Shamless advertisement here I come!

by stayinpuft1

21 years, 7 months ago is my site and is crammed full of EXCLUSIVE GB material, don't let the name fool you, its not just about all of the mistakes made in GB, there is a whole lot more… Including several references from your favourite television shows and movies, all available in video format! Check out the video section which includes the openings (and closings) to all 3 GB cartoon series… Also available, videos of Ivan Reitman discussing the creation/production of GB in a one on one interview… Also take time to check out the various segments snagged from the long sought after GB 2 bootleg, including a full length featurette, interviews with the cast and cast profiles! If all that crap wasn't enough you can check out the aforementioned Blunders part of the site which documents the various mistakes made during the production of Ghostbusters, some complete with video clips and all with pictures! And now for the number one reason to visit my site…: it's easy on your eyes! No tripod templates or disgusting designs and colour combinations… Remember !!!!!!

by stayinpuft1

21 years, 5 months ago

Here I come again, BUMP!