So I think Ghostbusters UK needs something...

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

See where this is going yet? Heh heh. I"ll get pics as soon as I can of the progress. I figure if the NY version of Ecto-1 is a classic government vehicle, why can't the UK version be the same?

I call her Ecto-1UK, an Austin FX4 London Taxi. She'll be gloss white in full livery. The roof rack is already about 40% complete.

Beats hitching a ride on the back of a lorry, right? :p

by misfit1

17 years, 6 months ago


I bagsy this ecto-mobile!

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

Haha, glad you like it. Stripping the paint on die cast is a pain in the arse, for sure. I hear brake fluid works, so I'm trying that for the spots sandpaper won't reach.

by misfit1

17 years, 6 months ago

I can imagine! Unfortunately, i have no helpfull hints for stripping paint.

by GrimSanto

17 years, 6 months ago

I found this from the interweb.

it for stripping Die Cast Tanks but looks like it should work with cars also.

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

Whoops, doublepost. :p

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

Haha, thanks! I'm trying to keep this build as budget friendly as I can. So far, I've spent one whole dollar on it (the cost of the car). Everything else is built from the crap I find around my house.

In other words, I'm trying to build the whole thing for free. (*ray)

I was looking for something to pass the time while I wait for a few model kits I ordered to arrive. I saw this in WalMart and it hit me instantly that this would be an awesome Ecto for GBUK. (*peter)

by misfit1

17 years, 6 months ago

It's nice that you think of your British ghostbusting buddies when you're out and about. :p

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

It makes me proud you went for the classic black Taxi, I wouldn't be surprised if those things could survive warfare.

The newer ones? I'm not so sure about.

But the classic models are stocky, pretty nippy and cut a mean image… I like the idea of it being used in Ghostbusting and wish I or Iain had thought of it.

I may drop Iain a link to this topic and see what he thinks of it.

Nice idea, Addie. I look forward to seeing the final result.

Edit: In the absense of a better picture, this could work well for me to photoshop into the model you're making :

White London Taxi on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

Haha, that's perfect!

Well, my ultimate goal someday is to live in the UK, though where exactly I am not sure. Maybe if I manage to save my pennies I could make this thing a reality. (*peter)

I'm sure with a little double speed video editing, we could get her doing 0-60mph in under 4 seconds just like good ol' Ecto-1! :p