So, last sunday I was almost arrested by Marine Patrol...

by AdamBestler

16 years, 7 months ago

Meh. If we kill him now, we'll never get to witness the day he finally comes out of the closet.

I'm gay.

Now what's your excuse?

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 7 months ago

If you WANT me to do it, it ruins my fun.

by Kingpin

16 years, 7 months ago

WTF it's a seacow, if it were a regular cow no one would care,

I'm sure the farmer would. And by your own admission, you knew it was an endangered species and so surely it occurred to you that there'd be some sort of protection order on them… especially with them being ‘federal level’ endangerment.

and don't act like you've never wondered what manatee tastes like, ‘cause you’re a liar if you do

Guess I'm a liar then… I have never devoted a single iota of my existance to wondering what a Manatee tastes like.

I bet it's like beef, but good for you, like how fish is.

BTW Ostrich meat is totally like beef. I didn't know this until I ate it, and I was really expecting it to be like a giant chicken.

You expect it to taste like beef just because it's a ‘sea cow’? And Ostrich to taste like chicken because it's a giant bird?

I wish the Marines had arrested you, what you did was moronic and boasting about it here shows how much you really care. If only gross stupidity could be a prosecutable offence.

by misfit1

16 years, 7 months ago

I don't think it's that big of a deal, no manatees where hurt in the process, and at the end of the day, everyone does dumb things once in a while.
It can't have been too terrible an act for the Marines to let her and her friends off.

I can safely say i've never wondered what a manatee tastes like, Hell, I can't even remember what a normal cow tastes like, let alone a sea cow.

by DonkeyPunch

16 years, 7 months ago

I'm sure the farmer would. And by your own admission, you knew it was an endangered species and so surely it occurred to you that there'd be some sort of protection order on them… especially with them being ‘federal level’ endangerment.

You're right, however I wasn't aware they were still considered endangered versus just protected, there's a difference. However, if anyone really gave a shit, then you wouldn't be allowed to drive a boat in any area that manatees maybe in, instead of just posting a lame ass sign that simply says “no wake zone, manatee area” because that's doing a whole lot of good, considering I've never seen one without massive amount of boat propeller scars.

Guess I'm a liar then… I have never devoted a single iota of my existance to wondering what a Manatee tastes like.

So sorry you're lame and can't see a joke when one is presented.

You expect it to taste like beef just because it's a ‘sea cow’? And Ostrich to taste like chicken because it's a giant bird?

I never said I expected Ostrich to taste like chicken, I said I thought it's meat would be like chicken, as in poultry. Turkey doesn't taste like chicken, but holy shit, boy does it look the same, la di fucking da.

I wish the Marines had arrested you, what you did was moronic and boasting about it here shows how much you really care. If only gross stupidity could be a prosecutable offence.

The Marines never tried to arrest me, they don't have that authority, this was the Marine Patrol, as in Florida Fish and Wildlife, as in regular old cops, po po, 5-0, Pigs, whatever the fuck, same thing except with boats, so talk about gross stupidity. And once again, you obviously don't know a joke when you see one, so go ahead be angry on the internet or however else you get your rocks off, Bud.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

I don't wanna sound like an ass but Manatees are an endangered species. I know you were just having fun with the mother but the baby idea is just stupid and dumb.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 6 months ago

Am I the only one that gets that fact that Donkey was drunk when this happened, thus impairing sense of right and wrong?

I mean, at least you didn't try and take it's bucket.

by cj1

16 years, 6 months ago

Am I the only one that gets that fact that Donkey was drunk when this happened, thus impairing sense of right and wrong?

I mean, at least you didn't try and take it's bucket.

Not really…

I could also add to this by iterating a story of a friend of mine who, while more than just inebriated, proceeded to eat a turtle…raw. Just fathom how he was able to crack that shell.

On topic, I actually wasn't aware myself that it was illegal to ride a manatee. They wash up on our beach all the time and people and tourists crowd around to take pictures of the things.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Yea. Thats cuz they're too stupid to call animal control or the coast guard. Cuz thats what they're supposed to do.

Its actually illegal to touch them period. I think by law you're supposed to vacate a body of water when a manatee swims into it. At least thats what I was told by the sign in the state park in Florida a few years ago.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 6 months ago

Only like 45% of people actually obey those no wake signs, if I recall correctly. I can't say I'm too well read on environmental law in Fl.