So, is this it, nothing more to come?

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 5 months ago

The main single player is perfect, unless they add levels cut out.

The multiplayer is lacking. I love it and all, but come on, more levels or at least recreate all the levels in the game, would have been better. Plus the ranking matches are not up to snuff. All we get is new colored suits? Really? DLC needs to come and if it doesn't, then it would be a big let down to a great game. The development all went into the singleplayer, which shows that, and multiplayer was added on. There could be challenge maps like said before, add more models like Louis in his GB2 gear, more modes of play, alot more maps from the movies and game, etc. SO MUCH could be added, that I am surprised nothing has been announced. Maybe October/Halloween is when it will come, but to those that say “Why ask for DLC?”, why not? The game was and is great but incomplete on the multiplayer side. Hell, you can't even kick unwanted people in the multiplayer if you want friends to join your ranked match. A good old DLC pack would round out multiplayer to be up to snuff as the singleplayer.

by Verdic

15 years, 5 months ago

The problem is no one over at Terminal Reality is giving out any feedback. Technically, if DLC doesn't come it could be considered false advertising. If you check the back of the box it states the game is to have DLC. Unless you count the patch. Counting the patch would legally clear that hurdle. Kind of a cop out though if you ask me.

I totally agree. There should be some upcoming DLC. What is encouraging coming from TR is that they went out of their way to try and fix the resolution disparity between the PS3 and XBOX 360. Although it was not completely effective, it was a very generous gesture in my eyes.

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

The problem is no one over at Terminal Reality is giving out any feedback. Technically, if DLC doesn't come it could be considered false advertising. If you check the back of the box it states the game is to have DLC.

Well then, I wish they would just tell us one way or another already. We know Skanker is on here, so why are they avoiding the topic? Just throw us some slime already so we can put this topic of DLC to rest.

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

Well then, I wish they would just tell us one way or another already. We know Skanker is on here, so why are they avoiding the topic? Just throw us some slime already so we can put this topic of DLC to rest.

Simple answer is, they just aren't allowed to say what may or may not be in the works. Sucks, but its a possibility that they've been asked not to talk about anything Ghostbusters related that isn't already released.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

And I additionally reiterate that they themselves may not know yet if they will be making any DLC

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 5 months ago

Personally, I don't think this game was that big of a hit to get DLC… GB doesn't have the following of Batman or The Sims or GTA or Halo, so the only way they could have turned this game into a runaway hit was designing an awesome… Unfortunately, this game is mediocre at best, and the only people that bought it (as opposed to renting it) are the fans…

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

I gotta disagree. It was the marketing strategy that they used which ultimately screwed them over. People are always gonna like Ghostbusters, but most people didn't even know there was a video game being made unless they were a fan or they had a subscription to Game Informer. The continued lack of marketing is contributing to a continued lack of sales.

It makes little sense to me how a product can “speak for itself” when most people don't know it's there at all, but that's what Sony and Atari were hoping for.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 5 months ago

Stayinpuff the game is mediocre? I guess we played different games….

ectospinner is correct mostly. After the game came out there was ALOT of news about it, even news sites (Can't remember my manager sent me a link) reviewed the game. The game got great reviews and was pushed out there, but in the end I think a INCOMPLETE game with lacking multiplayer! ALso remember the pc version had NO multiplayer, thus the multiplayer aspect hurt it on that platform. The game ended up being a great single player game that you COULDN'T DO F'ING COOP IN (My wife was SO disappointed that it wasn't coop) with lacking multiplayer which turned the game into: Great game that had alot of soul poured into the singleplayer but other aspects of the game made it a rental only. This is SONY's fault. I am really sad that Akyroyd and others didn't say something, maybe they did.

by Goblin

15 years, 5 months ago

I wonder if they´re thinking to make one Ghostbusters game for the DS.

Personally, I don't think this game was that big of a hit to get DLC… GB doesn't have the following of Batman or The Sims or GTA or Halo, so the only way they could have turned this game into a runaway hit was designing an awesome… Unfortunately, this game is mediocre at best, and the only people that bought it (as opposed to renting it) are the fans…

Only the fans? I don´t think so.This game has very good critics.

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

They already have DLC. Ghoul, Mayor, Peck…..which I believe someone here even posted a link to the Xbox live link, that was not yet active. Plus, the flight suit, the parade level, etc. They do have stuff, so thats not an argument.

If they had faith in the success of the game they were making, DLC would have been planned months in advance of its release like with MUA2, Batman, etc. This late in the “game”, they would know by now if they were going to do DLC. It would be nice if someone from over there just chimned in with a simple…..“yes, DLC is still planned” or a “no, sales were not good enough to warrant DLC” or even “we're still not sure on DLC”. Something, ANYTHING in regards to an update would be better than absolutely none at all.