So, is this it, nothing more to come?

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

I’m not saying the game was bad, I don’t think it’s a “bad” game and never did say that once. It was fun on a first play through and had beautiful environments, and love using the proton packs…even just for destroying those beautiful environments. But after waiting so many years, I at least wanted to play as one of the Ghostbusters. I don’t care what anyone says, playing as that rookie is not the same.

And other games have done it. Each mission?, is split up on who you play as. The first could have made you have to play just as Egon, the second as Ray or Ray with Peter, the next you're just Winston to come in and save the day. Peter for a Peter oriented mission and so on and so forth. It didnt have to be co-op.

The Xbox live content allows you to play as them just great. A feature like that DEFINITELTY should have been in the game. I never thought for a second for a game like this, it would be missing. Its screams out for that kinda content. Did the game really do that bad where say a challenge map playing as one of the 4 guys fighting off a bunch of the monsters/ghosts from the movie just would not be profitable? Hell, just random ghost form the game even. There are games that waited over a year until they got content. All dialogue can just be re-used for the 4 guys. I guess ya kind just feel cheated when, I gotta say it, I have a game like Batman that not only has an amazing story mode, but an ADDITIONAL 19 CHALLENGE MAPS which includes DLC and more to come, among other things. I want to LOVE the GB game so badly, I do, but I cant and its frustrating that I don’t even wanna pick it back up to play

by Buckynohair

15 years, 5 months ago

It hasn't been said that the game definately won't be getting any dlc. But i wouldn't hold your breath till at least its been released worldwide. I think the focus is on that more than anything. I'd love some dlc love. Some kind of horde or flashback modes from the 1st or 2nd movie (especially the 2nd cuz the game covers the 1st pretty well) but if it doesn't happen so be it. I love the game and i don't mind playing as the rookie cuz it's like we're on the outside looking in. But some single player game modes where you can be the original 4 should have been implemented imo. But oh well. Top game Skanker, it truly is my favourite game of all time m8! Honestly!

by skankerzero

15 years, 5 months ago

I’m not saying the game was bad, I don’t think it’s a “bad” game and never did say that once. It was fun on a first play through and had beautiful environments, and love using the proton packs…even just for destroying those beautiful environments. But after waiting so many years, I at least wanted to play as one of the Ghostbusters. I don’t care what anyone says, playing as that rookie is not the same.

And other games have done it. Each mission?, is split up on who you play as. The first could have made you have to play just as Egon, the second as Ray or Ray with Peter, the next you're just Winston to come in and save the day. Peter for a Peter oriented mission and so on and so forth. It didnt have to be co-op.

The Xbox live content allows you to play as them just great. A feature like that DEFINITELTY should have been in the game. I never thought for a second for a game like this, it would be missing. Its screams out for that kinda content. Did the game really do that bad where say a challenge map playing as one of the 4 guys fighting off a bunch of the monsters/ghosts from the movie just would not be profitable? Hell, just random ghost form the game even. There are games that waited over a year until they got content. All dialogue can just be re-used for the 4 guys. I guess ya kind just feel cheated when, I gotta say it, I have a game like Batman that not only has an amazing story mode, but an ADDITIONAL 19 CHALLENGE MAPS which includes DLC and more to come, among other things. I want to LOVE the GB game so badly, I do, but I cant and its frustrating that I don’t even wanna pick it back up to play

Well I don't want you to think you're telling us anything new either.

Things happened for reasons I cannot tell you for legal reasons.

In the end it's all budgets and contracts of which I don't know the details of.

It's not really as easy as you may think. A game like Batman doesn't have to deal with likness rights, or celebrities the stature of Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd. Plus, I think the Batman team was a couple hundred people.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 5 months ago

I'd love to, but the gap in time was Ghostbusters and we don't have official permission to post that stuff up yet.

Well that, amongst everything else you've posted, maked sense.

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

Didnt think I'd do it, but I traded the game in today

Had to do it while the value was still high, I wasnt playin' it. I'll get Ghostbusters again, when its a lot cheaper.

by drspengler2

15 years, 5 months ago

The game wasn't a big screen sequel, but it's the next best thing and a great ride.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 5 months ago

Didnt think I'd do it, but I traded the game in today

Had to do it while the value was still high, I wasnt playin' it. I'll get Ghostbusters again, when its a lot cheaper.

You didn't HAVE to trade it in, you DECIDED to trade it in. Don't try to make out that the game itself has forced you into a trade. I myself haven't played it since I beat it when it came out, but I'm not feeling the need to trade it. In fact, i'll probably sit down and play it again at some point soon.

Is it the greatest game ever? No. Was it going to be? No. Is it entertaining? Yes. I have some negativity towards the game, but I also see it for what it is. Entertainment.

And look, I got dragged into an argument. Will I ever learn? No. :p

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

Argument? Anyway…nothing forced me, not at all. But I'm not gonna keep a game I dont play which only offers nothing more than 9 or so hours of career only gameplay when I can get such a high trade-in for it still. This game will not hold a high trade-in very long. My local gamestop already has like 12 just sitting there. Was just logical. I only keep games that have replay value and offer more than this game did. Always been like that. If the game was at least longer, had at least separate missions, challenge maps, etc like offered on Live, SOMETHING where you could actually play as a GB, then I wouldnt even think of trading this in, would have stayed put.

Every time I looked at the game I'd get excited, until I quickly realized all I could possibly do was the same repeated story over and over with the same outcome, same everything we all have already done. You couldn’t even carry over. It was more fun for me to just pop in one of the movies or an episode of the RGB instead. For anyone else who's perfectly fine with just that of what the game offered, awesome for you guys. Just unfortunate that it seems the game was forgotten about the day it came out, not to be heard about again. Yet so many of these other games still had or still have a buzz goin on, DLC, etc after its release.

I just never thought when a GB game, which I've always wanted finally came, I'd ever trade it in, but alas…now I got 2 other games out of it which offer great replay value. Because I love GB, Ghostbusters: The Video Game will be back in my collection one day when it drops more at Blockbuster or Gamestop, but until then…! Just the logical thing to do for me was the trade-in. Were the sales even good enough to warrant another game? I’d love to see one offering everything this one was missing and no damn rookie, since it seems DLC aint happenin. Eh, prob if a 3rd movie happens that will be it. Would have been much cooler and made a better plot if they would have gone with the Ghoul they trapped instead of some random “rookie” that pops outta nowhere.

by skankerzero

15 years, 5 months ago

I’d love to see one offering everything this one was missing and no damn rookie, since it seems DLC aint happenin. Eh, prob if a 3rd movie happens that will be it. Would have been much cooler and made a better plot if they would have gone with the Ghoul they trapped instead of some random “rookie” that pops outta nowhere.

You do realize that this game was serving as a transition for the franchise. Any future games probably won't have the original guys in it anymore. Or at least they won't be playable.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 5 months ago

Would have been much cooler and made a better plot if they would have gone with the Ghoul they trapped instead of some random “rookie” that pops outta nowhere.

Wait… are you suggesting that playing a ghost that becomes a Ghostbuster would've been cooler and “a better plot”? Really? An actual person, who gets hired by a very active business that needs more staff, and is a Rookie on the job was a bad plot to you, but a Ghoul becoming a Ghostbuster would be a cool plot?