So, is this it, nothing more to come?

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 5 months ago

Wasn't meant as an insult Stayinpuft, I have played games for 30 years, so I seen alot of crap and good stuff like you.

Your post echos mine: singple player was good (Well you liked it less than I did) and multi player was lacking. We can all agree on that. The game was subpar, I have to admit but shit game is not what I call it, BUT that is your opinion and that is cool. To some the multi player broke it, to others like me the single player such a piece of art it can over shadow lacking multi player. But we can all agree that this game was not what it should have been.

by Kingpin

15 years, 5 months ago

Sorry, I still think it's a shit game. I've probably logged maybe 20 hours on the game since I got it back in June…

“Okay, but I think my other guest may disagree with you”

The game for what it was, is an enjoyable romp into the world of Ghostbusters. This wasn't going to be a Halo killer, didn't have the budget for it.

What it was, was a fun experience that easily fits into the vein of the films, the comedy's all there with the actors who delivered it… and since when did we start concentrating on reviews?

As for Multiplayer, have never cared for it myself so it being poor, or whatever doesn't affect me.

As things stand, I've played through the game three times, most recent as only a few weeks ago.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 5 months ago

I love this game! It's easily my favourite of all time. The only problem i have is the way certain parts of the story are told. Like the library for example. Is Elanor Twitty a “goody” or “baddy”? N what're the kids tryin to tell you? The museum level feels rushed sometimes too. Like Egon turning up out the blue and Ilysa suddenly bein free. Aswell as the end of the lvl with peck and the mayor seems broken up. What are we meant to of done to peck? lol.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 5 months ago

“Okay, but I think my other guest may disagree with you”

The game for what it was, is an enjoyable romp into the world of Ghostbusters. This wasn't going to be a Halo killer, didn't have the budget for it.

What it was, was a fun experience that easily fits into the vein of the films, the comedy's all there with the actors who delivered it… and since when did we start concentrating on reviews?

As for Multiplayer, have never cared for it myself so it being poor, or whatever doesn't affect me.

As things stand, I've played through the game three times, most recent as only a few weeks ago.

I've said this before, but I think this game would have been much better had they not tried to promote it as a sequel… If they brought the GBs into 1991 and tried to create a brand new storyline like RGB tried to do, it probably would have faired much better… I think that they got too full of themselves and the pressure of making a GB sequel on a video game budget really got to them. They wanted too appeal to the fans SO much that they produced a carbon copy of the first movie. Hmm, that sounds familar doesn't it? *cough GB 2*…

If I had any input in the production of this game, I would have said “forget Aykroyd and Ramis and let's make our own story”. This is what they are doing with the Gb3 script. Giving it to fresh people to make something new. Obviously you'd want Aykroyd and Ramis there to do the whole mentor thing, but take some liberties of your own! The reason Aykroyd and Ramis got lead writing credit on the game is because they wrote GB1 which is so heavily relied upon in this game.

There is an inherent struggle between the quest for orginality and the need to pay hommage to tradition in all sequels. That's why most sequels suck, because they can't strike a balance between the two. Either it is so “new” that it is rejected by the fans or it is so caught up in “obeying the rules” that it is just a rehash of the previous movie(s). This could have all been avoided with GBTVG if they just made a video game adaptation of the actual movies. Take the main parts of the movies, turn them into levels and add some extra content. I think we all would have loved it alot more if they just allowed us to play through GB1 and 2 in video game fashion… Forget about creating a new storyline and just concentrate on the physics! I'd feel alot better fighting Staypuft ontop of the Zuul building than in Times Square because frankly, it's pretty cheap that they brought back all these characters in a supposedly “new” game…

Had they disposed of all the pretensions that came with “making a GB sequel” and just designed a GREAT game with a familar storyline, I would have enjoyed this game all the more! But, it's really late and I'm tired so I digress…

by skankerzero

15 years, 5 months ago

If I had any input in the production of this game, I would have said “forget Aykroyd and Ramis and let's make our own story”.
…and that would have been the exact point in which the license would have been taken away from you.

