So, is this it, nothing more to come?

by skankerzero

15 years, 5 months ago

man, all this Batman talk. I can't wait to get it when I get back to the states.

Batman is awesome.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 5 months ago

yes skanker, yes he is

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

But I AM the Bat…does that make me Awesome?

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 5 months ago

No James…No.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

I guess your right…I mean the real Bat wouldn't get his tongue stuck in the mouth slot.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 5 months ago

Now you see… that whole range of mental images just won't leave.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 5 months ago

Yah know Skanks, you should update your website…it doesn't look like it's been updated in about 4 years or so….

just sayin is all…

I mean no disrespect of course…


by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

Batman is awesome…a helluva lot more awesome than this GB game turned out.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

Batman is awesome…a helluva lot more awesome than this GB game turned out.

Then you sir had unrealistic high hopes for the game.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 5 months ago

Stayinpuff the game is mediocre? I guess we played different games….

ectospinner is correct mostly. After the game came out there was ALOT of news about it, even news sites (Can't remember my manager sent me a link) reviewed the game. The game got great reviews and was pushed out there, but in the end I think a INCOMPLETE game with lacking multiplayer! ALso remember the pc version had NO multiplayer, thus the multiplayer aspect hurt it on that platform. The game ended up being a great single player game that you COULDN'T DO F'ING COOP IN (My wife was SO disappointed that it wasn't coop) with lacking multiplayer which turned the game into: Great game that had alot of soul poured into the singleplayer but other aspects of the game made it a rental only. This is SONY's fault. I am really sad that Akyroyd and others didn't say something, maybe they did.

Well, I've been playing video games for 20+ years and I like to think I have a pretty critical eye. The game got “great” reviews? I guess we read different reviews. While the game didn't get horrible reviews, most of the big gaming site reviews I read gave it a solid B average. Those were also initial reviews and just about every one I read questioned whether the gameplay would stand up to multiple playings, and most hadn't even tested the multiplayer at the time of the review. If this game was so great, why didn't more people buy it? I have a fairly wide and diverse list of friends on my PS3 list and not a single one bought the game out of maybe 100 friends… I don't know why everyone here is in denial about this point… The game wasn't that great, get over it. How many times have you gone back to play through the single player storyline? I played through it once and never looked back. Multiplayer is also a huge disappointment. It is SO monotonous, every round is essentially the same except that some are timed and some aren't. It also sucks that they only did 4 multiplayer level settings. That makes is extra boring extra quick. Why not design some exclusive multiplayer maps? Like the rooftop of the Zuul building, or the Museum of Art, or the courthouse or the a location from GB1 that they DIDN'T already visit in the singleplayer (some places they visited TWICE!).

Sorry, I still think it's a shit game. I've probably logged maybe 20 hours on the game since I got it back in June…