If you think a bow isn't as dangerous as a gun, then anything I say isn't going to register with you. A bow is a very dangerous weapon, and it can kill just as easily as a gun. The fact is, you say the only purpose of a gun is to kill. When I give examples of other purposes you simply write them off and say ‘Well people can still kill with them.’
Understand that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to prevent us from beign taking over by a tyrannical government, are guns worth that to you? A way to fight off an force that is going to take away your way of life? Or would you be happy to have the rest of your freedoms taken away?
Your argument for taking away guns is because they kill. Let's examine why people actually use guns to kill other people in society, because it's what they see in the media and in soceity. Your not adressing the root problem, which will still remain after you implement your solution. Violence and murder will still exist, humans are very resourceful…take away one form of attack and they find another. However if you address the root of the problem you might could make a difference.
If you havent noticed, this poll has become one sided. While that means very little as this is a public forum open to people from an array of countries, I am willing to bet if a referendum was put up people would not vote to ban guns. In fact people HAVE tried to ban guns before and the majority said ‘no’, unfortunately this is democracy and the majority likes their weapons.
Let us not mention the other forms of death that your not even considering… Why not ban something like abortion which is both immoral and murder… Why not try and decrease drunk driving which kills more than guns do a year.. Why not try and remove all weapons that could lead to death of someone?
Bottom line is, American citizens are not going to vote to ban guns. And I'm sure all of those people are horribly wrong and have nothing but malicous motives for guns.
I don't want to trail off into other topics such as abortion too much. I want to try and stick to the topic of gun ownership if you don't mind.
I just really wanna talk about criminals who use guns. Let's say they used a bow for instance, like the example you gave.
If you fire a bow at someone it's probably just as deadly. I agree with that. But lets look at it from the view of the common gun criminal. Guns are so easy to carry around and keep hidden. A bow and arrow is not. There is no way to put it in your pocket or conceal it under your clothing. Also, guns hold an entire chamber of bullets which can be used in quick succession, unlike using arrows with a bow. Lastly, bullets are just so much more deadly than arrows, for instance, a bullet can go through the door of a car where as a typical arrow does not. Guns are the weapon of choice for a reason, they're far easier to carry, conceal, and use than any other weapon out there.
Explosives were also mentioned. These would also be highly impractical for criminals. This is because an explosive does not discriminate. When it explodes the blast goes in all directions. This is impractical for the criminal because he would be blown up along with who he's trying to hurt. Of course, this is how suicide bombers do their missions, but we're not talking about terrorism here, we're talking about common street crime.
Some people get so paranoid about their rights when banning guns is braught up. They seem to think that it would just be the first of many. No. Banning the sale and ownership of guns must be done because it is right.
I understand that many people in America want to keep gun ownership. The reason for this is fear of gun crime. “I'll shoot you before you shoot me”. People are scared and it's understandable. They want to be able to defends themselves so they feel safer with a gun in the house. I don't think that this is a good reason to keep guns though. It's just a vicious circle. A catch 22 situation. The average gun owner keeps a gun to defend himself against the gun. So he wants to keep the gun legal. Which means the person with criminal intentions also has a gun, which is what the gun owner is defending himself from in the first place. Fear is the reason and it's not a worthy reason to keep guns legal at all. It's just very sad.