Should the sale and ownership of guns be banned in America?

by matthew1

18 years, 5 months ago

Ron your back?!?!?!?

Mathew you still fail to relize that if you ban guns, the normal law biding citizen who use a gun to defend themselves are now left defenseless, against the guy who breaks into your house, actually has a gun, and holds you hostage, robs you, and eventually kills you. As Ron mentioned the ammendment was added to help keep the country from being taken over by another country, or now more likely a terroist organization. Take the minute men from the Revolutionary war for instance, they played a big role in us gaining our freedom from England, they were normal town citizens who would be ready at a moments notice.

The more guns are freely available to criminals, the higher the crime rate. Take away the gun, and like almost every other crime the total average level of gun crime will fall. For instance, inforcing far tougher alcohol laws in many places have caused alcohol related crime to fall dramatically.

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 5 months ago

Whats the point of stopping gun crime when gun crime itself is caused by other things? The root of gun crimes is the desnsitation to violence soceity has experienced, and if you take away guns you will only eliminate one form of crime. People will still find a way to continue committing crime and murder, and therefore it's pointless to ban guns to simply end gun crime.

by PeterVenkmen

18 years, 5 months ago

Oh and bows are not nearly as dangerous as guns. You can't be serious about that.

LOL I geuss you haven't seen the Rambo movies. Bows are pretty dangerous. When we didn't have guns, we had these, which killed just as easily.

Anyway, I'm with Jesusfreak on this one. Most teenagers have become violent because of influence in games or movies. Surely you can't think, if we ban all guns, killing is over. Maybe people should ban smoking, cause it kills more as well. But wait, didn't someone try? And as I recall, it wasn't going to happen.

Banning ‘em might lead to more violence, as people might be outraged that they lost the “right” to own a gun. I mean, it doesn’t make much sense either if only police and military have guns, since they're likely to kill someone on duty too, or possibly they're crazy. I'm know, I'm going out of line. (*egon)

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

guns are for idiots who can't live in harmony period… even if it's to defend yourself with crap like “I gotta shoot him before he shoots me” you are not better than the idiot that's gonna try to shoot you first… those with your “it's my right to own my gun” make me sick.. you are pathetic…

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 5 months ago

guns are for idiots who can't live in harmony period… even if it's to defend yourself with crap like “I gotta shoot him before he shoots me” you are not better than the idiot that's gonna try to shoot you first… those with your “it's my right to own my gun” make me sick.. you are pathetic…

And with people like you, your country would be under an Imperalist rule or nonexistant at all. It's my right to own a gun. I'm glad it makes you sick. Go hug a spoonge or something and maybe you will feel better. I, in meantime, will collect Historical Weaponry and own guns fore the sole purpose of ensuring that I can arm myself if the situation ever warrants me to take arms.

by Para-psychology_doc

18 years, 5 months ago

Wow… So people that actually take the time to go through safety classes and legally purchase and register their guns for the sake of home protection are pathetic? Why? I'll admit that some people go overboard when they have like 5 guns and the lot, but seriously, owning a gun doesnt make someone pathetic, your view is a bit harsh.

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

And with people like you, your country would be under an Imperalist rule or nonexistant at all. It's my right to own a gun. I'm glad it makes you sick. Go hug a spoonge or something and maybe you will feel better. I, in meantime, will collect Historical Weaponry and own guns fore the sole purpose of ensuring that I can arm myself if the situation ever warrants me to take arms.

whatever say all you want you are still pathetic… and yeah I'll feel much better by hugging a sponge (what is a spoonge?) than by owning a gun…

Wow… So people that actually take the time to go through safety classes and legally purchase and register their guns for the sake of home protection are pathetic? Why? I'll admit that some people go overboard when they have like 5 guns and the lot, but seriously, owning a gun doesnt make someone pathetic, your view is a bit harsh.

maybe… but… whatever…

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 5 months ago

whatever say all you want you are still pathetic… and yeah I'll feel much better by hugging a sponge (what is a spoonge?) than by owning a gun…

Which pretty much says to me that your an anal punk who thinks no one else's view of the world if right but theirs. Have a good day sir. (Oh and it's more than slightly ironic that someone who does not use proper punctuation or syntax in their posts chooses to correct a spelling typo.)

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

whatever say all you want you are still pathetic… and yeah I'll feel much better by hugging a sponge (what is a spoonge?) than by owning a gun…

Which pretty much says to me that your an anal punk who thinks no one else's view of the world if right but theirs. Have a good day sir. (Oh and it's more than slightly ironic that someone who does not use proper punctuation or syntax in their posts chooses to correct a spelling typo.)

I respect your view and you “Luigi” need to respect mine, period… by that I mean that I respect the fact that you own your gun, will collect some, use them “when needed” and do whatever the hell you want with them… on my side I don't care about guns, I think they are for people that can't live in peace and harmony with each other, and will always think that you are pathetic, so you on your side need to respect that… what do you think am I gonna do to prove you that owning a gun is wrong? go over to your place and take your “gun” away from you… what for? so that then you shoot me with your “gun”? no thanks… oh and I don't have nothing to do with the anal word… unlike you? so keep your gun, stick it wherever you want and have fun… oh and what is a “spoonge”?… the mystery goes on…

by PeterVenkmen

18 years, 5 months ago

You respect his opinion, yet you still call him pathetic for owning a gun? I geuss police are pathetic when they are trying to protect people. Or when military is trying to prevent terrorism. You're starting to sound like a hippie with all your peace stuff. Violence is human nature. It's not good, but what can you do about it? There are people who respect the use of a gun ya know. Not everyone is crazy.