Serious problems w/ Episode Player Java Script

by 80skid

22 years ago

Since there is no contact address this will have to do..

Apparently the javascript to detect real player is real old on this site… According to the error message that pops up I do not have real player installed. However, I have a fully functioning copy of real player (RealOne) installed and it works fine everywhere else including This site used to work when I had real 8 and upgraded to real one but has stopped working when I did clean install only w/ real one. My guess is the script only checks up to real 8 and does not even know about real one… Luckily its easy enough to fix… has a new script in their support section already to go supporting all versions of real player… Please fix this ASAP. Thank you.

by Chad

22 years ago

Hey there,

It detects real one fine. Since it's detecting the plugin through the browser, you have to be sure and install the realone plugin for the browser in which you are viewing the page.

by 80skid

21 years, 12 months ago

I have installed the realone plugin and don't seem to be getting any problems with other sites… I prev. had 8.0 installed and upgraded to RealOne and that seemed to work but when I wiped my HDD and did a clean install of realone only it seemed to break… Any ideas?

by CaptainN

21 years, 12 months ago

Have you thought of reinstalling Real 8.0 to see if it works here now? You can Real 8 at
