How cool would it be if we could unlock classic ghostbuster moments from first two movies like taking out Gozer on top of Dana's apartment building with stay puft climbing up the side, or the original hunt for slimer, as bonus missions kind of like the unlockable classic star wars moments you can unlock in the rogue leader series. Technically they wouldnt even need the voice over for the missions they could just use sound bytes from the movies word for word. :-)
I'd imagine that's the kind of thing they'd save for DLC, although as I understand it there's already a spin on the sedgewick bust at the start of the game - maybe an exact reeactment would be slightly redundant. Also, given the nature of the game, wouldn't busting one ghost be slightly dull once you'd completed the main story? i'd like to see DLC based on the two ‘ghosts are going bonkers’ montages - I'd love to have a shot at that big dude who peeks through the arch in GB2:

Bit of a challenge, y'know?