JamesCGamoraPeter Venkmen
Your move, creep!
I hate that poster. Doesn't look right.
is it me or dose robo look like he's trying to hold a fart in?
16 years, 8 months ago
JamesCGamoraPeter Venkmen
Your move, creep!
I hate that poster. Doesn't look right.
16 years, 8 months ago
gb ray
is it me or dose robo look like he's trying to hold a fart in?
16 years, 8 months ago
Peter Venkmengb ray
is it me or dose robo look like he's trying to hold a fart in?
It's just you. I don't see anything like that in the poster. I really hope the style is going to better than that.[/quote
i'll give you that i am one sick puppy
but if he holds that fart for too long hes going to blow a fuse
but i am curouse how they would play the tech aspect to the movie when robo first came out everyone had the big bulkie comps now we got some that can sit in our laps and not brake out legs
16 years, 8 months ago
16 years, 8 months ago
16 years, 8 months ago
I'd like to see problems with Robocop updated to modern technological problems.
For example, maybe he hits like a dead zone like a cell phone does and can't recieve information from OCP/the Police.
16 years, 8 months ago
I'd like to see problems with Robocop updated to modern technological problems.
For example, maybe he hits like a dead zone like a cell phone does and can't recieve information from OCP/the Police.
16 years, 8 months ago
16 years, 8 months ago
16 years, 8 months ago