So, this guy Bin Laden is dead...

by BigMac

13 years, 9 months ago

I don't exactly understand how it prevents them from making a shrine. They don't need the body to make a shrine.

This is like claiming to have killed Santa Claus, and to have disposed of his body at sea, but backing up the claims with his DNA.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 9 months ago

This is like claiming to have killed Santa Claus, and to have disposed of his body at sea, but backing up the claims with his DNA.

That´s exactly my point.

by JonathanArcher

13 years, 9 months ago

Good riddence to bad rubbish. Funny though, the conspiercy people still think he's alive.

by BigMac

13 years, 9 months ago

I watched a news clip on Yahoo just now, announcing that Osama bin Laden was unarmed when killed. As highly trained military personnel, I think they could have captured him, especially with him being unarmed.

Many of the comments being left under the news clip are say things like, “Those who lost their lives on 9/11 were unarmed too, so he deserved the same”. Apparently, most people are too emotional to think about how it would have been more sensible to capture him. For some examples:

1. We would have better evidence to prove that it really is him.
2. We could find out more information about how he eluded capture.
3. We could determine exactly what we want to do with him.

by BigMac

13 years, 9 months ago

I watched a news clip on Yahoo just now, announcing that Osama bin Laden was unarmed when killed. As highly trained military personnel, I think they could have captured him, especially with him being unarmed.

Many of the comments left under the news clip say things like, “Those who lost their lives on 9/11 were unarmed too, so he deserved the same”. Apparently, most people are too emotional to think about how it would have been more sensible to capture him. For some examples:

1. We would have better evidence to prove that it really is him.
2. We could find out more information about how he eluded capture.
3. We could determine exactly what we want to do with him.

by Kingpin

13 years, 9 months ago

He never would've allowed himself to be captured alive, nor would he have divulged information to the west.

by AdamBestler

13 years, 9 months ago

Burying him at sea was a not a good idea. Killing him in the first place was a mistake, in my opinion. I don't sympathize with Osama, nor do I care for any of the violence that was carried out in his name. This isn't a triumph at all. All this is going to amount to is more violence. Watch and see. This whole ordeal makes me sick.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 9 months ago

I don't exactly understand how it prevents them from making a shrine. They don't need the body to make a shrine.

This is like claiming to have killed Santa Claus, and to have disposed of his body at sea, but backing up the claims with his DNA.

Astounding… really? Santa Claus? A fictional character. You're likening having DNA evidence of Osama bin Laden being killed to having DNA evidence of Santa Claus being killed, simply because they haven't released the photos of his dead body yet?

Yes, its still possible to make a shrine. But not one involving his body, which would obviously be more meaningful to his supporters.

You also make claims that we could've obtained information from him, which is simply conjecture on your part. The man was more than likely never going to give any information. Also, from what I've read, there was a gun fight prior to his death. You do not know that he was unarmed, or that he would've allowed himself to be captured.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 9 months ago

Adam Bestler;170876
Burying him at sea was a not a good idea. Killing him in the first place was a mistake, in my opinion. I don't sympathize with Osama, nor do I care for any of the violence that was carried out in his name. This isn't a triumph at all. All this is going to amount to is more violence. Watch and see. This whole ordeal makes me sick.

If he was captured and held somewhere, that would've led to attacks on wherever he was, or attacks on American soil until he was returned.

He was going to continue to plot the murders of thousands.

This will not create more violence. At the worst, whatever violence he had planned will still be carried out. At least now, he isn't around to plot more. Yes, his supporters could try to pick up where he left off, but to say that this isn't a triumph, or that burying him at sea without giving any reason as to why, is just being shortsighted.

We cut off the head of the snake. Its an accomplishment. It is a triumph. I agree that things aren't over simply because he is dead. But you have to win battles to win the war. This was a battle. And you're damn right its a victory.

by AdamBestler

13 years, 9 months ago

What I wonder is this: would less people suffer and die if he was alive, or if he was dead?