So, is this it, nothing more to come?

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

You disagree? So you prefer NOT playing as one of the Ghostbusters. Well then for your sake, I hope the GB take a back seat to Mr French's starring role in the, potential, new movie too

Btw, a game about a team of people versus a game about singular individual is a bad comparison for your point.
Well alright, well I hope you're a Ninja Turtles fan, are you ready for this? Because everyone will finally get that one TMNT game you've all been waiting for!!! Screw the 4 turtles, you get to battle your way to their rescue with SUPER IRMA!!!!

And get to play as VENUS DE MILO, XBox 360 Exclusive character!!!

by skankerzero

15 years, 5 months ago

You disagree? So you prefer NOT playing as one of the Ghostbusters. Well then for your sake, I hope the GB take a back seat to Mr French's starring role in the, potential, new movie too

Well alright, well I hope you're a Ninja Turtles fan, are you ready for this? Because everyone will finally get that one TMNT game you've all been waiting for!!! Screw the 4 turtles, you get to battle your way to their rescue with SUPER IRMA!!!!

And get to play as VENUS DE MILO, XBox 360 Exclusive character!!!

What he means is that the term ‘Ghostbusters’ refers to a group of people. The rookie, even though he was never in the movies was still a Ghostbuster.

The TMNT comparision would be valid if you say that you have to rescue the TMNT with Venus, since she is the unofficial 5th turtle. The way you stated it above, it would be as if the GB game had you playing as Peck with his own team.

One of the things I wanted to get in there was a nod to Dana, but I ran out of time. The nod to Louis being sick was all my idea. There wouldn't have been anything had I not worked my extra hours to get stuff in.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 5 months ago

Trust me, skanker… the VAST majority of us are very appreciative of your work. There's always going to be people who are going to bitch just for the sake of bitching, and to feel important because people respond to their negative opinions. Its best to ignore the pricks, and just revel in the amazing product that has achieved (I'm assuming) just about every single one of your goals. Its an amazing game, and it has great replay value. Don't pay attention to the jerks who just want to tear apart your work because they're jealous of your talent and the opportunity you had to work on the best thing to come to this franchise since 1989, since that's what we all dream about.

I take my hat off to you, sir… even though I'm not currently wearing one.

by Kingpin

15 years, 5 months ago

I'm pretty glad you never posted a list of the things you'd wanted but didn't have the time to include, I bet a lot of us would've been tearing our hair out at all those ‘whatifs’.

And Bench, we're not as blind to the flaws as you like to think, we simply have the ability to look at the thing as a whole and still enjoy the product.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 5 months ago

The TMNT comparision would be valid if you say that you have to rescue the TMNT with Venus, since she is the unofficial 5th turtle.

Actually, they've officially taken Venus out of the TMNT Universe and don't even talk about her anymore lol. The guys at Mirage basically pretend it never happened (seriously, they're actually doing that).

The Ghostbusters game is definitely great, and probably one of the best (if not the best) Ghostbusters game made so far.

by skankerzero

15 years, 5 months ago

Doctor Venkman;155056
Trust me, skanker… the VAST majority of us are very appreciative of your work. There's always going to be people who are going to bitch just for the sake of bitching, and to feel important because people respond to their negative opinions. Its best to ignore the pricks, and just revel in the amazing product that has achieved (I'm assuming) just about every single one of your goals. Its an amazing game, and it has great replay value. Don't pay attention to the jerks who just want to tear apart your work because they're jealous of your talent and the opportunity you had to work on the best thing to come to this franchise since 1989, since that's what we all dream about.

I take my hat off to you, sir… even though I'm not currently wearing one.

Thanks, but none is needed.

I know you guys like the game, no worries about that. Bench even likes it. I know where he's coming from as I had a lot of the same frustrations about the game myself, it's just a bit different since I know the reasons why things went the way they went, so it's easier for me to accept them.

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

Thanks, but none is needed.

