should ghostbusters 3 have the same chaicters

by vankman2

19 years, 7 months ago

if they do bring out ghostbusters three there is a small% that all the chaicter well stay the same

if they dont what actors/actress whould you like to be in it

by Kingpin

19 years, 7 months ago

Well, preferably a Ghostbusters III would have as much of the original cast as humanly possible in their original roles…

Although, if they had to replace the main cast then they should at least get one of the original actors along for a cameo appearance.

As for a new cast…to be honest, I've only really had a few ideas as to who could play whom. I'll try dig them out.

by matthew1

19 years, 6 months ago

Do you mean new actors to play brand new characters or new actors to play the characters of Venkman, Stanz, Zeddmore and Spengler?

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 6 months ago

I would be lying if I told you I wouldn't go to see Ghostbusters III without the original cast and characters. But that's not to say I'd be over happy.

by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 6 months ago

I would love to see the original actors in GB3, but I have to say have aged a bit, so it might be a good idea to have them recruit some new GBs in the movie. (*peter)

by matthew1

19 years, 6 months ago

I've had this discussion so many times before.

So what if the actors look old? I don't get what so many Ghostheads problem is with the age of the original actors. It's a comedy, right? The purpose of a comedy is to make the audience laugh, yes? OK, so, wouldn't a bunch of older, out of shape guys be visually funnier running around catching ghosts than a bunch of younger, fitter guys?

Doesn't anyone out there agree with me on this?

by cheesebuster

19 years, 6 months ago

I agree with you Matthew. It could really add to the comic effect…those four guys where the only nuts to take up the job 20 years ago and it would be hilarious to see them still being the only guys doing it.

I don't think the guys are out of shape enough anyway…I was a little shocked to see Harold Ramis's gut in the film Orange County a few years back but still it wasn't that bad and I think the guys would look hillarious.