The reason Aykroyd and Ramis got lead writing credit on the game is because they wrote GB1 which is so heavily relied upon in this game.
man, you state so many certainties about this game that I would think you worked here. Do you? I seem to have missed your office over the past 3 1/2 years.

I understand where you come from, but you make it sound like everyone is complaining that we revisited places from the movie. Pretty much anyone that I've talked to about the game has told me they loved having the chance to trap Slimer and fight Stay Puft. So it's all a matter of perspective I suppose.
Fact is, focus tests were done through out the game. The reason those locations made it to the final game is because people wanted them there. Slimer and Stay Puft were the top 2 ghosts people wanted to fight.

Yah know Skanks, you should update your website…it doesn't look like it's been updated in about 4 years or so….

just sayin is all…

I mean no disrespect of course…

I'd love to, but the gap in time was Ghostbusters and we don't have official permission to post that stuff up yet.

by Yehome

15 years, 5 months ago

I would have loved to trap the Scoleri Bros thought.

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

All I know is, I didn't wait 20+ years to play as a rookie.

Thats the biggest deal here for me and the fact there is no point to this game other than career. DLC (haha, yea right) where you can pay as the 4 guys in a challenge map, would be a saving grace for this game, for me.

The only thing keeping me from trading this in (never thought I'd say that about a GB game) is my “loyalty” to the brand. Though, I still feel I should trade it in now while I can get more for it and then maybe buy it back eventually when the price drops a lot more. I have no reason to pick this game up again only to see some Ryan French…who??? in the starring role.

by Verdic

15 years, 5 months ago

If you didn't like the game in the first place, your hands should have never connected with the box. 90% of the people that have come into contact with this website have loved the game, still love the game, and are thankful to Skankerzero and the crew at Terminal Reality. Are there some shortcomings? There always are when there's a budget and a time limit involved. Get over it.

Do we all hope that Skankz or another batch of folks over at TR are still working on extra DLC? Of course. Are we going to “Trade it in and then buy it back when the price drops lower, and we're only holding onto the box for our loyalty to the brand”? No. we're not. We love the game. So if you think it's that terrible, you're standing by yourself.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 5 months ago

Here here!

by skankerzero

15 years, 5 months ago

All I know is, I didn't wait 20+ years to play as a rookie.

Thats the biggest deal here for me and the fact there is no point to this game other than career. DLC (haha, yea right) where you can pay as the 4 guys in a challenge map, would be a saving grace for this game, for me.

The only thing keeping me from trading this in (never thought I'd say that about a GB game) is my “loyalty” to the brand. Though, I still feel I should trade it in now while I can get more for it and then maybe buy it back eventually when the price drops a lot more. I have no reason to pick this game up again only to see some Ryan French…who??? in the starring role.

Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Did I like the rookie? No, but we were locked in to that for various reasons. I would have and did help plan out a character creator, but in the end it went into low priority for other reasons.

we started out with 4 player coop in mind, but it just didn't seem right as the actors had to hit specific marks for timing with comedy and the story. Basically, the player was going to have a sense of awe when playing the game for the first time, so it only made sense to make them the rookie. We also had voice squad commands, but it didn't feel right for you to be bossing around the seniors.

Also, the story is told in a way where there isn't always a group of guys together. You end up alone or only with one other guy many times. It's not as simple as ‘just drop in 4 guys’ and you got coop. There are areas in the game where the frame rate can barely handle 1 or 2 GBs because of all the things we're doing in the environment, let alone 4 or 5. The hose and backpack are the single most expensive things to render in-game if i'm not mistaken. So putting 4 guys on screen is a big deal.

In the end, if the game is not for you then I'm sorry. At least you got your 2 original movies and an upcoming one. The game stirred the pot again, and that's something all GB fans should be thankful for.