So, is this it, nothing more to come?

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 6 months ago

Well, its September and Batman: AA is already gonna be getting DLC in just about a week…

Maybe, but it's a year later and Star Wars: the Force Unleashed got a DLC as well

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

Once again comparing apples to oranges as Skanker once put it.
I honestly do not understand peoples need for DLC. I mean…do I want DLC? Hell yeah. Will I bitch, whine and complain about not getting more? F*ck no!

Unlike some ungrateful knobs (you Brits will have to tell me if I used the word knob right) I am just happy that we got what we got, that it was well recieved, well reviewed, was moderately successful (considering the franchises track record with video games) and that it made enough to possibly get a sequel.

If you are so obsessed with getting DLC…go play Fallout 3…it had 6.

(we really need a smiley icon for that)

I was originally going to write a rationalization pointing out the difference in man-power, funding, resources, and over all popularity of both products with the general populace….but I said “f*ck it. It's going on deaf ears”


Oh and btw, giving us a “better game” is one of the points of making a sequel…despite several developers forgetting this…I am looking at you Capcom.

::edit of edit::

My apologizes, I am having a bad day and that post just came out that. While I still stand by most of my point in this…the wording could be better and less harsh so if mod would like to butter it up / cookie and cream it that’s fine by me.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 6 months ago


Amen Sistah!…er…Brotha!

by Swift_Justice

15 years, 6 months ago

Personally, I would like to know if there is DLC or not planned for the game. If there's not, fine by me, if there is, great. The developer just went quiet after the game was released. Trying to get information out of anybody related to fixing/patching the game seemed way too hard to come by.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

There is also the possibility that Terminal Reality themselves are unsure if they will be allowed to do any DLC or not.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 6 months ago

I would love to have DLC, but then It's not a big deal if we don't get it. I can't see what DLC could really add - sure we could get some more multiplayer maps, or some skins…but honestly I can't see them adding levels to the single player, how would that work? The game pretty much rounds itself out. It's not an open world game where DLC could just be tacked on and playable.

If anything, I want to see the game patched. Get the achievements (or trophies) fully working. Though from what I understand the PS3 has already had the patch, I'm guessing the Microsoft certification thing for patches and the like is a much longer process than that of Sony - that's why it's taking a while.

by ParkBench

15 years, 6 months ago

Actually, I couldn't care less about DLC. Its only with this game because it offers absolutely nothing other than “Career” mode. I'm hoping for a LOCAL challeneg mode. Myself and I know many others were expecting one to be there to begin with, so you could actually play as a GB and/or go outside of story in the game.

Hell, I dont care when it comes, it would just be cool to know if any was/is planned to be coming AT ALL. DLC adds replay value. If none, well then so be it, at least we know. Its just a constant guessing game now. With many other games like this you already knew in advance DLC was planned.

It just seems like this game has been forgotten already, DLC or not, has just faded away and lost its steam. I already see a bunch traded in at a local Gamestop.

by flameboy2

15 years, 6 months ago

Actually, I couldn't care less about DLC. Its only with this game because it offers absolutely nothing other than “Career” mode. I'm hoping for a LOCAL challeneg mode. Myself and I know many others were expecting one to be there to begin with, so you could actually play as a GB and/or go outside of story in the game.

I can live without DLC, I can't even access it anyway but (I know this is probably the thing I've talked about most since joining here) these are still exactly my thoughts. Multiplayer locally would have been ideal, but even just a simple mode where I can bust ghosts on my own locally, without the story and re-living the same cutscenes. I loved the fact the game was so much like a 3rd installment to the movies and loved playing through it, but I don't want to have to replay it.

I am grateful we got a game at all though I just wish it had a little more….and by that I mean a stripped down version of what's already there.

If the lack of this means a sequal is on the horizon then i'm all for it and take it all back, but if this is it, I really wish it included some more local modes.

by ParkBench

15 years, 6 months ago

Yea. IF there is a sequel and if not, hopefully something will come along. I guess there are games who received DLC even a year after, so who the hell knows. It would just be nice to know if anything was/is or ever will be planned.

by flameboy2

15 years, 5 months ago

If nothing else maybe TimeO will eventually get a release. I'm sure that will still have the feel of the original ghostbusting concept (*_*)

Not the same, but could be fun!