Should the sale and ownership of guns be banned in America?

by matthew1

18 years, 6 months ago

What do you think?

Please also give an explanation to your vote.

Vote YES to ban it and NO if you would like guns to remain legal.

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 6 months ago

I voted yes.. mainly because people are going out and killing each other. you hear something every day. I hear on the news all the time of someone getting shot or killed. It's everywhere it's sad because some people out there have no regards or no mercy for human life.

That's just how I see it!


by fomeboy

18 years, 6 months ago

only one person voted “no” so far… gbmasterman? :p

by sinister1

18 years, 6 months ago

Shite, I pressed the wrong button. I meant it SHOULD be banned.

by IgnatzKaspir

18 years, 6 months ago

It'll never happen, due to the 2nd amendment. And even though I've never owned or even fired a gun in my life, I am very much against a complete ban on firearms. For every crazy gung-ho gun owner, I'll bet that there are at least ten mentally healthy and responsible gun owners. Just because some people abuse the privilege doesn't make it all right to punish all gun owners for it.

by matthew1

18 years, 6 months ago

Ignatz Kaspir
It'll never happen, due to the 2nd amendment. And even though I've never owned or even fired a gun in my life, I am very much against a complete ban on firearms. For every crazy gung-ho gun owner, I'll bet that there are at least ten mentally healthy and responsible gun owners. Just because some people abuse the privilege doesn't make it all right to punish all gun owners for it.

So around one in every eleven gun owners are crazy and gung-go? That's a really great reason to keep it legal!

Newsflash, there's no such thing as a responsible gun owner. Guns are for one thing and one thing only, killing. Putting the words responsible and gun owner in the same sentence is a contradiction in itself. The truly responsible people are the ones who would never own a gun and would like to see them banned.

by inebriantia

18 years, 6 months ago

What about hunting? I've never hunted don't like it much, but it doesn't mean that I believe no one should be able to. People hunt food with guns, should that be fair to them? Guns have an advantage, say you were in a wheelchair and someone broke into your home and was trying to kill you with a baseball bat or some various type of weapon. Being handicapped a gun could be the only way to save your life. I don't believe in killing, never shot or owned a gun, but guns can be helpful for many more reason than I can name out. You can't let the bad overcome the good, if we don't kill each other with guns, it will be swords, bombs, you name it. People have been killing each other since we started and our species will end that way. It's like The Terminator said in T2 It's in our nature to destroy ourselves.

by matthew1

18 years, 6 months ago

What about hunting? I've never hunted don't like it much, but it doesn't mean that I believe no one should be able to. People hunt food with guns, should that be fair to them? Guns have an advantage, say you were in a wheelchair and someone broke into your home and was trying to kill you with a baseball bat or some various type of weapon. Being handicapped a gun could be the only way to save your life. I don't believe in killing, never shot or owned a gun, but guns can be helpful for many more reason than I can name out. You can't let the bad overcome the good, if we don't kill each other with guns, it will be swords, bombs, you name it. People have been killing each other since we started and our species will end that way. It's like The Terminator said in T2 It's in our nature to destroy ourselves.

No, people shouldn't be allowed to hunt. How would you like to run for your life, terrified, being chased around by a bunch of people with shotguns to the point of exhaustion where you're eventually murdered?

The gun is far more dangerous than any knife, sword or stabbling object. If criminals had to resort to using these types of weapons there would be far far less killings. Take the Washington sniper for example. He'd never had been able to kill those all people with a knife. How about the various school shootings? A knife or sword is far easier to avoid than a bullet!

In short, of course there would still be murders without guns, but far less. You cannot compare the gun with any stabbing or cutting weapon. The gun is far deadlier.

by inebriantia

18 years, 6 months ago

Take the Washington sniper for example. He'd never had been able to kill those all people with a knife.

Maybe, for thought, don't take this too seriously but….

Someone could have say stood on an overpass and used a high powered slingshot and shot a rock into the windshield of cars, causing them to wreck and cause a huge pill up, or simply hid somewhere and shot it at someone head killing them.

There is always some kind of projectile weapon, sure guns are far more dangerous, but there are other means of mass murder besides guns. If there were no guns people would just be more creative than they are now. That's why your true serial killers, mass murderers, are so infamous because most did not use guns to kill lots of people, they used creative methods.

The point is guns don't kill people, people kill people. Banning guns solves nothing, people would still get them somehow, they are always going to be here no matter how much we hate them, and how much saddness they cause the world. I hate guns, and like I stated before don't own, or have shot them. One of my best friends Matt Mussleman was shot and murdered by a gun just last Feb. on my g/f's birthday no less, but that does not mean I hate guns and they should be banned, because I see the good in them not the bad that people use them for. This topic can never be resolved, I suppose if we wanted to we could talk forever about this so this is my last comment on this…hopefully,lol.

by gbmasterman

18 years, 6 months ago

Gun < Bomb

A gun kills 1 person, and a bomb can kill hundreds or thousands of people. It's not hard to make a bomb big enough to do some damage. So if the impossible happens and guns are banned, the next thing would be bombs, which would kill alot more than a gun. Besides as was stated before Americans are protected by the Second Amendment, so they will not be banned in America.

The point is guns don't kill people, people kill people.