well actully the studio system does work like that, if the studio sees a pay off market they go for it. take gorge lucus for exmaple the main reason y he went back and made starwars 1,2,3 and indian jones 4 is the fans, the reaosn y the new batman movie is comming out, is the fans patention for it. needless to say the gb franchise is not as big as theres. so chances are slim of them doing a gb3 jsut cuz a pentention form the gb franchines, excpeisly when they did egb to test how well a gb3 would go over. but no matter how many odds are agenst u theres always a chance.
as far as another studio amking it i dont see that happing. sony owns all rights to the gb franchise. and i dont see them giving them up any time soon. but then theres another misconception, a lot of people think sony bought the rights to gb…nope. they got the rights when sony merged wtih columbia. all of columbias assets becames sonys.