Shin's Art Thread

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 3 months ago

It seems you´d been busy lately… I remember when I was younger and spent my afternoons drawing my fave comic heroes…

I hate growing up and having responsabilities… no time for drawing like the old days.

by ShinMusashi44

14 years, 3 months ago

Well I got the Thundarr the Barbarian bug in me of late and want to do a comic. It'll only be a one shot and be around 22 pages. I want to tell the story of how the 3 main characters met up. Pretty much the long version of the opening of the episode.

I figured it would be your basic story of Thundarr as a slave sold to fight in an arena. Meeting up with Ookla with Ariel helping them escape. I'm about to watch all the episode to not messing anything up storyline wise. I know for the most part the show didn't have any over lapping stories or anything.

I want to start a group of people to do more cartoon comics. I was thinking about doing short comic stories that are 1pg-5pg in length. A lot like the Transformers mosaic group The stories would be mostly 80s cartoons, but you can pretty much pick from any era you want. I just want to make the main focus be 80s cartoons. So check out the Mosaic guys to see what I'm going for. I've been doing short stories like that for years. But never posted any of it. I don't think I even have any of that old stuff anymore. I'll post some details I want and if enough people join, we'll start on it. On a side note, we will not be doing any Transformers or G.I.JOE stories. Josh who runs the TF mosaic also is starting a JOE series like that and I don't want to step on his toes so to speak.

So as for the mini comics, here are some over all rules:

*Keep each series based in its own universe(so no Smurfs teaming up with Gobots, etc.)
BUT Some series my overlap each other, examples- Darkwing duck & Ducktales (they had the same character in both) Bravestarr and He-Man (in the Bravestarr bible they take place in the same universe)I'm sure there are others as well.

*Keep to canon please (So no HE-MAN being friends with Skeletor or something strange like that)

*Must be between 1 page to 5, no more no less. If you write another story for the same series, it can not continue off from the last one. These must be stand alone stories. But they may tie into a story from the show or whatever you are basing you story off of.
if you can think of anymore rules let me know.

So for the mini comics, i'd figure we set it to 4 stories to start off on:

Series-Birdman origin story (I'd like to show how he got his power from Ra and why he has wings)


Silverhawks story

writer- Josh van Reyk

Series-? Looking for ideas

Series-? Looking for ideas


So if you want to join up or send some ideas, comment here or in a pm. You can also go to my DA account or my club on there for the group

by ShinMusashi44

14 years, 3 months ago

Mirage from C.O.P.S.

Nightstick from C.O.P.S.

Ms. Demeanor from C.O.P.S.

by ShinMusashi44

14 years, 3 months ago

Princess Ariel from Thundarr

Ookla the Mok from Thundarr

Thundarr group shot

Gemini the two faced wizard

Forces of good so far

by Nix

14 years, 3 months ago

Nightstick from C.O.P.S.

Think I'll pull out that old quote from Whose Line is it Anyway?

Greg Proops
I am the law. I AM THE LAW. This…is my NIGHTSTICK. I am the law.

(The game was “Film Styles,” and Colin–the director–said it should be more like a porn movie, which led to the above quote.)