Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
I am actually writing this. It's a serious, dark re-imagining of the first incarnation of the long-running franchise. Anthony Hopkins as Zordon. Christopher Lee or Gary Oldman as Lord Zedd. Anjelica Huston as Rita. Malcolm McDowell as the main “Monster” in the film. Daeg Faerch as Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger. James Gandolfini as Ernie. Kathy Bates as Ms. Appleby. I am shooting for a PG-13 for the movie, and then an Unrated version for DVD to accompany the theatrical version.
Daeg Faerch? He's way too young to be Tommy. The actors who played them were at least in there early 20s, and most of the cast knew martial arts. Jason David Frank who played Tommy was a black belt in Karate, as well as a Karate Champion.
Plus if you haven't noticed, the kids playing rangers has NOT worked well, as Power Rangers Turbo have proven.
Malcolm McDowell as the main monster? If it's anything like they did Ivan Ooze, I don't think it's a good idea. An unrated version? Dude, this show is aimed at kids! They aren't going to be making this adult anytime soon, since it's been made for kids for 15 years now.
30 for Sentai which is what Power Rangers is based on, but that appeals to both adults and kids in Japan. Here? It's mostly for kids, and I doubt we can change that anytime soon.