I know you guys like the game, no worries about that. Bench even likes it. I know where he's coming from as I had a lot of the same frustrations about the game myself, it's just a bit different since I know the reasons why things went the way they went, so it's easier for me to accept them.
Thank you, nice to see someone on here can see through their “fandom” to where I'm coming from. And its the little details like which you added, re: Louis, that I appreciate most. I love that stuff. Like I've said over and over and hopefully now for the last time, it was only a couple of big issues I had with the game, that being no challenge mode type of content and the lacking of being able to play as one of the fab 4. Along with minor gripe issues like the seemingly non-existence of Dana & Oscar. My DLC issue was only because of certain initial aspects missing, hoping that may solve that. I never once have ever said it was a bad game. I wanted for it to be a big success. Unfortunately it seems like it wasnt a big enough success however to warrant DLC.

Out of curiosity Skanker, if you are able to share, what little nod to Dana would you have added if you had the time? And for a more in depth, if you could have had Louis as part of the game, what role would you have liked to see him in?

…….though let me add, re: my prick-ness, bitchlike unappreciative attitude for wanting to be able to play as the guys instead of the french rookie. It prob wouldnt be as big of a deal to me if you couldn't play as the 4 on LIVE, etc, but you can. It like taunts me when you so badly wanted such a feature most of all to be there in the game to begin with. Why didnt they carry at least some of that LIVE single player content into the game itself, was there reasons that cant be discussed for that too???? That type of content, to me at least provides constant replay value and thought it would have been a shoo-in for this game.

by rodie1

15 years, 5 months ago

For the record, I like that there is no nod to Dana or Oscar. They broke up so it's not like he'd be discussing it all the time. To me if there were a reference to them it would probably seem forced, but again that's me.

by Kingpin

15 years, 5 months ago

nice to see someone on here can see through their “fandom” to where I'm coming from.

Please grow up. I understand perfectly what you're saying but I don't agree, and that isn't my fandom talking.

no challenge mode type of content

This seems a bit of a niche market, by your description… doesn't seem to be a very neccesary element, certainly not compared to your other criticism:

and the lacking of being able to play as one of the fab 4.

Which although understandable, was explained from the standpoint that according to Terminal Reality, it wouldn't work with the team dynamic (it made it much easier to explain the new technology, the Rookie was the equivilant of the Doctor's assistant, there to ask the questions).

And there's also the non-TRI explanation, that if you gave people the chance to play as the Ghostbusters, if it were, theoretically a co-op game and the two co-op players were wanting to be Peter, someone would always be disappointed.

And then there's a third concept, what benefit would you get for playing as Egon, instead of playing as Ray? The Ghostbusters don't have ‘special skills’ like ‘explosives’, ‘grenadier’, ‘sniper’.

Finally, the whole reason why we played as a mute recruit and not one of the established team, is to let us be a Ghostbuster, to imagine ourselves in the role.

Along with minor gripe issues like the seemingly non-existence of Dana & Oscar.

Which as Skanker said, was something he'd wanted to include, but had to sacrifice.

Oscar not having a mention didn't really phase me, to be honest. Dana did at least get a mention even if it wasn't to her wherabouts… and you can lay a lot of that at Sigourney washing her hands of it earlier on in development.

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

Grow up? I'm not the one taking little comments made as a personal jab. Did I mention you personally…..I don't think so. I will make sure though, if I post from now on, on a message board I previously thought discussing different views was permitted, I'll be aware of everyones sensitivity. Geez, what is this, The View? What the hell is there to really agree/disagree on anyway. I would have loved to have played as one of the 4, omg, what a shocking want out of such a game. And yes, my “fandom” comment is in regards to some of you, yes some, not you in particular Mr Fisk, who seem unable to speak of any faults in this game even if those faults slapped them straight across the face.

And please don't speak for what Skanker has already said, I understood perfectly fine and he did a good enough job explaining things without anyone elses help. Just because there are understandable reasons, that does not mean I have to be happy about it still. I liked the game, supported the game and will be picking it up again. Being so excited about it, I just wanted more out of it. However, I apologize for voicing any issues I personally had with the game. I really do regret it now. I dunno why I even bothered typing this, to be honest. Congrats to everyone who loves every aspect of it, I wish I too was in the same boat. Sorry…very sorry for anyone on here who didn't love everything about it and made a point of mentioning it on here like me.

Its funny though, because if I made a topic about a couple things I disliked about Ghostbusters 2, ooooh what a different reaction it would get.