So I think Ghostbusters UK needs something...

by Ecto_Dude

17 years, 6 months ago

That's in Long Island City!

I can go visit that car anytime I want to XD

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

That's in Long Island City!

I can go visit that car anytime I want to XD

Don't suppose you could grab me some picture of it if it's there the next time you're out there?

I should've recognised the Queensboro bridge straight away… (*janine)

by Ecto_Dude

17 years, 6 months ago

I'll be going to the city for at least 2 days next week with a friend who's bringing a camera with an unusually large memory card. I'm fairly sure she wouldn't mind.

All this talk about Ecto-Taxi's have gotten me fiddling with a Checker Cab right now on PS. I love those things. I found one on eBay for $200.

Finding the right angle for the images is a pain in the pa-toot, btw

Edit: Lol. XD

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

Haha! Nice one!

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

I'll be going to the city for at least 2 days next week with a friend who's bringing a camera with an unusually large memory card. I'm fairly sure she wouldn't mind.

All this talk about Ecto-Taxi's have gotten me fiddling with a Checker Cab right now on PS. I love those things. I found one on eBay for $200.

Finding the right angle for the images is a pain in the pa-toot, btw

Edit: Lol. XD

I thank you in advance.

Heh, nice work on the taxi… it's a damn sight easier to turn something white in Photoshop when it's a colour, instead of converting it from black which is the standard colour of London Taxis…

by Ecto_Dude

17 years, 6 months ago

Agh. My apologies.

I went to the Taxi place but the cabs weren't outside. It was on Vernon street, I know that much. But yeah. Couldn't find them ._.

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

It's okay, thanks for trying anyway.

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

Pics! Far from finished…

by DocFritz

17 years, 6 months ago

It makes me proud you went for the classic black Taxi, I wouldn't be surprised if those things could survive warfare.

The newer ones? I'm not so sure about.

But the classic models are stocky, pretty nippy and cut a mean image… I like the idea of it being used in Ghostbusting and wish I or Iain had thought of it.

I may drop Iain a link to this topic and see what he thinks of it.

Nice idea, Addie. I look forward to seeing the final result.

Heard anything from Iain about this yet? This is such a great idea. It takes the same idea as the original ECTO-1, a classic car, while giving it a unique twist. Far more original than all those guys out there with their ECTO-1 ripoffs :p

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

Doc Fritz
Heard anything from Iain about this yet? This is such a great idea. It takes the same idea as the original ECTO-1, a classic car, while giving it a unique twist. Far more original than all those guys out there with their ECTO-1 ripoffs :p

As a matter of fact, I dropped him a link here and then asked him how he felt on the matter, he likes the idea of using a London Taxi in GBUK.

I've loved the idea of using one for Ghostbusting in some form since I wrote part of the now shadowy DOOMSdAY project… and I don't know why I didn't think this up. :p

It also actually allows to add a bit more character to Tommy… but I may go into that at a later date.

As for the modded model, it's coming along nicely Addie. Funny how there's so much more detail now that the paint's all buffed off.