Sigourney on Jimmy Fallon

by gbfan11

15 years, 1 month ago

Last night She was on Jimmy Fallon's late night show and she did comment on Ghostbusters 3. I don't have a link or anything but she said that it is getting made, Ivan Reitman is directing, all the old guys will be back, and that she hasn't read the script. So the Venkman as a ghost might be complete bullshit. Take it how you will.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 1 month ago

I had never took that Bill Murray as a ghost bull$hit like a real fact… if she hasn´t read the script, how can she say so?

by the80sdrummer

15 years, 1 month ago

Honestly, I'd prefer her not be back in the movie. All she will do is provide the same old love/hate relationship with Venkman that she did in the previous two movies. Get someone new like they did in the game. I mean honestly, how many times can she “just happen” to live in the exact apartment where Zuhl lives or “just happen” to walk her son's stroller through pink slime?

by slimelord1

15 years, 1 month ago

I want to see Dana back in GB3 but I agree she shouldn't be the source of anymore troubles. I think she should just have a supporting role and a few scenes.

by theo1361

15 years, 1 month ago

if oscar is a gb i can see why they would have her in the film as a cameo and thats it i dont want a gb2 thing happening and the whole peter dana thing needs to end imho either get with her or dont ya know

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 1 month ago

Good point you got there… no more Peter/Dana relationship, if Oscar is in the movie… well, that´s a reason to see Dana in the movie, but not attacked once again by supernatural events… not again.


15 years, 1 month ago


In fact, the only thing I didn't really like about the GB films was Dana.

She was okay in the first flick, served a purpose, but it did seem a little too convenient that she managed to be the focus of another extra-dimensional super-ghosty in the sequel.

A GBIII cameo I could deal with, but (just in my opinion, don't get mad) Weaver was one of the main problems with GBII. Waaaay too much screen time devoted to Dana. I just don't find her all that likable or sympathetic or anything.(*rant)

by GB3

15 years, 1 month ago

Yeah I think they've learned their mistakes with GB2. There are so many elements from GB1 that got repeated in GB2. Dana's role in both stories was certainly one of these. I think her role will be more of maybe over a cameo. She'll probably be there for Oscar and be there for Peter. I think by now they'll have her and Peter married at least and she'll be a motherly mom and wife in the film. Even in early talks from Sigourney, she thought she may not be in it or at least have a smaller role, which I believe is probably true.