So GB3 is ACTUALLY the video game

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

Evil Dead Regeneration is pretty good

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 10 months ago

The idea of a “next generation” crew of Ghostbusters being trained by the original crew was something I was never too jazzed about – but it would work perfectly in a game, as the player could play as the next generation member(s); the training missions would certainly make more sense this way. So, I really wouldn't be surprised at all to see at least that aspect of Dan's Ghostbusters III script to make its way into the game, if not the whole idea of it.

Oh Lord, if you have to be new GBs and cant be the originals, I probably wouldn't waste my money.

What I'm kinda hoping is that the game takes place right after their first hunt at the Sedgewick hotel in the first movie.
In the movie, there's a big timejump there and you only see highlights of what the Ghostbusters did in that period. It could be cool that the gamers can play Ray, Egon or Pete and have the adventures we only saw fractions of… the hot pants-unzipping castle ghost, the ghost in that dancing place (where the boys danced the night away afterwards), the chinatown ghost… stuff like that. Plus of course other missions the gamedesigners come up with.

Of course, there'd be no Winston in the game then since he only arrived after the first movie's timejump montage…

Reason enough to make a second game later, including winston

Not a bad idea but like you said no Winston and like Slimer said, there would be no main villains.

I want a game that bridges the gap between GB2 and GB3 CG, well if that happens. If not then how bout a game that takes place during GB1. Basically an adaptation of the first film, ah hell, throw in the second too. Now we have Gozer and Vigo. :p

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 10 months ago

So, this is a big cluster f*** of confusion and Dan just needs to clarify? *sigh*. The fan films Generation and Return are the future I think, then GB3 when it gets stabilized. I can see in the last Spring or Summer seeing a big GB3 update, maybe later. Until then, I don't care. Good GB stuff coming and when/if Dan the rest get things together, I will be waiting.

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

What I'm kinda hoping is that the game takes place right after their first hunt at the Sedgewick hotel in the first movie.
In the movie, there's a big timejump there and you only see highlights of what the Ghostbusters did in that period. It could be cool that the gamers can play Ray, Egon or Pete and have the adventures we only saw fractions of…

that would mean the main villian would be Gozer though, or there would be no main villian at all. i'd rather have a new fresh story that continues on either after Ghostbusters or Ghosbusters 2, it be more exciting that way cause its a new storyline and your following through, instead of just having things repeated. like the direction the Evil Dead games went, they acted as sequals/continuation of the story/characters. atleast Hail To The King did that perfectly. not so sure about the recent 2 that came out. didnt play the last one cause i heard it was terrible.

Quite agreed, the series of events in the first montage just isn't long enough to really justify a whole game if you ask me. It'd be nice to play a game version of the first movie and the run up to Gozer… but I think we all know such is extremely unlikely.

Not a bad idea but like you said no Winston and like Slimer said, there would be no main villains.

Nope. Sorry. Winston is just as much a part of the franchise, I think it would be a serious flaw if he were left out, if anything… if a game were to be set during the events of Ghostbusters then it'd make sense you play him to start off with.

Now that I can almost imagine, either training levels set in the Sedgewick or to act like Winston's getting into the Ghostbusters grove, make computer models of ‘Ghostbusters classic’ before any possible updates are introduced in the main gameplay.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 10 months ago

It'd be nice to play a game version of the first movie and the run up to Gozer… but I think we all know such is extremely unlikely.

Thats what I want! The game to be an adaptation of the film!

by slimer3881

17 years, 10 months ago

buy a C-64 then. (*peter)

by fixer791

17 years, 10 months ago

buy a C-64 then. (*peter)

LOL! Touché there, Slimer


You're right, Kingpin. Winston should be part of the game. Silly of me…
That's why I rethought how I would see the GB video game. How I'd like to see it, anyway…

Imagine that it would really be an adaptation of the first movie…
It would be cool if they'd approache it a bit like Rockstar did the game adaptation of the ‘79 film ’The Warriors'. Rockstar stayed with the movie's storyline but at times deviated just enough to keep the game interesting and not be restricted by the events in the movie only.

For the Gb game, in my opinion, the deviation should be the missions based on the movie's montage sequence. Those should still be the heart of the game. The biggest part of it…

Imagine this… The game could start by briefly following the events leading on to the first bust in the hotel. After that, it could have the majority of missions based on the montage fragments and then carry on with Winston and take you to the climax with the Gozer/Stay Puft encounter.

The reason I believe the ‘montage part’ should be the heart of the game is that the real surprises lie there. We all know how they caught Onionhead and how to vanquish Gozer.What we don't know is how the boys dealt with the castle's ‘Zipper ghost’, the nightclub ghost or the chinatown spook. We don't even know what those fiends look like (except for the zipper ghost, whose appearance is pretty hard to forget). That's where the storyteam could come up with cool design stuff we didn't get to see in the movie plus invent other ghostly missions to beef up the game. These extra missions created especially for the game will be important because -after all- a lot of time passed during the movie's middle montage. That's why the boys seem exhausted when the movie picks up the story again after the montage. It clearly shows that they battled more than just the ghosts mentioned in the montage…
The game could be the chance to show just what happened besides the things we got a glimpse of.

This way, the game will definitely feature Winston, have all the things we loved in the movie and still have cool extra stuff to keep it fresh and surprising…

What still bugs me with this idea is the fact that Winston is only in it at the end of the game… From the moment he joins to maybe some missions in between until the guys finally battle Gozer. He isn't in the ‘heart of the game’ I just explained…

This is what they could do to fix this…
Imagine that in between the montage-based missions of Ray, Egon and Pete, they'd find a way to include a few levels where you play Winston before he joins the Ghostbusters… Maybe he had a few ghostly encounters before joining. Maybe he had to escape his haunted apartement building with only household objects and furniture to fend off ghosts that stood in his way… He could pick up a chair to smash a ghost, then quickly go on through the hallway of his building before the ghost puts himself together.
This way, they could put some interesting gameplay in it without the professional equipment Winston'll use later on in the game.

Anyway… Sorry I got carried away a bit there. I'll stop my rant now and let you guys describe how you'd like to see the game.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 10 months ago

buy a C-64 then. (*peter)

What the heck is that!?!?!

by misfit1

17 years, 10 months ago

buy a C-64 then. (*peter)

What the heck is that!?!?!

Quite possibly the best gaming system ever created. I used to stay up till the wee hours of the morning on my C-64. It was fantastic. I even made a few of my own ghostbusters games.

No console since has given me the amount of fun and enjoyment I got out of my c-64

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 10 months ago

Personally I think it would be neat if you could unlock a slimeblower at some point in the game.