So it'll be like Extreme Ghostbusters only with all of the guys?

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 8 months ago

I know later on in Extreme Ghostbusters the other 3 ghostbusters came back. But anyway, that's what I've heard. They're hiring new ghostbusters, training them, then retiring. I'm actually fine with that.

by philmorgan81

14 years, 8 months ago

I'm cool with that as well. I think seeing the original guys mentor a new group will be fine, just as long as they suit up one last time before the end of the film. That would be super.

by ToastDuster

14 years, 8 months ago

i just get the feeling that this entire film will be put together for no other reason than to ‘reboot’ the franchise with a different cast for future sequels that nobody will frankly want.

I'd much rather have a final third act with the regular team, completeing a trilogy brilliantly.
I can;t help but think this movie, with the direction their taking, will not be good at all.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 8 months ago

I enjoyed Extreme Ghostbusters, but I would want a third movie to focus on the original Ghostbusters and not a new team, although that idea was bound to happen sooner or later…again.

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 8 months ago

I'm starting to get the same feeling I got around 99' when Sony officially closed the doors on a possible third movie.

Something just seems strange that there's no real new rumors, there's nothing really seeming to be springing up lately, and since Sigourney's slip-up last year, the same stuff keeps circulating.

I mean I've heard everything from dead Venkman to an all woman recruitment, and something about it just is starting to not sit well with me. I just hope that whatever happens (and hopefully it's soon) that it's worth the light of day. Honestly, if they can't come to agree on something and just get to work already, then they need to stop pulling at our strings.

by PhilHos

14 years, 8 months ago

I'm starting to get the same feeling I got around 99' when Sony officially closed the doors on a possible third movie.

Something just seems strange that there's no real new rumors, there's nothing really seeming to be springing up lately, and since Sigourney's slip-up last year, the same stuff keeps circulating.

I mean I've heard everything from dead Venkman to an all woman recruitment, and something about it just is starting to not sit well with me. I just hope that whatever happens (and hopefully it's soon) that it's worth the light of day. Honestly, if they can't come to agree on something and just get to work already, then they need to stop pulling at our strings.

I remember way back in the late 90s, maybe early 00s, there was talk of a 4th Indiana Jones movie. I got really excited. I loved Indiana Jones. There was discouragment though as none of the 3 principles involved (Spielberg, Lucas, Ford) could agree on the plot or any details really. Rumors kinda died down. However, as I'm sure you all remember, a 4th movie was indeed made.

Of course, not everyone liked it. I liked it as I viewed it ore of an homage to the original trilogy, but not everyone felt as I did.

The moral of this story is that in all likelihood a 3rd GB movie will be made. The only real question is if it's going to be liked or hated by fans. History says both - it'll be loved and hated by fans.

by GB3

14 years, 8 months ago

Theres nothing new going on or any updates. Yet we've heard more about Men in Black 3 developments lately compared to GB3 from Sony. Even Bad Boys 3 has had a bit more interest as well from Sony. It really seems Sony is desperate for extending any of their old movie properties. It doesn't help their Spiderman movies is already going into a reboot. They seem to want to do Ghost Rider 2. They dumped owning MGM Studios (one wonders why they even bothered to optain them in the first place), so they no longer have the James Bond franchise. Only one Bond film bears the Columbia/Sony Pics name. Now if we can get GB3 updates we'd be fine.

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 7 months ago

Theres nothing new going on or any updates. Yet we've heard more about Men in Black 3 developments lately compared to GB3 from Sony. Even Bad Boys 3 has had a bit more interest as well from Sony. It really seems Sony is desperate for extending any of their old movie properties. It doesn't help their Spiderman movies is already going into a reboot. They seem to want to do Ghost Rider 2. They dumped owning MGM Studios (one wonders why they even bothered to optain them in the first place), so they no longer have the James Bond franchise. Only one Bond film bears the Columbia/Sony Pics name. Now if we can get GB3 updates we'd be fine.

See what I am waiting on is SDCC. I really hope that some news (other than new figures) manages to make its way out of the conference. I mean there hasn't been anything relevant that has happened lately, and I'd just hope that something is going to happen soon.

I mean this property is going to make some money in the theaters, Nostalgia alone is enough to power ticket sales.