Has anyone tried to contact Sony about this petition? Im not saying that if someone did contact sony they would take a look but its always worth a shot.
Also i read earlier about the guys being too old looking and over weight. Fair enough that happens when you get to that age. But it is possible to make the guy's look yonger and better. However if the guys were'nt to make a full appearance would it be so hard for a more youngr crew to join? I think with Harold and Dan having roles as mentors would be cool. In this way they could pass down the skills to younger generation, whch could possibly carry on the franchie for more years to come.
Weather they have the original crew or a younger kind introduced if it did happen, then im sure a script by Harold and Dan would pull it off.
Either way i want to see GB3 made. To see what happens next? and where todays FX can take this movie too.
GB3 should be made.