Lee or Gary Oldman as Lord Zedd. Anjelica Huston as Rita. Malcolm McDowell as the main “Monster” in the film. Daeg Faerch as Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger. James Gandolfini as Ernie. Kathy Bates as Ms. Appleby. I am shooting for a PG-13 for the movie, and then an Unrated version for DVD to accompany the theatrical version.

Daeg Faerch? He's way too young to be Tommy. The actors who played them were at least in there early 20s, and most of the cast knew martial arts. Jason David Frank who played Tommy was a black belt in Karate, as well as a Karate Champion.

Plus if you haven't noticed, the kids playing rangers has NOT worked well, as Power Rangers Turbo have proven.

Malcolm McDowell as the main monster? If it's anything like they did Ivan Ooze, I don't think it's a good idea. An unrated version? Dude, this show is aimed at kids! They aren't going to be making this adult anytime soon, since it's been made for kids for 15 years now.

30 for Sentai which is what Power Rangers is based on, but that appeals to both adults and kids in Japan. Here? It's mostly for kids, and I doubt we can change that anytime soon.

by OniellFord

16 years, 11 months ago

And as far as I'm aware, the Cloverfield monster had absolutely no ‘powers’ to speak of, so really it's even more like King Kong. Both of them were just giant creatures that went on a rampage in New York, one just happened to be bigger and did more property damage.

Have you been paying attention to the internet about the monster? The Cloverfield monster got it's powers from Seabed's Nectar AKA the ingrediants for the “Slusho!” drinks. Thus, explaining why it was invulnerable to the Military's weapons and bombs.

He found Seabed's Nectar either before or after he slept in the ocean and way before us Humans found it.

King Kong? He got big & strong because the writers of the films made him that way, meaning that King Kong is a stupid idea. He was made by stupid writers and people with totally not experience making Kaiju (Giant Fictional Monster) films.

I made this picture to express my hate towards the pathetic Kaiju-wannabe!

Man, King Kong can get his butt kicked by the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

I wouldn't say it's invulnerable, true, I have to re-watch the film but I believe the military did do some damage. It seems to fly against the realism to have the monster just be super-invincible.

He was made by stupid writers and people with totally not experience making Kaiju (Giant Fictional Monster) films

Hello? he was made over 70 years before Cloverfield and over half a decade before Godzilla, would you cut the poor writers some slack? He might seem a ‘stupid idea’ to you but there were different standards for film making back then and even now he's still a film monster legend that has been a legend longer than gojira. Without King Kong there's a safe bet there wouldn't be any Kaiju.

So sit down, shut up and quit your bellyaching.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Oniell Ford
And as far as I'm aware, the Cloverfield monster had absolutely no ‘powers’ to speak of, so really it's even more like King Kong. Both of them were just giant creatures that went on a rampage in New York, one just happened to be bigger and did more property damage.

Have you been paying attention to the internet about the monster? The Cloverfield monster got it's powers from Seabed's Nectar AKA the ingrediants for the “Slusho!” drinks. Thus, explaining why it was invulnerable to the Military's weapons and bombs.

He found Seabed's Nectar either before or after he slept in the ocean and way before us Humans found it.

King Kong? He got big & strong because the writers of the films made him that way, meaning that King Kong is a stupid idea. He was made by stupid writers and people with totally not experience making Kaiju (Giant Fictional Monster) films.

I made this picture to express my hate towards the pathetic Kaiju-wannabe!

Man, King Kong can get his butt kicked by the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!

You seem to fail in realizing the point of this.

So sit down, shut up and quit your bellyaching.

Well said! (*peter)

by OniellFord

16 years, 11 months ago

I wouldn't say it's invulnerable, true, I have to re-watch the film but I believe the military did do some damage.

Me too. I think they did some damage either when the monster is first shown (In the streets) since you can see it raising its hand as a way to block the military's fire. I also think they did some decent damage when the main characters were in the helicopter and saw the monster struggling to stand up to the Military Fire and falling against a building.

Hello? he was made over 70 years before Cloverfield and over half a decade before Godzilla, would you cut the poor writers some slack? He might seem a ‘stupid idea’ to you but there were different standards for film making back then and even now he's still a film monster legend that has been a legend longer than gojira. Without King Kong there's a safe bet there wouldn't be any Kaiju.

