Should the sale and ownership of guns be banned in America?

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 5 months ago

Anal - Indicating personality traits that originated during toilet training and are distinguished as anal-expulsive or anal-retentive.

Narrow-minded much? Or do you just like sending out insults? Last time I checked, calling someone ‘pathetic’ and saying that they ‘make you sick’ is not respecting their points of view.

And if you can't read past a single typo, you most likely should avoid the internet.

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

Peter Venkmen
You respect his opinion, yet you still call him pathetic for owning a gun? I geuss police are pathetic when they are trying to protect people. Or when military is trying to prevent terrorism. You're starting to sound like a hippie with all your peace stuff. Violence is human nature. It's not good, but what can you do about it? There are people who respect the use of a gun ya know. Not everyone is crazy.

I know violece is from human nature… no wonder the world is what it is…

Anal - Indicating personality traits that originated during toilet training and are distinguished as anal-expulsive or anal-retentive.

Narrow-minded much? Or do you just like sending out insults? Last time I checked, calling someone ‘pathetic’ and saying that they ‘make you sick’ is not respecting their points of view.

And if you can't read past a single typo, you most likely should avoid the internet.

whatever… wasn't it you who brought up the anal thing in the first place? and how many times have I said in the past the lines “you are pathetic” or “you people make me sick” and everyone else knows that I'm just playing… but no, mister “it's my right to own my gun and shoot you if I want to” had to stand for his pathetic right and argue about it… I'm done wasting my time… talking with you is like walking around in circles… go play mario kart or something… at least it's less violent than your “gun”…

by inebriantia

18 years, 5 months ago


I know I said I wasn't going to comment anymore on this topic but I'm looking through and reading this and wow.. this has gotten quite serious, and probably a little overboard. So I think I'll make some more comments, lol.

Matthew, I understand completly what your trying to get at. Gun crime is a horrible thing in this country. Like I stated before I lost a dear friend to gun crime when he was shot in the chest by one of his “supposive” friends. If they had not had access to guns my friend may still be alive. Gun crime has become way out of hand in this country, like stated before you can buy guns on the street corner. I also see though the points of others. As a citizen of the US we are allowed rights, and these rights are what this country was founded on. Right or not these are our rights, and what makes the US so great is our freedom and rights. The right to bear arms has saved us and made us who we are of the course of history. We are one of the if not the most violent countries in the world. We have that right to be, right or wrong, guns being allowed has saved our country from the persecution of England, they were used in the civil war to give the rights that we enjoy to all men, the nuclear bomb we used on Japan twice saved us from the Japanese during World War 2. The point is guns have played an important role for all of us in the US and we like them no matter how violent they are. To call us stupid for being in fear in unjust, to call us stupid for believing in guns for the greater good is unjust. Calling someone else stupid for wanting peace is unjust, and the “hugging a sponge” thing or whatever was out of place and didn't need to be said. That is what is sad about society and kind of serves an ironicness to this topic. In wanting peace Matthew started a topic that has everyone pitted against each other, causing arguement and comments that are hurtful, that have nothing to do with banning guns or not, causing more anger. No one is willing to accept truth is anyone's statements, and when someone proves a point about something they lash out. People flock to America every year knowing our situation, people that live here know the situation. Banning only causes problems in this country and makes things worse. For example; Alcohol, made it worse, Drugs, made it worse, music censorship, made it worse, TV made it worse. People will always want to defy rules in this country and no one wants to abide by them. You put limits and rules and people start pushing it as much as they can. By banning guns people are only gonna want to own them more, their value will go up, and they would become a hot commodity. Banning guns is a respectable idea, and I think people should respect the though behind it because all he means is good for you and I. There is no reasonable solution for this topic because neither way will solve anything. We must adjust the society's view on owning guns, and violence, and war, and drugs, and hate. We must adjust all the attitudes in people that want them to own guns, make people not want to own them, and that is quite the task.

So I say everyone quit hacking each other and just understand the views from your fellow men and women. We're here to enjoy GB in all it's glory not ridicule each other. You can argue points without the hate.

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 5 months ago

Because all of my guns are locked up in cases and have never been used by me? Yeah…. Mario Kart is less violent than weaponry I'm not sure even works.

And yes, I brought up the word anal. However it appears you have somewhat of a limited vocabulary and refuse to accept new meanings for terms into it, and I'm the ‘pathetic’ one.

Yeah, I don't really care how many times you've called people pathetic before and they didn't care or knew that you were joking around. Obviously your continued use of it here indicates that is not the case, and I did the right thing as taking it as an insult.

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago


I know I said I wasn't going to comment anymore on this topic but I'm looking through and reading this and wow.. this has gotten quite serious, and probably a little overboard. So I think I'll make some more comments, lol.

