So, is this it, nothing more to come?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

If this were the View, Barbara Walters would have stolen our souls by now in order to feed her own immortal soul.

by Kingpin

15 years, 5 months ago

Grow up? I'm not the one taking little comments made as a personal jab.

How is someone supposed to take it? You've turned the word ‘fandom’ into a negative connotation, suggesting it blinds people to the point of not being able to see the flaws in something, and that you don't seem to be able to take people's word that despite being Ghostbusters fans, they can also see the flaws in something associated with the franchise.

on a message board I previously thought discussing different views was permitted

It's not about a difference in opinion, it's about respecting those who post with you. Saying people can't ‘see through their fandom’ doesn't seem very respectful to me.

who seem unable to speak of any faults in this game even if those faults slapped them straight across the face.

Some people just can't see any major flaws to worry about, nothing inherently wrong with that. Sometimes a person can enjoy something without overanalysing it.

And please don't speak for what Skanker has already said

The way you brought it up again made it seem like it hadn't really sunk in.

by Sii

15 years, 5 months ago

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

I've been watching the progression of this thread for the past couple of days and I've been keeping my mouth shut because on other forums, I've had a tendency to jump in and start arguments because I just happen to be a very argumentative person and it reflects negatively on me… but I'm no longer able to sit back and watch this go down.

ParkBench, we know there's shit you didn't like. That shit didn't bother the majority of people. Oh well. I personally believe that most of us didn't care about the issues that bothered you because this game, despite its faults, is massively superior to all GB related games released thus far and in a way has filled the gap in our hearts that many years of 3rd movie rumors created. To sit here and repeat yourself about what you didn't like and why is the equivalent of being that guy who wakes you up at 7:30 on Saturday morning to stand on your doorstep and tell you everything that he thinks is false about your religion and why his is superior. Nobody likes that guy.

Sure, it wasn't a perfect game, but no game will ever be perfect by EVERYONE's standards, not even Batman: Arkham Asylum.

It all comes down to preference and you've already stated yours. You've made your point, we all acknowledged your opinions and stated that we get what you mean. It's time to step down off that soap box and just let it rest. You can tell people what you believe, but don't cram it down our throats because we disagree.

by imported_ZeoBuster

15 years, 5 months ago

Couldnt agree with you more on that spinner. We get it you dont like it……moving on. Trust me I did beta testing for a 2 months on this game and I'll tell you right now. This is a HUGE improvement over what I played and that version was really good too. Ecto is right no game was has is or will ever be perfect all games have thier faults as does this one. But the I can only count 3 out of the many versions of gb games we got that were any good at all. Those 3 are as follows

New Ghostbusters 2 on the nes (pal only) That also acounts for the gameboy game gb2 so i guess 4.)

Ghostbusters on the sega genisis

Extreme ghostbusters on the gba.

Those are the closest we have EVER come to good gb games. This game could have been better in some aspects but who cares? We have a ghostbusters game thats still a hot rental title which has NEVER happend and talks of a sequal in the works which im sure will mostlikely come to pass. Compared to what we have had in the past this is amazing even if we hadnt had those this would still be an amazingly fun game and saddly puts us as close to real ghostbusting as any of us will ever get.

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

Haha, wow, no seriously, wow. You guys take these message boards too seriously. What, was I typing in all caps or something….let it go. I've been very civil and its certain others on here who couldn't handle my opinions, allowing me to repeat my self since they were blowing it way out of proportion just over a couple of problems(THAT'S IT) I had in a game. Mostly the rookie. Sorry for all you in the Ryan French fan club. Do you see me attacking anyone? Some of you need to stop taking so much to heart, you're all pretty much a bunch of oddly user named strangers to one another. The whole “fandom” comment is mostly targeted at dicks like Doctor Venkman, those class of responses. I guess he's not very secure with that little inner ghosbuster of his. Oh no, sorry I hit a nerve there. I've supported and commented positively in regards to everything else in this game, I even said I'll be buying it again, but of course no one would wanna mention those comments because that would be too easy. I mean, just look at the response above…“We get it you dont like it”…really? Is that so? Ya mind showing me exactly where I've said that. It should be easy since I've repeated myself so much. Skanker seemed to easily get my points, why cant anyone else.

And Pin has the nerve to tell me about being respectful, I wasn't the one calling anyone unappreciative, prick, bitching no matter what, being jealous, etc, etc and all that nonsense. Get real. I'm typing words on a screen, this isn't meant as a heated debate. It's a freakin message board for GB fans. Don’t loose sleep over this topic. I seriously originally just tried to have an open discussion. Ya'll should be happy there is even much discussion at all going on in regards to this game anymore, lately. I didn't get on the topic so some of you could jump down my throat and be dicks. I only ever wanted the best for the game and for it to get all the support it could. That's part of why, initially the whole lack of DLC was disheartening, because it seemed like the game was so easily forgotten and ignored after it hit the shelves and the pile of trade-ins were stacking up at Gamestop. Yea, I wanted to see this game get as much as it could. Some people on here just don't know how to converse. Just agree to disagree then, if its gonna end this, which it should not have even been a big deal. I'm done then, that'll make everyone so happy and the video game board can go back to being dead……

by imported_ZeoBuster

15 years, 5 months ago

…..hotshot???? is that you under that parkbench? Smells like the same bullshit but i dunno i could be wrong.

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago


Yeah, okay ParkBench. If you say so. Guess I must be reading a different thread.

by Kingpin

15 years, 5 months ago

Do you see me attacking anyone?

The whole “fandom” comment is mostly targeted at dicks like Doctor Venkman

Well, we have now.

And Pin has the nerve to tell me about being respectful

“French fan club”, “can't see past their fandom”, “not very secure with his inner Ghostbuster”… doesn't that strike as being even a little bit unneccesarily rude?

You've complained that people have taken your remarks too strongly to heart, so far you've been showing here that you're also guilty of that. What does it matter if someone doesn't completely get what you mean, does someone making a rough assumption of your points make you insecure with your own inner Ghostbuster? (*egon)

I didn't get on the topic so some of you could jump down my throat and be dicks.

Would you please stop calling people dicks, and throwing around other insults? It is not going to convince anyone to side with your case.

You need to calm down, and accept extremely quickly that people aren't going to agree with you, and will sometimes not understand your point completely. This is a part of posting on a internet forum.

Sii: Amusing, but if you could avoid posts that are only images, that would be appreciated.

by skankerzero

15 years, 5 months ago

…….though let me add, re: my prick-ness, bitchlike unappreciative attitude for wanting to be able to play as the guys instead of the french rookie. It prob wouldnt be as big of a deal to me if you couldn't play as the 4 on LIVE, etc, but you can. It like taunts me when you so badly wanted such a feature most of all to be there in the game to begin with. Why didnt they carry at least some of that LIVE single player content into the game itself, was there reasons that cant be discussed for that too???? That type of content, to me at least provides constant replay value and thought it would have been a shoo-in for this game.

I thought I had explained it before.

It all came down to the experience we wanted to tell.

The story doesn't always have 4 players in it.
The game balance is tuned to a single player.
Having 4 GBs in certain areas would tank framerate.
We would essentially be designing 2 games; single player and co-op.
Certain areas of the game would have to be re designed to fit 4 players physically.
The original GBs have to hit their marks for story telling. What happens if Egon is supposed to give exposition but the person playing Egon is off goofing around in another room?

In the end, it was explored, but we felt the better experience was the way we went. To be honest, it does feel more like the movies this way to me at least. I would have loved to include some kind of story co-op mode, but with the time constraints and such, it just wasn't going to happen. I'd rather focus on a good single player than a bad co-op.