SIGN the ghostbusters 3 petition

by sg1star

21 years, 2 months ago

well actully the studio system does work like that, if the studio sees a pay off market they go for it. take gorge lucus for exmaple the main reason y he went back and made starwars 1,2,3 and indian jones 4 is the fans, the reaosn y the new batman movie is comming out, is the fans patention for it. needless to say the gb franchise is not as big as theres. so chances are slim of them doing a gb3 jsut cuz a pentention form the gb franchines, excpeisly when they did egb to test how well a gb3 would go over. but no matter how many odds are agenst u theres always a chance.

as far as another studio amking it i dont see that happing. sony owns all rights to the gb franchise. and i dont see them giving them up any time soon. but then theres another misconception, a lot of people think sony bought the rights to gb…nope. they got the rights when sony merged wtih columbia. all of columbias assets becames sonys.

by realspawn

21 years, 2 months ago

i agree its all about money as soon as they see a real cool demo
(franchise) the start the hype again. Dont forget GB made a lot of money
and not only the movie. it would not the first time a movie get's a rivival. after many years.

Examples :

Freddie vs jason (both 80's characters)
Indiana jones
Alien vs predator.
and more

I would not be supprised if gb gets on one day. The script is there
so they need a little push.

BTW i bought GB 1 and 2 dvd and the comments on gb 1 during play is so cool and hilarious.

why do you think the brought it out on DVD excactly it still makes money
my son is 11 and he loooooves GB.
Also the hyped up that comic gb. I think one day were in for a suprise.

by Scoleri_Brother

21 years, 2 months ago

Dude, this is up to Bill Murray and his unfortunate decision to decline GB3, not less than a thousand people signing and E-petition.

by realspawn

21 years, 2 months ago

Its not up to bill

as they can make the movie with a new cast. They care about money
if they give 4 famous actors the gb part it will sell.

Man i think the movie oceans eleven sucked big time
but it was the cast that made it katjing ring at the box offische

by river_of_slime

21 years, 2 months ago

Hey realspawn it is up to Bill he owns 1/5 of the rights

by realspawn

21 years, 2 months ago

ho would bill own rights ????

its not his script and the studio hold full movie rights ??

I am not saying i am right but could you clear it up for me ?

when i look at the title roll i only see ivan reitman Remis and dan
as important people behind the movie and i see murray only like

Starring : Bill Murray

by Scoleri_Brother

21 years, 2 months ago

Will you hose this guy please?

Bill doesn't “own the rights” however he does own a small stake in the name. Its all explained just 3 threads down man, but I'll post the link

by Elefant

21 years, 2 months ago

Sequels are like dynamite - you need all of the ingredients or else it's a fuckall waste of time, y'know? Fan interest is only one part.


21 years, 1 month ago

does he ?

by 9sam11

21 years, 1 month ago

alright ill sign i hope it works