So What Did You Get For Christmas?

by pantshater24

17 years, 2 months ago

hey a collection is a collection. at least it's not spores molds or funguses. or barbies…

some people here have feelings you know =[

oh i know people here have feelings. though that doesn't mean you should collect barbies. you do collect barbies don't you?

by inebriantia

17 years, 2 months ago

Ping Pong Table

I would only leave my house to go to work if I had a ping pong table.

Yeah I can't wait to play it. I haven't even opened up the box yet. I've been busy trying to learn all about this HD stuff and setting up my home theater. I got a 360 and Wii about a month ago, and it's like I'm playing video games for the first time, lol. There is just such a big difference from 480 and 1080p. Hopefully within a month I'll find me a wireless surround system and get that all set-up, thought about getting a Bose, but it's just too much, I don't think I wanna spend that much.

But yes after I set-up my ping pong table I really probably won't spend much time outta my house, cept for when my girlfriend wants to go out, lol.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 2 months ago

So far…

- “Robot Chicken” Volume 3 (“My son won't stop masturbating!”) from the old ball and chain
- Said ball and chain's parents and grandparents both gave me $100 (interestingly enough, my step-grandmother/father sent me $10…)

by Dr.D

16 years, 2 months ago

The Real Ghostbusters Complete Series
Planet of the Apes Retro Cornelius and Soldier Ape
Star Trek TWOK Death of Spock set
Star Wars: Force Unleashed
The Dark Knight Blu-Ray
Sideshow POTA Caesar and Soldier Gorilla

by Yehome

16 years, 2 months ago

- A comic about the Beatles
- A can of slime
- A radio controlled copter which is already broken.

I hate Christmas.

by demonaz

16 years, 2 months ago

- Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360)
- Cologne, Aftershave set.
- New bowling ball (Black Widow Venom)
- Coupon for pair of bowling shoes
- Coupon for bowling ball drilling
- New Adidas Sneakers
- A tee shirt
- $10 Best Buy gift card

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 2 months ago

Dead Space for my 360. That is all.

by BigMac

16 years, 2 months ago

A weighing scale, at last I can find out my weight whenever I want.

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 2 months ago

20 dollar gift card to borders

Lunar Silver star story complete (playstation)

Lunar 2 (playstation)

Wild arms 2 (Playstation)

Ghostbusters vol 1

Chrono trigger DS

3 months of xbox live.

Zen of zombie - better living through the undead.

by Dreamstalker

16 years, 2 months ago

–Hell Girl “gift basket”; DVD, Emma Ai figure, 2 soundtracks, pin, phone strap, keychain
–Professor Layton and the Curious Village
–serpentine triceratops fetish
–Ugly Doll “Ugly Ghost” keychain
–Tokyopop Ghostbusters vol. 1
–Real Ghostbusters Complete Collection (now who do I owe my soul to for that?)
–box o' swag from ThinkGeek which is in transit (shipping was probably delayed by the weird weather we've been having)

A lot of gifts were in the suitcases which are still missing (canceled flight from Oakland to Portland on Sunday, we made it back to Albuquerque but the luggage didn't and the airline is still looking for it–what deity did we tick off and how?).