So, is this it, nothing more to come?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

I can just imagine the hijicks.

The Baby Ghostbuster trying to hide their operation from the Nanny.

Baby Walter Peck trying to tell on them constantly.

The Baby Ghostbusters never getting into trouble due to their “snowball artistry” as Baby Peck would put it.

And plus with Peck and Venkman babies…the whole “Magic Word” bit would be cuter.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 5 months ago

Baby Peck: “and why can't I see the Toy Storage Facility Baby Venkman?”

Baby Peter: "Because you did not use the magic word

Baby Peck: ”What is the magic word?“

Baby Peter: ”Pwease.“

Baby Peck: ”Could I pwease see the Toy Storage Facility Baby Venkman.“

Baby Peter: ”No.“


sounds better with the cutesy baby voices

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

I am going to get right to producing that…

Thats comedy gold right there.

Instead of having a baby Staypuft you could have a 6 or 7 year old Staypuft (for size reasons).

Baby Gozer: Aw you a Gawd?

Baby Ray: No

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 5 months ago

Oooh! Can I help?

Are you twubbled by stwange noises in the night?

Have you or your famiwee seen a spook, spwectre, or ghost?

If the answer is Yes then don't wait another minute, call the:

Baby Ghostbusters!

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

And this is why I'm glad you had nothing to do with the project.

Ah, I guess I better watch out, everyone is very serious around here I see….unless they like to laugh at their own ‘jokes’.

But either way, I think their Ghoul was cool. You shouldn't knock their Ghoul character they deisgned….

Hopefully one day a GB game will see the light of day where Ryan French isn't the star and you can actually play as an actual, real Ghostbuster.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

Ah, I guess I better watch out, everyone is very serious around here I see….unless they like to laugh at their own ‘jokes’.

But either way, I think their Ghoul was cool. You shouldn't knock their Ghoul character they deisgned….

The Ghoul design was kinda “Meh” honestly.

Hopefully one day a GB game will see the light of day where Ryan French isn't the star and you can actually play as an actual, real Ghostbuster.

And when that day comes you will STILL find something wrong with it and bitch, whine, and complain and trade it away (while posting about it like it is a big deal or something) and then continue to the go on about how one day the franchise will see the light of day when X happens. I have seen it before…it's vicious cycle.

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

No, not really. But if that makes ya feel better…ok.

Ya see, you have to learn that criticism isnt a bad thing. The only “big deal” here is you obviously dont seem to like that someone may not see this game in the same light you do. Thats ok though. I know for you fanboys, in your world everything is always perfect when it comes to GB, but I'm confident enough of a fan to be able to not HAVE to love everything related to GB and speak about what I disliked about elements of it. Agree or disagree. I liked the game and will own it again when it continues to drop in value, but sorry, it wasnt the game I've been waiting for and you’re just being naive if you think this game was flawless. Hell, as awesome and jam packed as a game like Batman Arkham was, I’ll still list some of its faults, especially in relation to the lame lack of boss fights.

If I could actually play as a Ghostbuster…this is a GHOSTBUSTERS game right, I don't think that's a very high expectation, and it offered some sort of challenge map, etc, just something outside of the 9 o so hour story mode, it would have been close to perfect for me and I‘d be replayin it all the time. But, I wasn’t gonna replay it anytime soon and so the $40 trade-in was well worth it and the logical thing to do until the big price drop. You love the game? That's awesome for you, I'm glad you’re having a blast with it every time you pick up that controller. For me, it was great fun on a first play through. That’s about it. So, I guess it sucks for me then huh? I will play it again though.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

I know for you fanboys, in your world everything is always perfect when it comes to GB
No, not really. But if that makes ya feel better…ok.

Perfect Answer.

I am just a gamer. Plain and simple. With the expection of sports games that are practically the same released every year with no real innovation I am biased to not game, no game company, or franchise. I do not care how the game looks as long as it is fun. If it has a compelling story I can even over look glitches or bum gameplay…such as the Original Xbox game Advent Rising.

For me the GB game had both. It was fun to play and it had a story that kept me on the edge of my seat. I could'nt wait for the story to draw to a conclusion in order to see how it was going to conclude.

by ParkBench

15 years, 5 months ago

Look, there were really only 2 elements of the game I didnt care for and I dont care to repeat them again. Like I've said, I still liked most of the game/story overall and will own it again one day.

Lets put this into perspective. Just think, when the Batman game was announced, what if they would have said you wont even be able to play as Batman, but play only as Alfred or hell, even just Robin. I can't even imagine the backlash that would have gotten.

I kinda think one of the reasons the Ryan French aspect of the GB game didnt get even more “backlash”, is because people were so caught up on how bad movie to video games go, this game looked so good in comparison, people were just happy to see a decent movie video game finally.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

Lets put this into perspective. Just think, when the Batman game was announced, what if they would have said you wont even be able to play as Batman, but play only as Alfred or hell, even just Robin. I can't even imagine the backlash that would have gotten.

I understood your point from the very begining and disagree…

Btw, a game about a team of people versus a game about singular individual is a bad comparison for your point.