Ron your back?!?!?!?
Mathew you still fail to relize that if you ban guns, the normal law biding citizen who use a gun to defend themselves are now left defenseless, against the guy who breaks into your house, actually has a gun, and holds you hostage, robs you, and eventually kills you. As Ron mentioned the ammendment was added to help keep the country from being taken over by another country, or now more likely a terroist organization. Take the minute men from the Revolutionary war for instance, they played a big role in us gaining our freedom from England, they were normal town citizens who would be ready at a moments notice.
The more guns are freely available to criminals, the higher the crime rate. Take away the gun, and like almost every other crime the total average level of gun crime will fall. For instance, inforcing far tougher alcohol laws in many places have caused alcohol related crime to fall dramatically.