Matthew, I understand completly what your trying to get at. Gun crime is a horrible thing in this country. Like I stated before I lost a dear friend to gun crime when he was shot in the chest by one of his “supposive” friends. If they had not had access to guns my friend may still be alive. Gun crime has become way out of hand in this country, like stated before you can buy guns on the street corner. I also see though the points of others. As a citizen of the US we are allowed rights, and these rights are what this country was founded on. Right or not these are our rights, and what makes the US so great is our freedom and rights. The right to bear arms has saved us and made us who we are of the course of history. We are one of the if not the most violent countries in the world. We have that right to be, right or wrong, guns being allowed has saved our country from the persecution of England, they were used in the civil war to give the rights that we enjoy to all men, the nuclear bomb we used on Japan twice saved us from the Japanese during World War 2. The point is guns have played an important role for all of us in the US and we like them no matter how violent they are. To call us stupid for being in fear in unjust, to call us stupid for believing in guns for the greater good is unjust. Calling someone else stupid for wanting peace is unjust, and the “hugging a sponge” thing or whatever was out of place and didn't need to be said. That is what is sad about society and kind of serves an ironicness to this topic. In wanting peace Matthew started a topic that has everyone pitted against each other, causing arguement and comments that are hurtful, that have nothing to do with banning guns or not, causing more anger. No one is willing to accept truth is anyone's statements, and when someone proves a point about something they lash out. People flock to America every year knowing our situation, people that live here know the situation. Banning only causes problems in this country and makes things worse. For example; Alcohol, made it worse, Drugs, made it worse, music censorship, made it worse, TV made it worse. People will always want to defy rules in this country and no one wants to abide by them. You put limits and rules and people start pushing it as much as they can. By banning guns people are only gonna want to own them more, their value will go up, and they would become a hot commodity. Banning guns is a respectable idea, and I think people should respect the though behind it because all he means is good for you and I. There is no reasonable solution for this topic because neither way will solve anything. We must adjust the society's view on owning guns, and violence, and war, and drugs, and hate. We must adjust all the attitudes in people that want them to own guns, make people not want to own them, and that is quite the task.

So I say everyone quit hacking each other and just understand the views from your fellow men and women. We're here to enjoy GB in all it's glory not ridicule each other. You can argue points without the hate.

I kind of agree with some of the stuff you said… the peaceful stuff…

Because all of my guns are locked up in cases and have never been used by me? Yeah…. Mario Kart is less violent than weaponry I'm not sure even works.

And yes, I brought up the word anal. However it appears you have somewhat of a limited vocabulary and refuse to accept new meanings for terms into it, and I'm the ‘pathetic’ one.

Yeah, I don't really care how many times you've called people pathetic before and they didn't care or knew that you were joking around. Obviously your continued use of it here indicates that is not the case, and I did the right thing as taking it as an insult.

yes yes you did the right thing by taking it as an insult… it's also right to own your gun… whatever… luigi, you can kill each other with your guns for all I care if that's the way you like it and if that's the right thing for you to do… in the states it's legal to own a gun so you all think it's the right thing to own one… like inebriantia said, banning them would only make things worse (in this case, for people like you)… the main reason why I think it's wrong to own a gun is because the states provided the military in my country most of their “guns” so the nixon government could screw up my country… many innocent people died because of that so that is why I think guns and all that stuff is wrong… they don't make things better… they only make suffering… now go play mario kart and be a good boy…

by matthew1

18 years, 5 months ago

This threads become pretty fiercly debated since I last visited. It is a big political issue and for anyone who has been affected by gun crime I can see why some of the words spoken may have seemed been pretty harsh.

Anyway, we have spoken about rights in America. One of which is of course that gun ownership is a right. This makes me question: Is there such a thing as having too many rights or too much freedom?

When I think about rights to me what is important is the right to work, the right to be educated, the right to be treated by hospitals etc. But to own a gun? Isn't this just one right too much?

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 5 months ago

I can see that the anti-gun side means well, and I definitely share it's wishes for peace, but I still think it's missing one very basic concept…. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Guns are simply a means of executing crime/murder, not a cause of it. It's really not at all constructive to remove ‘guns’ from the “gun crime” equation, because you'll still have crime. You'll still have murder. You'll still have bloodshed and raping of the innocent. If you were truly deadset on the idea of peace (which I am), you would seek more philisophical methods of stopping violence. Like helping the poor and hungry who steal out of desperation. Reaching out to the spiritually ill who kill out of apathy and frustration. Or just blasting everyone with positively charged mood slime so they wake up feeling like a million bucks. ANYTHING but taking away guns, which is really totalitarian and ultimately worthless. I think guns are just a scapegoat here, something to blame the world's violence on, instead of dealing with the TRUE cause: people…

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

I agree with that…

by castewar1

18 years, 5 months ago

I don't.

As Eddie Izzard said, “They say guns don't kill people, people kill people. But I think the guns help things a bit.”

You're arguing a really bad position - you're essentially arguing “oh, why bother? You can work to remove guns, but there will always be crime and murder.” Well yeah, that's something everyone understands. The problem is that guns make murder very very easy. Too easy. So easy, that a lot of gun deaths in North America aren't crime related, but accidental, or a moment of rage that would otherwise end in bruising, ends in a bullet.

No, you can't remove all the guns from the equation, but like all equations, if you alter the values involved, the results change. If you reduce the number of guns, the level of acces to guns, or even just increase they number of trigger locks, you reduce the number of deaths. It's just that simple.

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

I agree with that too…