I know, I know. King Kong was partially an inspiration for Kaiju like Godzilla and Cloverfield. J. J. Abrams said that he got the idea from Godzilla and called King Kong “Too adorable” to be America's monster. I admit, he is very huggable, but America needs a monster that lives up to the name “Kaiju” like the Cloverfield monster does.

So sit down, shut up and quit your bellyaching.

My goodness, Kingpin. Calm down, I never ment to offend anyone, especially you! I definatly do not want this escilating into a “Flame War” or whatever. I only think that your comment was totally inappropriate. You could have said it nice and not mean! I will stop to make everyone happy. Just please, cant we all just get along? (;_ :-( (*winston)

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
I am actually writing this. It's a serious, dark re-imagining of the first incarnation of the long-running franchise. Anthony Hopkins as Zordon. Christopher Lee or Gary Oldman as Lord Zedd. Anjelica Huston as Rita. Malcolm McDowell as the main “Monster” in the film. Daeg Faerch as Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger. James Gandolfini as Ernie. Kathy Bates as Ms. Appleby. I am shooting for a PG-13 for the movie, and then an Unrated version for DVD to accompany the theatrical version.

Um…yeah. The chances of you actually getting Toei and Disney to go through wtih this is really really slim. Not to mention the cast you've got in mind. Seriously, Daeg Faerch as Tommy?

Plus, if it's POWER RANGERS you're going for, there is no doubt that they will probably make you write the thing so it's PG or G, because it's POWER RANGERS. It was made for kids. Of course, that's if you'd actually be able to convience Disney to do it.

Hell, when Jason David Frank came back for Power Rangers Dino Thunder, they wanted him to do a SCREEN TEST for the character. Why would you screen test him? He created the persona of the character.

Jason pretty much said, you want a screen test, go watch the 300 episodes of Power Rangers I'm in lol. :p The guy is halarious.

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

Oniell Ford
[My goodness, Kingpin. Calm down, I never ment to offend anyone, especially you! I definatly do not want this escilating into a “Flame War” or whatever. I only think that your comment was totally inappropriate. You could have said it nice and not mean! I will stop to make everyone happy. Just please, cant we all just get along? (;_ :-( (*winston)

Sorry about that, I overstepped my bounds. I was frustrated at that particular time I made that post but that was no excuse. You have my apologies.

by OniellFord

16 years, 11 months ago

Sorry about that, I overstepped my bounds. I was frustrated at that particular time I made that post but that was no excuse. You have my apologies.

I accept your apologies, Kingpin. For a while, I thought that I had made you so angry that you were going to ban me or something. For a while until I read your post I was very scared to even visit this site! :-O

But now that is all gone, back on topic

I am really looking forward to the next japanese Godzilla movie, as long as they do not put those god-awful human fight scenes in it. Ever time I watch “Godzilla: Final Wars”, I feel like im watching something else like a japanese remake of “The Matrix” or “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers”, In My Honest Opinion :-O

I really liked Godzilla's design in “Godzilla: Final Wars.” I think it was good to keep him the same way he was but still able to pull off some awsome moves. I saw some concept art showing Godzilla being ALOT skinnier than usuall. I didnt really like it since it made him look too much like a mix between a demon and a Zilla-on-fire. :-O :p

I am, however, interested in seeing “Godzilla 3D to the MAX” because the main villan of the film is heavily based off of the Showa Era monster named Hedorah AKA The Smog Monster to Americans.

by sinister1

16 years, 11 months ago

Mods here don't ban people due to a disagreement in a thread. You needn't worry about having ana rgument with a mod (over a subject) than with any other user. The mod would only take disciplinary action if he'd take such action if you were making the same mistake when talking to a non-mod and it was unacceptable behaviour.

Mods are people too and we get angry and act irrationally. Doesn't mean you need fear or tip toe around us.

by Nix

16 years, 11 months ago

Mods here don't ban people due to a disagreement in a thread. You needn't worry about having an argument with a mod (over a subject) than with any other user. The mod would only take disciplinary action if he'd take such action if you were making the same mistake when talking to a non-mod and it was unacceptable behaviour.

Mods are people too and we get angry and act irrationally. Doesn't mean you need fear or tip toe around us.

Says the guy who carries a ban-stick behind his back…
