So, is this it, nothing more to come?

by ParkBench

15 years, 6 months ago

I'm not gonna pretend that I'm not dissapointed, I have to say. I was expecting more outta this game by now than this. It has such terrible replay value. I havent played this as much as I had wanted too. There is no excitement to pick it back up to play as some rookie and do the same thing over and over. I thought by now there would be, at the very least, some news about some downloadable content on the way for another mode where you can play as the guys (similar to what you can do on LIVE) or even a movie challenge where you can fight Gozer, Vigo, Dogs, Scoleris, etc. Even the play as a Ghoul mode.

Anyone think there is still more to come? Playing warcrafty on live is not worth it to me and doesnt interest me, its all console based for me. I know some games have gone months until they got good content, but it just seems like the Ghostbusters game has been forgotten already. I'm already in full Batman mode. I already know the replay value in that will keep me going, but just wish I could say the same about my other favs in the GB….!

by Sii

15 years, 6 months ago

I couldn't disagree with you more. I felt the game was more than adequate for several run throughs. I know that I've beaten the main story at least 10 or so times at this point. I absolutely loved the multiplayer, and could waste a whole afternoon gallivanting around in the various modes. I look at it this way, any game that gets good dlc usually takes a while. I mean it has only been 2 months since release. Even Star Wars: Force Unleashed took about 4 months for its dlc to arrive. I don't think this game has been forgotton by its developers, and I have faith that dlc is on the way.


15 years, 6 months ago

I'm not gonna pretend that I'm not dissapointed, I have to say. I was expecting more outta this game by now than this. It has such terrible replay value. I havent played this as much as I had wanted too. There is no excitement to pick it back up to play as some rookie and do the same thing over and over. I thought by now there would be, at the very least, some news about some downloadable content on the way for another mode where you can play as the guys (similar to what you can do on LIVE) or even a movie challenge where you can fight Gozer, Vigo, Dogs, Scoleris, etc. Even the play as a Ghoul mode.

Anyone think there is still more to come? Playing warcrafty on live is not worth it to me and doesnt interest me, its all console based for me. I know some games have gone months until they got good content, but it just seems like the Ghostbusters game has been forgotten already. I'm already in full Batman mode. I already know the replay value in that will keep me going, but just wish I could say the same about my other favs in the GB….!

I hate to say it but I have to agree with you park bench. I was one of these guys who was so excited about the game, I was checking the forums everday, screenshots videos you name it. However after playing through the game once, I tried to pick it up again but I couldn't multiplayer is only torrerable for a while because I am a fan. There were alot of good things about the game on the first run through, its just not a game that has any long lasting value, hopefully they make a second one and and make the appropriate corrections.


by jay_tigran1

15 years, 6 months ago

I disagree guys with #s posts 1 & 3

I've played the game a number of times through and enjoy it every time. Almost like watching the movie over & over again, but I have something to do with it.

The achievments for the X360 helped keep it fresh, especially the less than $100,000 damage throughout the whole game. That made it that much more intriguing.

Anyways, I took a lil break from it but plan on coming back this weekend to play through again for some laughs.

by csullivan1980

15 years, 6 months ago

I'm on the fence about this post. Part of me wanted more but at the same time I felt there was enough to satisfy me.

However, I admit I have been feeling a bit bored with multi-player lately for a couple reasons. 1.) Not enough people on PSN. Sometimes waiting for other players can reach 5 minutes or more. 2.) Constant disconnection from game outside US. 3.) More levels (from movie locations) would be cool 4.) More variety in MP games…give me something besides Slime Dunk, Containment, Destruction, Protection and Theft. Campaign is just 3 of these games in different order.

I agree and know that DLC takes time to make and they just released this game about 2 months ago. Also, that some of the issues with multiplayer will be address in a patch coming soon. But overall I hope that the game improves as time goes on and hardcore GB fans, like myself, have a reason to continuously play GBTVG.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 6 months ago

I'm on the fence about this post. Part of me wanted more but at the same time I felt there was enough to satisfy me.

However, I admit I have been feeling a bit bored with multi-player lately for a couple reasons. 1.) Not enough people on PSN. Sometimes waiting for other players can reach 5 minutes or more. 2.) Constant disconnection from game outside US. 3.) More levels (from movie locations) would be cool 4.) More variety in MP games…give me something besides Slime Dunk, Containment, Destruction, Protection and Theft. Campaign is just 3 of these games in different order.

I agree and know that DLC takes time to make and they just released this game about 2 months ago. Also, that some of the issues with multiplayer will be address in a patch coming soon. But overall I hope that the game improves as time goes on and hardcore GB fans, like myself, have a reason to continuously play GBTVG.

I don't know if this game has been popular enough for there to be a profit in downloadable content… Remember, for there to be more content, they'd have to get all of the voice talent back in the studio…

This will be no surprise to anyone, but I also find the game to have a 0 re-playability factor. Multiplayer is crap… There I said it. Why is there no lobby? Why aren't the people on your PSN friends list automatically added to the game's friends list? I also love how if you play with a really high ranked friend and you are just a newb, it's almost impossible for you to kill/capture a ghost. I never play so I'm at level 2. I have a friend that's probably at level 10… The last time I played with him, it would take me 2 vents of the proton pack to weaken a ghost enough to capture it. Why couldn't they have made it specific to each player?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

I don't know if this game has been popular enough for there to be a profit in downloadable content… Remember, for there to be more content, they'd have to get all of the voice talent back in the studio…

This will be no surprise to anyone, but I also find the game to have a 0 re-playability factor. Multiplayer is crap… There I said it. Why is there no lobby? Why aren't the people on your PSN friends list automatically added to the game's friends list? I also love how if you play with a really high ranked friend and you are just a newb, it's almost impossible for you to kill/capture a ghost. I never play so I'm at level 2. I have a friend that's probably at level 10… The last time I played with him, it would take me 2 vents of the proton pack to weaken a ghost enough to capture it. Why couldn't they have made it specific to each player?

They probably wouldn't need to get the voice talent back in the studio. They probably planned ahead for downloadable content and already recorded any necessary lines.

And yea, no surprise to hear you bash the game again. But not sure why you're saying why couldn't they make it specific to each player in multi-player… I'd say that's exactly what they've done. Each player has to earn their points to be a higher level to trap ghosts easier.

by Sii

15 years, 6 months ago

I was thinking DLC would come in the form of that parade level that was left out and possibly new maps for multiplayer. Maybe even maps based on the lost parade level. You would think the lines were already done for that specific level, and it wouldn't take too much hassle to maybe re-write the scene that was modified for the museum level. and getting the voice talent back for those re-written scenes would prolly consist of one session. In theory it wouldn't be too big. I would like to see more multiplayer content though. I would much rather have a new set of maps and maybe a new gametype or two.

by ParkBench

15 years, 6 months ago

I'd be fine with all re-used lines or no lines if it meant some more content that would add some sort of replay value to the game.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

Well in theory, if they were to release a DLC comprised of the deleted content a la Gears of War 2…they possibly wouldn't have to record additional dialouge. I would assume that said dialouge would have already been recorded….unless the Parade Level was cut prior to the script recording